data generation and disaggregation for monitoring and

Data Generation and Disaggregation for Monitoring and Evaluation of - PDF document

Action Plan and Methodological Guidelines for Data Generation and Disaggregation for Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs Md. Alamgir Hossen Deputy Director and Member-Secretary, SDG Cell Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Background Under

  1. Action Plan and Methodological Guidelines for Data Generation and Disaggregation for Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs Md. Alamgir Hossen Deputy Director and Member-Secretary, SDG Cell Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Background Under supervision and guidance of Statistics and Informatics Division (SID), Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), as the National Statistical Office (NSO), has completed a rigorous exercise on Data Gaps for SDGs monitoring and the first analytical report was published in April, 2016 based on the targets 1

  2. cont... Background Based on the publication, General Economics Division (GED) has conducted workshops and rigorous consultation with most of the data generating relevant Ministries/Divisions and agencies including BBS and prepared a national data gap analysis and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Ministries/Divisions responsible for data source 120 105 100 80 60 42 34 40 28 20 18 14 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 20 0 SID MoEF MoHFW ERD FD LGD MoDMR MoHA MoA FID MoE MoFL MoPME MoC MoFA MoWR GED LPAD PMO MoST MoLE PTD PD MoEWOE MoHPW MoL MoWCA RTHD MoS MoD MoSW MoF EMRD MoR CoCAT MoCA IRD MoCHTA MoYS MoP IMED MoPA LJD 2

  3. Departments/Agencies responsible for SDG Data Source Data source by departments 101 100 80 60 40 21 19 17 15 20 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 BBS DoE DGHS BFD NIPORT BB BP DoF DDM DPE BIDA BTRC BANBEIS DAE BRTA WDB SREDA DPHE DSS BADC FPMU DNC DIFE HEU BIWTA BIWTC BR WARPO BMET BN NHRC NBR LGED MRA BARI BTC BMDA JRC BERC HCU CLU UGC BOESL CAAB HBRI PWD CPTU BGB DOP NGOAB PPPA DYD DSHE BRTC Data Availability in Bangladesh 64 110 Readily Available Partially Available Not Available 58 3

  4. Data Availability SDGs indicators in Bangladesh Readily Available Partially Available Not Available 30 4 25 8 20 10 14 15 5 5 2 4 7 5 7 4 0 10 3 11 6 9 8 6 13 5 12 5 9 4 10 2 6 5 7 3 1 5 8 1 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 7 To be collected Sources of Data or new intervention  Data available in BBS – Official data  Data available outside BBS – Administrative data  Data not available (to be collected and developed) 4

  5. Definitions of Tier Classification Tier I : Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available and data regularly produced by countries. Tier II : Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available but data are not regularly produced by countries. Tier III : Indicator for which there are no established methodology and standards or methodology/standards are being developed/tested. 9 Tier classification Status of SDG indicators Internationally established Tier Conceptually clear Regularly produced # of Indicators methodology and standards Tier I    93   Tier II ? 72 Tier III ? ? ? 62 * 5 indicators with more than one tier assigned 10 5

  6. Data Interpretation Concepts and Definition Meta Reference Data Time • Before using data objective should be Core Compara Methodo defined clearly bility logy Factors • Core factors must be explored before using Significa data Source nce Level • 5W1H (who, what, where, Area when, why, how) NSO in data coordination “ monitoring should be based on comparable and standardized national data obtained through well-established reporting mechanisms from countries to the international statistical system. Such mechanisms can be improved by strengthening the coordination function of national statistical offices and/or other national institutions. In order to fill data gaps and improve international comparability, countries will need to adopt internationally agreed standards at the national level, strengthen national statistical capacity and improve reporting mechanisms. International organizations and regional mechanisms play a significant role in facilitating the process. ” [ Report of the Secretary-General- E/2016/75 ] 12 6

