data warehouse state reporting

Data Warehouse/State Reporting February 9, 2018 Upcoming Data - PDF document

2/12/2018 Data Warehouse/State Reporting February 9, 2018 Upcoming Data Deadlines Thursday, February 22 Data pull for Personnel Master File (PMF) purposes. Districts should verify data in SIRS320 Staff Snapshot and SIRS318 Staff

  1. 2/12/2018 Data Warehouse/State Reporting February 9, 2018 Upcoming Data Deadlines Thursday, February 22  Data pull for Personnel Master File (PMF) purposes. Districts should verify data in SIRS‐320 Staff Snapshot and SIRS‐318 Staff Assignment. Friday, February 23  CEO Certification due on TAA for ePMF at Thursday, March 22  The 2 nd BEDS Day Student Enrollment Reports data pull  ELL counts data pull for Ed Facts for Federal USDOE Reporting (tentative) 2 1

  2. 2/12/2018 ePMF / TAA Reminders Staff Assignment (SIRS‐318) The data from this template is pulled 2 times a year: 1. Will be pulled on February 22 for Personnel Master File (PMF BEDS information ‐ all nonteaching staff (admins, directors, chairpersons, etc…) 2. Will be pulled again on June 14 to verify building principals for APPR. It links building principals to students enrolled in their buildings for APPR Staff Evaluation (growth score) purposes. Certification of ePMF on TAA 1. The certification button is now available for administrators in TAA if your data is complete and accurate. 2. Administrators will have access to review and change data until February 22 . 3. Superintendent SEDDAS account is the only account that can certify the ePMF data. 3 2 nd Data Pull for Student BEDS Enrollment Reports • March 22 is the second data pull that SED will prepare and send the counts to State Aid and other agencies. • Districts have until August 2018 to certify the accuracy of the data. • Districts should compare the snapshot reports (.1) in January to the current reports to see if anything changed • SED will use the counts pulled on March 22 to submit FRPL data to the Feds for use in EDFacts. *SIRS‐323 Free and Reduced Price Eligible Students enrolled on BEDS Day *SIRS‐313 Location of Enrollment and Subgroup – Check accountability subgroups. Students in a subgroup for 1 day get counted. 4 2

  3. 2/12/2018 L2RPT BEDS DAY VERIFICATION REPORTS  SIRS‐313 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment and Student Subgroup • Determines State Aid by Total Enrollment counts • Also shows totals for accountability subgroups • No PS, GED, homebound, home schooled, or OOD students  SIRS‐316 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report for District Pre‐K • Shows counts for Pre K and UPK and Other Universal Pre‐K grant funding  SIRS‐323 Free and Reduced Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day • Shows which students were eligible for FRPL on BEDS Day  SIRS‐314 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report by District of Residence • Shows Total Enrollment counts by District of Residence, so you can see which students your district may be able to charge for tuition.  SIRS‐312 BEDS Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid • Shows in more detail which of your students are enrolled out of district – (you pay for their transportation and textbooks) • Shows which students are from other districts (tuition paid to your district)  SIRS‐319 BEDS Enrollment in Public and Charter Schools • Shows in more detail which of your students are enrolled out of district – (you pay for their transportation and textbooks) • Shows which students are from other districts (tuition paid to your district) 5 Example of a (.1) BEDS Day Snapshot Report Current Data Snapshot Data • The SIRS‐323 report displays the most recent data, which includes any changes or updates since the last data pull. This report will continue to refresh throughout the year, as you make your corrections. • The SIRS‐323.1 will be the data pulled on the January 4 “Snapshot Date” and sent to State Aid. • After March 23, the SIRS‐323.1 will be updated with the counts from the March 23 data pull. 6 3

  4. 2/12/2018 QUESTIONS ON DEADLINES?? 7 Level 0 Updates 1. Inoculation Date, Country of Origin, Date of Entry to US removal from demographics template. 2. Changed PS3129 Information message to: CARRYOVER eligibility is only available for the first 30 days of the school year or for 30 days after a student transfers from a CEP to a non‐CEP school – Please review. 3. The NYSITELL V2 records are not being accepted with this release, into Assessment or Assess/Mod/Fact. You will receive a message upon import (manual) of any records ignored, in the Import/Validation Messages. It is anticipated that V2 records will be allowed to be imported in the 13.02 release due out in mid‐March. 4

