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Danny Challis NSW Perinatal Services Network The parable of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Deteriorating Maternity Patient Danny Challis NSW Perinatal Services Network The parable of the Obstetrician and the Cardiologist.. So how is maternity care different? Well patients usually good outcomes Inaccurate tools for

  1. The Deteriorating Maternity Patient Danny Challis NSW Perinatal Services Network

  2. The parable of the Obstetrician and the Cardiologist..

  3. So how is maternity care different? • Well patients – usually good outcomes • Inaccurate tools for fetal welfare assessment • Maternal physiology is different • Differing cultures • Midwifery • GP • Obstetricians • Varied locations – homebirth to quaternary • No tolerance for bad outcomes • Expectations • Impact • Cost of claims

  4. How do midwives see labour and birth? How do midwives see labour and birth?

  5. How do obstetricians see labour and birth?

  6. Moving up the ‘slippery slope’ F etal welfare assessment Prevention Clinical support O bstetric emergencies Outcomes tools Antenatal care / risk N eonatal resuscitation Clinical assessment T raining Clinical Review Continued Pathway/ Treatment guidelines Plan (pre-eclampsia, PPH, Fetal Maternal / fetus Condition distress) Revised Rapid Treatment Response SMOC Plan CTG stickers SNOC Referral Sepsis Pathway/Alert High care unit / ALS facility Diagnostic Error Time Death

  7. Prevention – right time and place • Risk assessment – ongoing • ACMI Guidelines • Appropriate models of care • Continuity models • Service capability • Well defined for planned care • Advice processes • Tiered Maternity Networks - PAL • Transfer processes • PAL/strengthened tiered maternity networks

  8. Maternity VTE risk assessment

  9. Moving up the ‘slippery slope’ F etal welfare assessment Prevention Clinical support O bstetric emergencies Outcomes Antenatal care / risk tools N eonatal resuscitation Clinical assessment T raining Clinical Review Continued Pathway/ Treatment guidelines Plan (pre-eclampsia, PPH, Fetal Maternal / fetus Condition distress) Revised Rapid Treatment Response SMOC Plan CTG stickers SNOC Referral Sepsis Pathway/Alert High care unit / ALS facility Diagnostic Error Time Death

  10. How is fetal deterioration different? • Inaccurate tools • Intermittent auscultation • Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring, • ultrasound • High false positives from heart rate monitoring • Failure to recognise gradual deterioration • Failure to recognise abnormal heart rate patterns • Reluctance to use fetal scalp blood sampling • Chronic vs acute

  11. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring algorithms and documentation tools 2018-2019 13

  12. Antenatal 14

  13. NSW Pregnancy and newborn Services Network

  14. NSW Pregnancy and newborn Services Network

  15. Are you sure it’s fetal?? NSW Pregnancy and newborn Services Network

  16. Determine risk ► Consideration of background risks when assessing the FHR features ► Introduction of altered calling criteria 18

  17. 19

  18. Antenatal label ≥ 32 weeks 20

  19. Intrapartum 21

  20. Determine risk Consideration of ► Intrapartum risks ► Fetal reserve ► Graded level of risks 22

  21. 23

  22. Features ► Baseline ► identifying the rising baseline ► Variability ► Introduction of ‘cycling’ – the normal transition of the fetus through the awake and asleep states. ► Decelerations ► Language change to complicated variables ► Prolonged decelerations – time frames and recognition of recovery 24

  23. Intrapartum label 25

  24. The deteriorating mother: • Maternal Physiology • Healthy and young – late deterioration • Reluctance to recognise rare complications eg peripartum cardiomyopathy • Sepsis esp GAS

  25. Maternal BTF – SMOC & ASSOC

  26. Maternal peripartum BTF - SIOC

  27. Neonatal BTF - SNOC

  28. Moving up the ‘slippery slope’ F etal welfare assessment Prevention Clinical support O bstetric emergencies Outcomes Antenatal care / risk tools N eonatal resuscitation Clinical assessment T raining Clinical Review Continued Pathway/ Treatment guidelines Plan (pre-eclampsia, PPH, Fetal Maternal / fetus Condition distress) Revised Rapid Treatment Response SMOC Plan CTG stickers SNOC Referral SIOC Sepsis Pathway/Alert High care unit / ALS facility Diagnostic Error Time Death

  29. Current FONT – resuscitation, scenarios drills and team training • Neonatal resuscitation • Adult BLS • Maternal collapse • Sepsis • Eclampsia • Shoulder dystocia • Vagina breech delivery • PPH

  30. Sepsis – Maternal and neonatal

  31. Additional neonatal sepsis resources

  32. Monitoring: what do our RCAs tell us?

  33. Top system factors in Maternal and perinatal RCAs

  34. Top three system factors in Maternal and perinatal RCAs

  35. NSW M&N SAFETY SYSTEM 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2008 2009 F . O . N . T F . O . N . T F etal welfare PD Between SMOC & revised revision assessment the Flags Policy SNOC revision O bstetric commenced program Directive revised emergencies PD2011_077 launch N eonatal (Adult) Maternal & resuscitation Updated Policy T raining Newborn deteriorating patient Directive Sepsis education BTF BTF PD2013_049 Pathways.v1 program program launch launch (Paeds & (Maternal) Maternal & SNOC) SMOC CTG stickers eMR SMOC & Newborn v1 SNOC Sepsis Policy VERSION 4 ED Sepsis Pathways.v2 Directive Development PD2010_026 Antenatal short stay observation chart (ASSOC)

  36. The future imagined • Neonatal resuscitation training (HETI) • Maternal essential training • Fetal essential training • Team training drills and simulations (Tier II) including DETECT • Library of resources and modules • Responsive escalation, advice, and transfer systems • More usable data to allow better analysis of critical incidents and deaths • Reports to generate priorities and actions

  37. Ongoing challenges • SMO engagement • Team training – identification of appropriate trainers • Equivalence of training/RPL • Culture and human factors work • EMR challenges


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