database normalization

Database Normalization Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew - PDF document

Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Database Normalization Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew ( Department of Computer Engineering Khon Kaen University 1 Overview What and why normalization Background to normalization

  1. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Database Normalization Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew ( Department of Computer Engineering Khon Kaen University 1 Overview  What and why normalization  Background to normalization  Functional dependency  Superkey  Candidate key  Primary key  Normal forms and their purposes  1NF  2NF 2  3NF What and why normalization  Normalization is a systematic way of ensuring that a database structure is suitable for general-purpose querying and free of certain undesirable characteristics — insertion, update, and deletion anomalies — that could lead to a loss of data integrity  Integrity constraints, in particular functional dependencies , can be used to identify schemas with such problems and to suggest refinements. 3 1 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  2. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Normalized tables  Informally, a relational database table is often described as "normalized" if it is in the third normal form (3NF)  Most 3NF tables are free of insertion, update, and deletion anomalies, i.e. in most cases 3NF tables adhere to BCNF, 4NF, and 5NF (but typically not 6NF) 4 When we apply normalization  A standard piece of database design guidance is that the designer should begin by fully normalizing the design  Selectively denormalize only in places where doing so is absolutely necessary to address performance issues  Some modeling disciplines, such as the dimensional modeling approach to data warehouse design, explicitly recommend non-normalized designs 5 Functional dependency  Functional dependency: Attribute B has a functional dependency on attribute B (i.e., A -> B)  If, for each value of attribute A, there is exactly one value of attribute B  If value of A is repeating in tuples then value of B will also repeat  In our example, branch address and branch phone number has a functional dependency on branch no. 6 2 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  3. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) All instance that satisfies AB  C A B C D a1 b1 c1 d1 a1 b1 c1 d2 a1 b2 c2 d1 a2 b1 c3 d1 7 Trivial functional dependency  Trivial functional dependency  A trivial functional dependency is a functional dependency of attribute of a superset of itself  Examples  {Branch No, Branch Address} -> {Branch Address}  {Branch Address} -> {Branch Address} 8 Full functional dependency  An attribute is fully functional dependency on a set of attributes X if it is  Functionally dependent on X, and  Not functionally dependent on any proper subset of X  Example:  {Employee Address} has a functional dependency on {Employee ID, Skill}, but not a full functional dependency because it is also dependent on {Employee ID} 9 3 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  4. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Transitive dependency  Transitive dependency is an indirect functional dependency, one in which X → Z only by virtue of X → Y and Y → Z  Example:  Employee ID -> Employee office  Employee office -> Employee phone  Employee ID -> Employee phone 10 Superkey  Superkey  A superkey is an attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies rows within a table  Two distinct rows are always guaranteed to have distinct superkeys  Example  {Employee ID, Salary, Year} would be a superkey for the {Employee ID, Salary, Bonus, Year} table  {Employee ID, Year} would also be a 11 superkey Candidate key  Candidate key is a minimal superkey, that is, a superkey for which we can say that no proper subset of it is also a superkey  Example:  {Employee ID, Year} would be a candidate key for the table {Employee ID, Salary, Bonus, Year} table. 12 4 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  5. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Non-prime attribute  A non-prime attribute is an attribute that does not occur in any candidate key  Bonus would be a non-prime attribute in the "Employees' Bonus" table. 13 Primary key  Most DBMSs require a table to be defined as having a single unique key, rather than a number of possible unique keys  A primary key is a candidate key which the database designer has designated for this purpose 14 Example: Constraints on Entity Set  Consider relation obtained from Hourly_Emps:  Hourly_Emps ( ssn, name, lot, rating, hrly_wages , hrs_worked )  Notation : We will denote this relation schema by listing the attributes: SNLRWH  This is really the set of attributes {S,N,L,R,W,H}.  Sometimes, we will refer to all attributes of a relation by using the relation name. (e.g., Hourly_Emps for SNLRWH)  Some FDs on Hourly_Emps:  ssn is the key: S  SNLRWH  rating determines hrly_wages : R  W 15 5 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  6. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Data redundancy example1 (1/3) ssn name lot rating Hr_Wages Hr_Worked 1 A 48 8 10 40 2 B 22 8 10 30 3 C 35 5 7 30 4 D 35 5 7 32 5 E 35 8 10 40 16 Data redundancy example1 (2/3)  Redu dunda ndant nt Stora rage ge: The rating value 8 corresponds to the hourly wage 10, and this association is repeated three times  Upda date e Anoma malie lies: s: The hourly_wages in the first tuple could be updated without making a similar change in the second tuple 17 Data redundancy example1 (3/3)  Inserti rtion Anomalies: We cannot insert a tuple for an employee unless we know the hourly wage for the employee‟s rating value  Deletion A Anomalies: If we delete all tuples with a given rating value (e.g., we delete the tuples for C and D) we lose the association between the rating value and its hourly_wage value 18 6 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  7. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Decompositions (1/2)  Redundancy arises when a relational schema forces an association between attributes that is not natural.  Functional dependencies can be used to identify such situations and suggest refinement to the schema 19 Decompositions (2/2)  The essential idea is that many problems arising from redundancy can be addressed by replacing a relation with a collection of „smaller‟ relations  R consists of replacing the relation schema by two (or more) relation schemas that each contain a subset of attributes of R and together include all attributes in R 20 Examples  We can decompose Hourly_Emps into two relations:  Hourly_Emps2(ssn, name, lot, rating, hours_worked)  Wages(rating, hourly_wages)  This is more efficient than updating several tuples (as in the original design), and it eliminates the potential for inconsistency 21 7 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  8. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Data redundancy example2 Redundant Storage: the branchNo B001 and B002 corresponds to their branchAddress and telNo are repeated 22 Example2 Problem  Update Anomalies: If we change address of Tom Daniels, we also need to change address of Sally Adams  Insertion Anomalies: We cannot insert a tuple for a staff unless we know the address and phone number of the branch of that stuff  Deletion Anomalies: If we delete all tuples with a given branch value (e.g., we delete the tuples for branch B002) we lose the association between the branch and its address and phone number 23 Example2 Solution 24 8 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  9. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Normal Forms (1/2)  Given a relation schema, we need to decide whether it is a good design or we need to decompose it into smaller relations  To provide such guidance, several normal forms have been proposed 25 Normal Forms (2/2)  The normal forms based on FDs are first normal form (1NF), second normal form (2NF), and third normal form (3NF)  Every relation in 3NF is also in 2NF  Every relation in 2NF is also in 1NF 26 First Normal Form (1NF)  A relation is in first normal form if every field contains only atomic values, that is, no lists or sets  This requirement is implicit in our definition of the relation model  Table faithfully represents a relation and has no "repeating groups" 27 9 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  10. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) Branch Table is not in 1NF 28 Converting Branch Table into 1NF 29 Second normal form (2NF)  2NF only applies to tables with composite primary keys.  No non-prime attribute in the table is functionally dependent on a part (proper subset) of a candidate key 30 10 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU

  11. Electricite Du Laos (EDL) TempStaffAllocation Table is not in 2NF 31 Formal Definition of 2NF  Formal definition of 2NF is a table that is in 1NF and every non-prime attribute is fully functional dependent on the primary key  Full functional dependency indicates that if A and B are columns of a table, B is fully dependent on A if B is functionally dependent on A but not on any proper subset of A 32 Converting TempStaffAllocation table to 2NF 33 11 Dr. Kanda Runapongsa Saikaew, Computer Engineering, KKU


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