  5. 2/12/2018 Level 0 Historical • Grand opening of level 0 Historical for 2016‐2017 data is February 6 9 Creating Level 0 User • Creating a account for ASAP in level 0 for the new NYSITELL test 10 5

  6. 2/12/2018 EVER ELL / FORMER ELL SIRS‐401 Reasonableness: ELL Eligibility Codes 0232 & 0233?! 0232 :: Former ELL Student & 0233 :: Ever ELL Student are SED‐calculated fields. These codes are not submitted by LEAs and are not subject to LEA verification &/or certification. They are based upon historical data (previously certified by LEAs). 12 6

  7. 2/12/2018 SIRS‐401 Reasonableness: ELL Eligibility Codes 0232 & 0233?! (cont’d) 13 M2L1C Review 14 7

  8. 2/12/2018 M2L1C Report – Tips & Tricks 1. DM prefix: Demographics | Student Data Domain in M2L1C Error Reporting 2. DM0003: State Student ID is Blank ‐‐ No current year NYSSIS ID in L1 or L2…yet. 3. DM0007: *Warning* LV1 NYSSIS_ID ≠ LV2 NYSSIS_ID – There is a current year NYSSIS ID in LV2 (often associated with another LEA) and the NYSSIS ID in LV 1 is null/ blank. OR, there is an updated NYSSIS ID in LV2, via (another LEA or SED) Unlink action that has not been processed locally (much less common). 4. Want to limit the # of DM0003 & DM0007 errors? Submit Student & School Entry Exit data to LV1 prior to Thursday, when possible. 5. Recurring DM errors week‐to‐week? Check your NYSSIS queue and/or EE (?) errors. 15 M2L1C Report – Tips & Tricks (cont’d) SS‐Special Ed Staff Snapshot DA‐Student Daily Attendance (Stud_Attend_Day) These are basically the same type of error. Reworded in newer templates, e.g., Student Daily Attendance (DA) Such errors are usually indicative of: A) No NYSSIS ID. Just a compounding of previous DM0003 or DM0007 errors. B) Missing or Invalid Enrollment record. 16 8

  9. 2/12/2018 M2L1C error logs Here are some typical error that are found in the staff snapshot. • The SN0008 is the result of a invalid staff id. Please check the TEACH system for the correct id. • The SN7313 is because an BEDS # is not active or valid in SEDREF. CIA typical error • Staff must be Teacher in the Teacher title. • In staff snap the status is set to delete and have associated CIA records. 17 M2L1C Error Logs Typical errors in staff tenures • ST8111 Prob. End date not permitted with Deleted status • ST8120 invalid tenure area code is usually that the staffsnap have teacher in title 18 9

  10. 2/12/2018 M2L1C Error Logs Warnings sometimes point to another data type or trickle down effect 19 M2L1C Error Logs 20 10

  11. 2/12/2018 NYSED Updates 1. Data Quality Discussion 2. Homeless Indicator • Homeless indictor will be going away starting in 18‐19, and a program service code will be used . If a student is assigned this PS code at any time on the school year, they will be considered as part of the homeless subgroup. 3. McKinney‐Vento • NYSED was audited by the Federal Gov’t for MV. Some of the findings indicate that districts must document the process of how the district identifies these students . NYSED is required to add a section to the SIRS manual and create business rules. NYSED will also create technical assistance documents and post it on the website. 4. PS code 8271 – “Working toward a CDOS Credential” • The wording needs to be changed to “Working towards CDOS Eligible Coursework” that may be used towards a stand‐alone credential. 21 NYSED Updates 5. Data Reporting for Military Children • “…principal of the New York school shall accept any corresponding alternative end of course local examination for such course(s), where the principal from the school in the sending state attests in writing that the student has achieved a score on such exam that meets the proficiency standards for the course assessed in the sending state…” • See our website for FAQ 6. Immigrant Data Collection Changes • “…Districts are instructed, effective immediately, to cease collecting and reporting to NYSED data about students’ dates of entry into the United States. Prior school enrollment (including the length of time within the United States school system) will be used in lieu of ‘date of entry’ to facilitate NYS’s immigrant student count under Title III.” • “…Districts are instructed, effective immediately, to cease collecting and reporting to NYSED data about students’ countries of origin…” • What they are trying to determine is the about the amount of education the student has received in the US. You can ask that question, to determine if the student has had 3 years of education in a US school. • You will not get an error if your system still exports this information. It simply will not load into Level 0, it will not error. 22 11


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