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play Can we use technology to achieve justice on a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Can we use technology to achieve justice on a mass scale? Philippa Heir Senior Solicitor (Insurance) 9 November 2016 Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1 Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1 CCI Gap

  1. – Can we use technology to achieve justice on a mass scale? Philippa Heir Senior Solicitor (Insurance) 9 November 2016 Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  2. Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  3. CCI Gap Warranty On car loans, personal Sold with cars or car Only on car finance loans, credit cards finance Unemployment, Life, Only pays when car Covers mechanical and/or disability written off breakdowns coverage Pays to credit provider if Pays ‘gap’ left after other Look for ‘discretionary’ claim made out insurance pays out clause Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  4. Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  5. Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  6. • Over 220 letters • Nearly $430,000 refunds requested • Media stories • Community training Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1

  7. Join the conversation @CowenCentre #SZCC 1


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