data structures

Data Structures Fibonacci Heaps, Amortized Analysis Algorithm Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chapter 4 Data Structures Fibonacci Heaps, Amortized Analysis Algorithm Theory WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn Fibonacci Heaps Lacy merge variant of binomial heaps: Do not merge trees as long as possible Structure: A Fibonacci heap consists

  1. Chapter 4 Data Structures Fibonacci Heaps, Amortized Analysis Algorithm Theory WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn

  2. Fibonacci Heaps Lacy ‐ merge variant of binomial heaps: • Do not merge trees as long as possible… Structure: A Fibonacci heap � consists of a collection of trees satisfying the min ‐ heap property. Variables: • �. ��� : root of the tree containing the (a) minimum key • �. �������� : circular, doubly linked, unordered list containing the roots of all trees • �. ���� : number of nodes currently in � Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 2

  3. Trees in Fibonacci Heaps Structure of a single node � : parent right left key degree child mark • �. ����� : points to circular, doubly linked and unordered list of the children of � • �. ���� , �. ����� : pointers to siblings (in doubly linked list) • �. ���� : will be used later… Advantages of circular, doubly linked lists: • Deleting an element takes constant time • Concatenating two lists takes constant time Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 3

  4. Example Figure: Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 4

  5. Simple (Lazy) Operations Initialize ‐ Heap � : • �. �������� ≔ �. ��� ≔ ���� Merge heaps � and �′ : • concatenate root lists • update �. ��� Insert element � into � : • create new one ‐ node tree containing �  H′ • merge heaps � and �′ Get minimum element of � : • return �. ��� Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 5

  6. Operation Delete ‐ Min Delete the node with minimum key from � and return its element: � ≔ �. ���; 1. if �. ���� � 0 then 2. remove �. ��� from �. �������� ; 3. add �. ���. ����� (list) to �. �������� 4. �. ������������� ; 5. // Repeatedly merge nodes with equal degree in the root list // until degrees of nodes in the root list are distinct. // Determine the element with minimum key return � 6. Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 6

  7. Rank and Maximum Degree Ranks of nodes, trees, heap: Node � : • ������� : degree of � Tree � : • ���� � : rank (degree) of root node of � Heap � : • ������� : maximum degree of any node in � Assumption ( � : number of nodes in � ): ���� � � ���� – for a known function ���� Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 7

  8. Merging Two Trees Given: Heap ‐ ordered trees � , �′ with ���� � � ������ � � • Assume: min ‐ key of � � min ‐ key of �′ Operation ������, � � � : ���� � �′ • Removes tree �′ from root list and adds � � to child list of � • ���� � ≔ ���� � � 1 � • � � . ���� ≔ ����� �′ Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 8

  9. Consolidation of Root List Array � pointing to find roots with the same rank: 0 1 2 ���� Consolidate: Time: for � ≔ 0 to ���� do � � ≔ null ; 1. ��|�. �������� �� � ��|�. �������� �� � while �. �������� � null do 2. � ≔ “delete and return first element of �. �������� ” 3. while � ���� � � null do 4. � � ≔ � ���� � ; 5. � ���� � ≔ ����; 6. � ≔ ������, � � � 7. � ���� � ≔ � 8. Create new �. �������� and �. ��� 9. Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 9

  10. Operation Decrease ‐ Key Decrease ‐ Key ��, �� : (decrease key of node � to new value � ) if � � �. ��� then return ; 1. �. ��� ≔ �; update �. ��� ; 2. if � ∈ �. �������� ∨ � � �. ������. ��� then return 3. 4. repeat ������ ≔ �. ������; 5. �. ��� � ; 6. � ≔ ������; 7. until � �. ���� ∨ � ∈ �. �������� ; 8. if � ∉ �. �������� then �. ���� ≔ ���� ; 9. Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 10

