democratjc renewal of macedonia democratjc renewal of

Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia MEETINGS WITH BIG INDUSTRIAL POLLUTORS MEETINGS WITH BIG INDUSTRIAL POLLUTORS in GAZI BABA in GAZI BABA Afuer receiving complaints from citjzens of the Gazi Baba and DOM is

  1. Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia Democratjc Renewal of Macedonia

  2. MEETINGS WITH BIG INDUSTRIAL POLLUTORS MEETINGS WITH BIG INDUSTRIAL POLLUTORS in GAZI BABA in GAZI BABA Afuer receiving complaints from citjzens of the Gazi Baba and DOM is absolutely against prolonging the deadline for the Butel municipalitjes concerning the appearance of clouds of applicatjon of the environmental standards to 2019 and smoke on the 18 th of March 2013, originatjng in the area of recommends providing sofu loans by the government to the the Zelezara factory (Makstjl), the president of DOM, Liljana biggest pollutants which would by no means exclude Popovska and the fjrst people on the municipal council investments by the concerned companies. electjon lists of Skopje, Gazi Baba and Butel, Denko Skalovski, Miroslav Bogdanovski and Zlatko Jordanovski met with a representatjve from Makstjl AD.

  3. Makstjl failed to respect the Makstjl failed to respect the deadline and requested a 6 deadline and requested a 6 month extension month extension DOM supported the protests DOM supported the protests against the pollutants held on 24 against the pollutants held on 24 April 2014 April 2014 DOM publicly demanded penaltjes for DOM publicly demanded penaltjes for the pollutant and asked the money to the pollutant and asked the money to be used exclusively for improving be used exclusively for improving environmental conditjons and rising environmental conditjons and rising new green areas near the industrial new green areas near the industrial pollutant. pollutant. Representatjves of DOM atuended the Representatjves of DOM atuended the protest, as well as from the Youth protest, as well as from the Youth Organizatjons (MODOM) and the party Organizatjons (MODOM) and the party spokesperson, Toni Ristov gave a spokesperson, Toni Ristov gave a statement to the media. statement to the media.

  4. DOM publicly demands a meetjng with DOM publicly demands a meetjng with Makstjl and Jugohrom offjcials Makstjl and Jugohrom offjcials 2 Јuly 2014 2 Јuly 2014 DOM publicly demands meetjng with Makstjl and Jugohrom afuer all the offjcial requests have been ignored for two years. Makstjl and Jugohrom are the only major pollutants that are not acceptjng ecological dialogue, but at the same tjme the only ones that did not respect the deadline for adaptatjons. They are not afgected by the imposed fjnes, nor by the citjzens’ appeals, they contjnue with the pollutjon making profjt on account of the people’s health. DOM demands a meetjng with the management of these companies, in the presence of NGOs and citjzens to face the arguments and to exit from the polluted tunnel. If their arrogant behavior contjnues, DOM demands the Environmental Inspectorate to impose PROHIBITON OF OPERATION. The pollutants that did not want to invest in environmental adjustments on tjme, so they have to stop operatjng now in order to save us from the toxic substances. DRM reminds that on these electjons an ecological programming pact was arranged in which one of the fjve points was STOP FOR THE POLLUTANTS, so all the partners were expected to advocate for implementatjon, for the benefjt of all the citjzens of Macedonia regardless of their politjcal, ethnical or any other type of difgerence.

  5. DOM requests closing Makstjl and Jugohrom untjl they adjust their emissions DOM requests closing Makstjl and Jugohrom untjl they adjust their emissions 05 July 2014 05 July 2014 DOM continues with the support to the citizens’ initiative “STOP for the pollution from Zelezara”. The protest is justified because no one has the right to put the public health in danger and threaten the right on healthy environment. DOM calls upon the Environmental Inspectorate to immediately cease operation of Makstil and Jugohrom, at least until they adjust with the ecological standards. Representatives from DOM and the party’s youth wing (MODOM) were also present at the protest and the party spokesman addressed the media.

  6. Маkstjl fjnally opened its doors Маkstjl fjnally opened its doors 9 Јuly 2014 9 Јuly 2014 After many requests and protests, Makstil finally opened its doors for the public. At the event besides Liljana Popovska, the president of DOM and other party representatives, the vice- minister for Environment and Physical Planning Stevo Temelkovski, the environmental inspector and NGO representatives were present. Makstil publicly promised that they will respect the final deadline for ecological adjustments which is set on 31.10.2014. Furthermore, Popovska suggested that Makstil is closed until they finish the ecological adjustments because it is only their fault for the constant postponing of the deadline.

  7. DOM fjled a lawsuit against Makstjl DOM fjled a lawsuit against Makstjl 29 Јuly 2014 29 Јuly 2014 DOM filed a lawsuit against Makstil concerning the following violations: - Pollution of the environment and nature (article 218) and - Threatening the living environment with wasteful materials (article 230). The lawsuit is recalling upon violations of the Environmental Law (article 138, item (1) for failing to meet the 01.04.2014 deadline for ecological adjustments and the Macedonian Constitution (article 43 item 2 which states “everyone has the duty to improve and protect the living environment and nature”).

  8. 26 December 2014 26 December 2014 In the period from 12 to 15 of January Makstjl In the period from 12 to 15 of January Makstjl will start operatjng the system for dedustjng will start operatjng the system for dedustjng and will restart the “Chelicharnica” plant which and will restart the “Chelicharnica” plant which was closed because it failed to fulfjll the was closed because it failed to fulfjll the ecological standards for obtaining an A- ecological standards for obtaining an A- integrated ecological permission. integrated ecological permission.


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