data services integration team

Data Services Integration Team WP1 Federated Identity Paul Millar, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Data Services Integration Team WP1 Federated Identity Paul Millar, Patrick Fuhrmann, Bernd Schuller, Arsen Hayrapetyan, Marcus Hardt, Shiraz Memon, Shahbaz Memon, Christian Bernardt, Tigran Mkrtchyan, Dennis Klein The grid X.509 (user)

  1. Data Services Integration Team WP1 – Federated Identity Paul Millar, Patrick Fuhrmann, Bernd Schuller, Arsen Hayrapetyan, Marcus Hardt, Shiraz Memon, Shahbaz Memon, Christian Bernardt, Tigran Mkrtchyan, Dennis Klein

  2. The grid X.509 (user) certificates User Certificate VOMS t r e c r t t A The Grid Proxy Certificate 2 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  3. The problem: typical user reaction to X.509 3 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  4. Need a bridge between users and X.509 • The problem: • Infrastructure needs X.509 (isn't changing any time soon) • User experience is terrible (isn't changing any time soon) • Assume that: • users work with a web-browser • have a home institute that's part of DFN-AAI • We want that a web-portal somehow gets an X.509 credential for a user Portal interacts with resources on users behalf. 4 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  5. Use-case: Globus Transfer Service Globus File Transfer Service CTS X.509 WAYF IdP X.509 User dCache GlobusFTP Data 5 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  6. Use-case: 'Science Gateway' portal Provide a common place for interacting with “big” resources CTS Federation 9 0 5 . X Large-scale resources Science 9 0 (needs X.509 authn) 5 Gateway . X 6 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  7. Use-case: life-cycle management 7 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  8. Types of solution: in-band vs out-of-band SAML X.509 Delegation 6. 7. D SAML I 4. X.509 CTS IdP IdP CTS Portal Portal 5. SAML 3. 5. 2. 2. 4. SAML 3. D I 1. 1. in-band out-of-band 8 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  9. This is not an original idea... • USA InCommon: CI-Login [in-band] • UK NGS: SHEBANGS [in-band], SARoNGS [in-band] • Switzerland SWITCH: WS-Trust, GridCertLib [out-of-band] • EGI: robot certificates [out-of-band] • ShibGrid [in-band?] • EMI: STS (software, WS-Trust) [out-of-band] • ... 9 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  10. OAuth-based in-band X.509 emp- ID ID 9. T CSR 8. 2. 3. MyProxy- IdP Portal OAuth SAML 7. 4. 6. 5. ID emp- ID T SAML WebSSO MyProxy-OAuth 1. 10 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  11. OAuth ( MyProxy-OAuth, CI-Login-OAuth, ... ) User's Portal CTS laptop SAML WebSSO 11 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  12. SHEBANGS (portal first) solution (detail) Diagram stolen from 12 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  13. SARoNGS solution (detail) Diagram stolen from 13 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  14. 14 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  15. EGI Federated Cloud and Science Gateways “The EGI Federated Cloud is a seamless grid of academic private clouds and virtualised resources, built around open standards and focusing on the requirements of the scientific community.” → i.e., lots of IaaS services. The EGI Science gateways are “a popular and rapidly developing tool used by researchers to access the European Grid Infrastructure.” → i.e., lots of portals that want to use Federated Cloud resources. • EGI also needs to solve these problems, too – potential for collaboration. 15 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  16. Thanks for watching Questions? 16 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY

  17. VOMS groups and roles model 17 2014-12-11 Paul Millar – DFN meeting, DESY


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