data driven decision making in

Data-Driven Decision Making in Florida Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Systemic and Sustained Reform in Juvenile Justice: Data-Driven Decision Making in Florida Tuesday, May 29, 2018 Department of Juvenile Justice State of Florida United States of America Roadmap to System Excellence Involve only as necessary

  1. Systemic and Sustained Reform in Juvenile Justice: Data-Driven Decision Making in Florida Tuesday, May 29, 2018 Department of Juvenile Justice State of Florida United States of America

  2. Roadmap to System Excellence Involve only as necessary Research (prevent, divert). right services Results Resources Appropriately place. right place right way right time Optimally serve. right youth Realign Resources. Reforms Revisions F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 2

  3. Florida Delinquency Declines Delinquency Arrests Lowest in More Than 40 Years 120'000 110'290 97'102 100'000 85'495 78'275 80'000 75'072 69'869 64'824 60'000 40'000 20'000 0 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 3 Preliminary 2016-17 Data

  4. Results: Delinquency Trends • Nationally 2010-2014 • Total Delinquency: -26% • Florida FY 2010-11 to FY 2016-17 • Total Delinquency: -41% 110,290 to 64,824 total arrests • Felonies: -19% • Misdemeanors: -56% • “Other” Offenses: -38% F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 4

  5. Civil Citation Process 12-Month Recidivism Rates 16.00% 14% 14.00% 12% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4% 3.80% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Civil Citation Prevention Diversion Probation F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 5

  6. Department Assessments - Prevention Assessment Tool (PAT) - Detention Risk Assessment Instrument (DRAI) - Positive Achievement Change Tool (PACT) - Residential Positive Achievement Change Tool (R-PACT) F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 6

  7. Juvenile Justice System Improvement Project (JJSIP) • Created Framework for implementing system-wide best practices • Developed and validated a disposition matrix for structured decision making tool; re-validated in 2017 F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 7

  8. Results: System Impacts FY 2010-11 to FY 2016-17 - Better matching of youth to service and interventions - right service, right child, right time, right intensity - Youth served in secure detention: -33% - Youth served in residential commitment: -48% - Serious, violent, and chronic offenders: -47% - Youth transferred to adult court: -54% F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 8

  9. Contacts Christina K. Daly, Secretary Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Wansley Walters, Chair Florida Children and Youth Cabinet/Ballard Partners F LORIDA D EPARTMENT OF J UVENILE J USTICE P ART OF THE COMMUNITY . P ART OF THE SOLUTION . 9


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