data elements and bindings

Data elements and bindings Variables and their values Expression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Imperative programming Data elements and bindings Variables and their values Expression (value) evaluation Binding of variables and types static and dynamic binding Lifetime of variables Scopes of variables Lambdas in

  1. Imperative programming Data elements and bindings • Variables and their values • Expression (value) evaluation • Binding of variables and types – static and dynamic binding • Lifetime of variables • Scopes of variables Lambdas in C++11 – static and dynamic scoping TUT Pervasive Computing 1 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  2. Memory von Neumann (instructions and data) architecture Instructions and data Results of operations CPU Input and Arithmetic Control output and logic unit devices unit • Imperative • von Neumannin programming architecture – variable – memory cell – assignment – transfer (CPU-memory) TUT Pervasive Computing 2 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  3. Data items (variables) • Creating and handling data – is based on changing the state (memory content) of the computer • Essential operation of the program – memory location = space for data item – content of the location = value of the data item • Pointer/reference type – value of a data item is a memory address or a reference to a memory location – in most languages identifies a variable • equal pointers = same variables • A named variable can be either a data item or a reference to it TUT Pervasive Computing 3 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  4. memory location for a variable vs. Variables value of a variable • Characteristics: – name X := X + 1; – address (L-value) Pascal: var X: Integer; – value (R-value) subroutine SUM ( I, J, K ) Fortran: – type integer I, J, K I = J + K – lifetime return – scope end call SUM ( 1, 2, 3 ) • Aliasing C: ( f ( a ) + 3 ) -> b [ c ] = 2; TUT Pervasive Computing 4 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  5. Value vs. reference semantics • In some languages (C, C++,…) variables contain the data • In other languages (Java, Python, …) variables (=names) are references to objects that contain the data • Affects how variables/objects work (e.g. lifetime, memory allocation) • A major source of confusion when changing to another language TUT Pervasive Computing Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  6. Value semantics • Variables: named data items • (Nameless variables also possible) • Assigning to a variable changes the data • Pointers/references: variables that refer to another variable p 3 a TUT Pervasive Computing Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  7. a Reference semantics 3 • Objects: nameless data items • Variables/references/names (term depend on language): named references to objects • (Nameless references also possible) • Assigning to a variable changes the reference (refer now to another object) • Objects and variables separate, variables cannot refer to other variables, only to objects TUT Pervasive Computing Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  8. Assignment • Changes the state of data L := R • Type checking ensures that the memory location referenced by L has room for the value of expression R 0x0804a008 0x0804a865 ptr • Indirect referencing 0x0804a008 2148 – e.g. through pointer dereference – usually what we want – makes compiler optimization harder ptr == 0x0804a008 *ptr == 2148 TUT Pervasive Computing 8 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  9. Variations of assignments • Multiple assignment a, b = b, a – e.g. Python Triple = proc ( ) returns ( int , int , int ) – function may return ( 1, 2, 3 ) return several values (e.g Clu) end Triple; ... a, b, c: int := Triple ( ) • Compound operations a.b [ i + j ] = a.b [ i + j ] + 2; – e.g. C ( += , -= ) a.b [ i + j ] += 2; • Increment and decrement operations a [ i ++ ] *= 10; TUT Pervasive Computing 9 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  10. if ( x = y ) if ( x == y ) Expression language a = b = 1 • Statement has a value a = ( b = 1 ) • C: assignment has a value – enables multiple assignments while ( ( ch = getchar ( ) ) != EOF ) ... • Algol68: begin a := if b < c then d else e; a := begin f ( b ); g ( c ) end ; g ( d ); 2 + 3 end TUT Pervasive Computing 10 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  11. Expressions • Expressions consist of – operands • e.g. variables, constants, function calls – operators • e.g. operator symbols, functions a - 5 + f ( 1, 2 ) * 3 TUT Pervasive Computing 11 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  12. Operators (1) • Different amount of operands: – unary (signs, negation, C’s ++ and &) – binary (arithmetic operators, comparison operators, assignment, ->) – ternary (in C) a ? b : c • Different layout: – prefix (many unary operators, e.g. -1, !a, ++i) • operators in Scheme – postfix (e.g. i++) – infix (many binary operators) TUT Pervasive Computing 12 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  13. Operators (2) • Precedence – described as precedence levels • e.g. binary *-operator usually has a higher precedence (level) than binary +-operator • Association – applied to operators of the same precedence level – operators associated from left to right: • e.g. arithmetic operators, C’s <<, -> – operators associated from right to left: • e.g. power raising, C’s +=, = TUT Pervasive Computing 13 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  14. Operator precedences Fortran Pascal C Ada ** *, /, div , mod ++, -- **, abs *, / +, - (all) +, - (unary) *, /, mod , rem +, - (all) *, /, % +, - (unary) +, - (binary) +, - (binary) C-code: s != 1 << n + 1; Obs! Parentheses are recommended A [ i ] = i = x; a = b << c = d; TUT Pervasive Computing (Does not work) 14 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  15. ( a + b ) * ( c – d ) Expression evaluation (1) * • Evaluation can be based on an intermediate + - presentation – syntax tree a b c d • passed in post-order (left subtree, right subtree, root) – postfix notation a b + c d - * • evaluation can be based on stack – three-address-code • common sub-expressions can be used in optimization • memory space needed for temporary variables t1 = a + b t2 = c – d t3 = t1 * t2 TUT Pervasive Computing 15 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  16. Expression evaluation (2) • Precedence levels and associations do not determine the evaluation order of the whole syntax tree + * * 3 * ( y – 1 ) + 2 * ( x + 3 ) 3 - 2 + • Obs: side effects y 1 x 3 a = 10; TUT Pervasive Computing b = a + fun ( a ); 16 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  17. Expression evaluation (3) A or B • Evaluation of logic expressions can be based on short- short-circuit evaluation A and B – Modula-2: IF ( i > 0 ) AND ( i < 11 ) AND ( a [ i ] = b ) THEN ... – C: if ( p && ( p->item == x ) ) ... – Ada: short-circuit operators: andthen , orelse • Example of lazy evaluation which means that – expression is evaluated only when its value is needed • e.g. passing an expression as a parameter does not require evaluation of the expression TUT Pervasive Computing 17 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  18. Bindings • Binding – relation or association • e.g. between an object and property/feature • e.g. between an operation and its symbol • Binding time – time, when a binding occurs • Static and dynamic binding TUT Pervasive Computing 18 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  19. Example bindings C-code: • Set of possible types for count – bound at language design time int count; • Type of count ... – bound at compile time count = count * 5; • Set of possible values of count – bound at compiler design time • Value of count – bound at execution time with this statement • Set of possible meanings for the operator symbol * – bound at language design time • Meaning of the operator symbol * in this statement – bound at compile time • Internal representation of the literal 5 – bound at compiler design time TUT Pervasive Computing 19 Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen

  20. Binding of types • Static (compile-time) / dynamic (run-time)? • Objects only / objects + references? • Can the type of an object change? • Can an object have several types at the same time: inheritance (polymorphism) • Explicit/implicit typing • Type deduction TUT Pervasive Computing Principles of programming languages Maarit Harsu / Matti Rintala / Henri Hansen


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