  11. Operation Cut( ) Operation �. ������ : • Cuts � ’s sub ‐ tree from its parent and adds � to rootlist if � ∉ �. �������� then 1. // cut the link between � and its parent 2. ���� �. ������ ≔ ���� �. ������ � 1 ; 3. remove � from �. ������. ����� (list) 4. �. ������ ≔ null ; 5. add � to �. �������� 6. � 1 2 15 1 3 2 15 � 19 7 ������ ������ 13 8 13 8 25 3 25 19 7 31 31 Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 11

  12. Decrease ‐ Key Example • Green nodes are marked 5 1 2 15 17 9 14 13 8 20 25 3 19 7 � 31 12 18 Decrease ‐ Key ��, �� 22 5 18 9 1 2 15 17 14 22 12 13 8 20 25 3 19 7 31 Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 12

  13. Fibonacci Heap Marks History of a node � : � is being linked to a node �. ���� ≔ ����� a child of � is cut �. ���� ≔ ���� a second child of � is cut �. ������ • Hence, the boolean value �. ���� indicates whether node � has lost a child since the last time � was made the child of another node. Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 13

  14. Cost of Delete ‐ Min & Decrease ‐ Key Delete ‐ Min: Delete min. root � and add �. ����� to �. �������� 1. time: � 1 Consolidate �. �������� 2. time: � length of �. �������� � ���� Step 2 can potentially be linear in � (size of � ) • Decrease ‐ Key (at node � ): If new key � parent key, cut sub ‐ tree of node � 1. time: ��1� 2. Cascading cuts up the tree as long as nodes are marked time: ��number of consecutive marked nodes� Step 2 can potentially be linear in � • Exercises: Both operations can take ���� time in the worst case! ���� Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 14

  15. Cost of Delete ‐ Min & Decrease ‐ Key • Cost of delete ‐ min and decrease ‐ key can be Θ��� … – Seems a large price to pay to get insert and merge in ��1� time • Maybe, the operations are efficient most of the time? – It seems to require a lot of operations to get a long rootlist and thus, an expensive consolidate operation – In each decrease ‐ key operation, at most one node gets marked: We need a lot of decrease ‐ key operations to get an expensive decrease ‐ key operation • Can we show that the average cost per operation is small? • We can  requires amortized analysis Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 15

  16. Amortization • Consider sequence � � , � � , … , � � of � operations (typically performed on some data structure � ) • � � : execution time of operation � � • � ≔ � � � � � � ⋯ � � � : total execution time • The execution time of a single operation might vary within a large range (e.g., � � ∈ �1, � � � ) • The worst case overall execution time might still be small  average execution time per operation might be small in the worst case, even if single operations can be expensive Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 16

  17. Analysis of Algorithms • Best case • Worst case • Average case • Amortized worst case What it the average cost of an operation in a worst case sequence of operations? Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 17

  18. Example: Binary Counter Incrementing a binary counter: determine the bit flip cost: Operation Counter Value Cost 00000 1 0000 1 1 2 000 10 2 3 0001 1 1 4 00 100 3 5 0010 1 1 6 001 10 2 7 0011 1 1 8 0 1000 4 9 0100 1 1 10 010 10 2 11 0101 1 1 12 01 100 3 13 0110 1 1 Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 18

  19. Accounting Method Observation: • Each increment flips exactly one 0 into a 1 00100�1111 ⟹ 00100�0000 Idea: • Have a bank account (with initial amount 0) • Paying � to the bank account costs � • Take “money” from account to pay for expensive operations Applied to binary counter: • Flip from 0 to 1: pay 1 to bank account (cost: 2) • Flip from 1 to 0: take 1 from bank account (cost: 0) • Amount on bank account = number of ones  We always have enough “money” to pay! Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 19

  20. Accounting Method Op. Counter Cost To Bank From Bank Net Cost Credit 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 3 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 4 9 0 1 0 0 1 1 10 0 1 0 1 0 2 Algorithm Theory, WS 2012/13 Fabian Kuhn 20

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