  7. Flow chart on global SDG (meta‐)data flow and (meta‐)data reporting 13 Flow chart on global SDG (meta‐)data flow and (meta‐)data reporting Disseminating Compiling Processing Analysing Disseminating National statistical office Custodian agency (CA) Custodian agency Custodian agency UN SD and/ or national focal point Data available for each indicator? Utilisation of the data source? Utilisation of the data set? If no issues found that make adjustmet of data necessary, utilise e.g. Prepare draft If data available on NRP, CA retrieves data Utilising data set output datasource: Yes Make regional If agreement found to utilise adjusted data e.g. Scrutinise and and/or set explain Make country international data available aggregated No Harmonisat e.g. via national e.g. Apply data available If no data is Approval agreement: ion check disclosure control reporting provided, procedure for Decision to utilise data to be If issues via SDG CA may CA proposes data can be platforms (NRP) CA checks data not taken consensual with national found, indicators searches for use of found used for Side by Side + explanation by back with provided by statistical office and national technical If no global country data country data calculation of both; if both parties wish / database NSO/ focal NSO/ focal focal point consultation agreement global agree call upon regional point point e.g. Finalise found, aggregates commission outputs Utilising data: No Blue colour means an involvement of the national statistical system UN Recommendation on Data Flow in SDG Reporting 14 Regional Organizations CSOs CSOs Data and Metadata Private Private NSO Sector Sector International Agencies Adjusted, estimated Academi or modelled data a Country Data Global SDG Indicator Lab (UNSD) Database (UNSD) 7

  8. Data disaggre gatio n 15  T he spe c ific dime nsio ns upo n whic h the indic ato rs are to be disaggre gate d inc lude d:  Se x and ge nde r  Age (5 ye ars gro up/ ne o natal/ c hildre n/ yo ung/ adult/ age d e tc .)  I nc o me (quintile s/ de c ile s/ c ate go rie s)  L o c atio n o r spatial varie tie s (urban, rural, me tro po litan, distric ts, upazila e tc .)  Disability (Cate go rie s/ Status)  E thnic ity and indige no us status (Status/ Cate go ry)  E c o no mic ac tivity (Oc c upatio n/ F arm/ No n-farm/ se c to ral e tc .)  Migrant status (I nte rnatio nal migrants/ inte rnally displac e d e tc . Authentication of Data for SDGs Data Admin from data NDPs Online sources Authentication by BBS SDG Tracker 8

  9. NSO’s Organizational Framework Other National Data Providers Administra Census Wing tive Record Survey/Ce National nsus Accounting Wing Subject Demography and Health Wing Matter Innovative Agriculture Wing Expert Sub- Approaches Industry and committee Labour Wing Subject Matter Wings of BBS SDG No SDG Tracker Database Authentication/Validation Cell, BBS by BBS Authority Yes Custodian Agencies SDG Tracker Web Platform 17 Challenges: Data Support to SDGs  Production of disaggregated and frequent statistics by age, sex, disability and sub-national level  Comparability of Data: Harmonizing the concepts, definitions, methodologies etc. following international standards  Availability of baseline data  Conducting a large number of new surveys  Technical support availability for regular monitoring  Introduction of modern technology in collection of statistical data and quick dissemination 9

  10. Way Forward  Leading Role of BBS in generation and validation of the official data as NSO  Preparation of methodological guidelines for data disaggregation and frequency  Conducting new surveys identified for data generation- review of questionnaires are also required  Mining of microdata of different survey/census/administrative sources  Developing partnership with other national and international organizations  Formulation of Guidelines for Administrative Data generation for SDGs indicators  Implementation of Statistics Act, 2013 and National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)  Role of National Data Coordination Committee (NDCC) to be ensured  Developing the capacity of manpower- more data analytics/data scientists Surveys need to conduct by BBS to Support SDGs 1. Literacy Assessment Survey 2. District Community Survey 3. Access to Public Transport Survey 4. Citizen Household Perception Survey 5. Child and Mother Nutrition Survey 6. Health and Morbidity Status Survey 7. Survey on Manufacturing Industries 8. Child Labour Survey 9. Bangladesh Disaster Survey 10. Survey for Tourism Satellite Account 10


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