Rôle de la science de la durabilité dans Horizon Europe, du pacte vert européen et les ODD WEBINAR - CLORA Science de la durabilité : Un nouvel enjeu pour la recherche en temps de crises planétaires ? Thomas Arnold, DG Recherche et Mardi 2 Juin 2020 Innovation
2 Juin 2020: télétravail reste la normale
Nos crises sont systémiques et interconnectées https://fridaysforfuture.org/digital-strike-24th-april/ https://twitter.com/FridayForFuture/status/1253693506440364033
Une crise peut en cacher une autre Source: Facebook
Destruction des écosystèmes et pandémies https://ipbes.net/covid19stimulus
Retour en arrière? https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/air-pollution-goes-down-as
Un plan holistique – Club of Rome https://clubofrome.org/impact-hubs/climate-emergency/emergence-from-emergency-the-case-for-a-holistic-economic-recovery-plan/
Green Reboot https://clubofrome.org/impact-hubs/climate-emergency/a-green-reboot-after-the-pandemic/
Réinventer les politiques publiques et changement sociétaux https://www.iddri.org/en/publications-and-events/presentation/replay-after-covid-19-crisis-reflecting-sustainable
Cinq Think-Tanks de durabilité plaident pour une relance verte • Criteria 1: Sound scientific basis • Criteria 2: Resilience • Criteria 3: Equity and solidarity • Criteria 4: Transformation • Criteria 5: Scale https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/opinion/europes-recovery-plans-must-pass-five-sustainability-tests/
Une boussole pour le 21 e siècle https://www.kateraworth.com/2020/04/08/amsterdam-city-doughnut/ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2 020/05/doughnut-model- amsterdam-coronavirus-recovery/ Source: Kate Raworth, https://www.kateraworth.com/doughnut/
Transformer notre société et notre planète pour le mieux https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1263073552078692353 https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1266102138343755781
L’Europe doit investir dans un avenir propre https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1260578818122813440
European Green Deal https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019- 2024/european-green-deal/actions-being-taken- eu/EU-biodiversity-strategy-2030_en
v https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_940
https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/resear ch_and_innovation/strategy_on_research_an d_innovation/documents/ec_rtd_covid19- recovery-factsheet.pdf
#SRIPreport @EUScienceInnov Science, research and innovation performance of the EU 2020 A fair, green and digital Europe LAUNCH EVENT 27 May 2020 https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/srip/ec_r Research and td_srip2020-virtual-launch-draft-agenda-bios.pdf Innovation
SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PERFORMANCE OF THE EU 2020 Long-term challenges are magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic Growing inequalities Climate change Ageing
19 SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PERFORMANCE OF THE EU 2020 R&I are critical levers for a sustainable and inclusive recovery Today: recovery package and MFF adopted with SUBSTANTIAL reinforcement of R&I • At core of response to COVID-19 pandemic • Boosting the resilience of production sectors and the competitiveness of the European economy • Drives and accelerates the twin transitions • Critical to deliver on the European Green Deal
SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PERFORMANCE OF THE EU 2020 R&I drives, enables and accelerates the transition to a sustainable Europe Transformation
Expert group on the economic and societal impact of research and innovation • Our planet is facing a deep systems crisis, rooted in a number of strongly interconnected global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, widespread poverty, inequality and growing instability. • This “protect -prepare- transform” approach ultimately implies optimizing innovation in an integrated fashion, focusing on a transition which is just and embodies new social, green, and digital pathways altogether. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/research_and_innovation/groups/esir/ec_rtd_esir-recovery-resilience-covid19.pdf
Horizon Europe and Sustainable Development Goals The EU is strongly committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals • (SDGs). While European research and innovation is setting a world standard for • excellence , the potential impact of investments in research and innovation is greater when efforts have both a rate and a direction . This view is recognised in the specific objectives of Horizon Europe • which highlights the need to “ strengthen the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing Union policies and … to address global challenges, including climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals .” The “ Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan implementing the • research and innovation framework programme Horizon Europe ” reflect this ambition.
1. Discussion on the preliminary draft of Horizon Europe first strategic plan (focus pillar II): version of April 2020 Cluster Feedback received on the expected impacts 1 Health ESP ; IT ; MT ; NO ; PT 2 Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society AT ; EE ;EE ; HU ; IT ; NO ; PT 3 Civil Security for Society DE ; EE ; FR ; IT ; NO ; PT 4 Digital, Industry and Space DE ; HU ; IT ; NO ; PT 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility AT ; DE ; IT ; NO ; PL ; PT 6 Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment BE ; DE ; DK ; EE ; HU ;IT ; NO ; PT KSO connections with the expected impacts Feedback received KSO1 AT ; DK ; FR ; HU; NO KSO2 DK ; FR ; HU ; NO KSO3 BE ; DE; DK ; HU ; NO ; PT KSO4 DE ; DK ; HU ; NO KSO5 AT ; DE ; NO ; PT KSO6 DK ; FR ; NO ; PT KSO7 NO ; PL ; PT KSO8 AT ; DE ; FR ; NO ; PT KSO9 DK ; NO ; PT KSO10 AT ; DE ; FR ; NO ; PT
1. preliminary draft of Horizon Europe first strategic plan (focus pillar II) : version of 28 May 2020 KEY STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS (KSO) version of 28 May 2020 RELATED EXPECTED IMPACTS version of 28 may 2020 KSO 1 “ Protecting and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity and managing 2, 13, 25, 31, 32, 33 (6 impacts) sustainably natural resources on land and sea, and achieving climate neutrality and adaptation” “Ensuring food and nutrition security and safety through sustainable food KSO 2 1, 21, 23, 33, 34, 36 (6 impacts) systems from farm to fork” KSO 3 “Transforming the EU industry for a more bio-based, climate-neutral, circular, 6, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36 (12 impacts) non- toxic and competitive economy” KSO 4 “ Delivering clean, sustainable, competitive, secure, safe and smart energy, 16, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (9 impacts) mobility and buildings for climate neutrality” “Securing KSO 5 EU global industrial leadership and sovereignty in key 6, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30 (9 impacts) technologies” KSO 6 “ Enhancing the health, and well-being of all citizens and tackling inequalities ” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35 (21 impacts) KSO 7 “Strengthening EU democracies and empowering all citizens to act in the 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 26, 35, 36 (8 impacts) transitions” KSO 8 “ Shaping technologies and innovations that work for people ” 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 17, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 (18 impacts) KSO 9 “Stepping up EU resilience, inclusiveness and preparedness to respond to 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, disasters, security challenges, emerging threats and improved border management” 27, 30 (21 impacts) KSO 10 “ Leading the way and joining forces internationally for the transition to To be further precised sustainability and climate neutrality ”
Point d’entrée systémiques: interconnexions plus importantes que ODDs individuels Six entry points that offer the most promise for achieving the desired transformations at the necessary scale and speed and with four levers Not attending interlinkages that are intrinsic to these entry points, and cut across them – for example, through focusing on individual Goals and targets – would imperil progress across multiple elements of the 2030 https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/globalsdreport/2019
Transformation et science de durabilité https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/globalsdreport/2019
Conclusion • Un plan de relance sans couleur n’est pas suffisant • L’Europe a besoin de transformation maintenant • La sortie de la crise peut être une opportunité pour construire ensemble un monde meilleur, plus durable et plus résilient • La science de la durabilité est plus importante que jamais pour les solutions systémiques nécessaires
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