d86 science program

D86 Science Program 1 Recent Changes in Science Standards In - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Strategic Plan: Getting Started with Goal 1 D86 Science Program 1 Recent Changes in Science Standards In 2010, governors from all states commissioned Achieve to organize and facilitate the project of writing a new set of science standards.

  1. Strategic Plan: Getting Started with Goal 1 D86 Science Program 1

  2. Recent Changes in Science Standards ● In 2010, governors from all states commissioned Achieve to organize and facilitate the project of writing a new set of science standards. ● At this time, states had their own set of standards, many were written prior to 2000. Illinois was using a set of standards that were written in the early 1990s. ● Achieve brought together 41 scientists, professors and K-12 educators to write these standards. This project took 3 years to complete. ● The new standards were called the Next Generation Science Standards and were released in April 2013. ● Illinois adopted these standards in the Spring of 2014. ● Illinois is currently working on new science assessment system to reflect these new standards. 2

  3. NGSS is based on extensive international research and benchmarking: In education, international benchmarking typically refers to analyzing high-performing education systems and identifying ways to improve our own systems based on those findings. One of the main ways to identify high-performing education systems is through international assessments, particularly the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Consistent high-performers include countries like Singapore, Finland, Korea, Canada and Japan. International benchmarking is important from a national perspective to ensure our long-term economic competitiveness. Many feel it is necessary for American students to be held to the same academic expectations as students in other countries. The successes of other nations can provide potential guidance for 3 decision-making in the United States.

  4. Major findings were as follows: ● All ten countries have integrated science standards rather than grade-level, subject-specific courses in grades 6-9/10. ● Physical science standards (chemistry and physics content) receive the most emphasis. ● Life science standards focus on human biology and relationships among living things that highlights the personal and social significance of life science. ● Crosscutting content common to all of the sciences, such as the nature of science receives considerable attention. 4

  5. NGSS is based on three-dimensional learning in science: 1) Science and Engineering Practices 2) Disciplinary Content 3) Crosscutting Concepts NGSS is about students DOING science, not just learning about science. 5

  6. Related to our conversation today: ● NGSS recognizes and validates the vast changes that have occurred in science and technology over the last 30 years. ● NGSS recognized and addressed the need for progression of learning from course to course and year to year. ● NGSS recognized and addressed the need for students to have a strong background in physical science in order to fully master the life science concepts that today’s world requires students to know. 6

  7. Plan: Strategic Plan Goal 1 7

  8. Plan: D86 Science Program Committee Carol Baker Assistant Superintendent for Academics Arwen Pokorny Lyp Principal - South Bill Walsh Principal - Central Jessica Hurt Assistant Principal of Instruction - Central Eric Martzolf Assistant Principal of Instruction - South Julie Gaubatz Science Department Chair - South Julie May Science Department Chair - Central David Bonner Physics teacher - South Randy Brogan GeoPhysics teacher, interventionist - South Dylan Canavan Earth Science teacher - Central Tracy McDonald Chemistry teacher - South JR Paige Biology teacher - Central Jim Vetrone Physics teacher - Central 8

  9. Study: Meetings and Tasks April 4: Admin + DCs April 16: Full team 1. Determine D86 Science Program goals April 29: Full team 2. Analyze numerous science sequences May 6: Full team 3. Incorporate science teacher feedback May 14: Full team 4. Gather feedback from a selection of May 22: Full team D86 students and parents May 29: Full team May 29: Parents, students, 2 5. D86 Physics teachers determine board members physics course offerings May 31: Full team 6. Refine D86 Science Program June 24: Physics Ts June 26: Full team July 12: Admin + DCs 9

  10. Study: D86 Science Program Goals GOAL 1 (ALIGNMENT) GOAL 3 (COLLEGE/CAREER) GOAL 5 (STUDENT CHOICE) Align course fees, texts, objectives, Align courses with college and career Provide informed student choice in semester exams, anchor assessments. opportunities. coursework junior and senior year. - Increase AP enrollment - Provide options for 11-12 specialization - Increase # of students passing AP exams - Support level changes - Enrollment in capstone course(s) - Provide junior/senior courses matching high demand careers/student interests - Courses are acceptable to colleges GOAL 2 (BIG IDEAS, INTEREST) GOAL 4 (STRUCTURE) GOAL 6 (SEL) Increase student exposure to and Create a strategic and coherent science Increase SEL considerations for interest in core sciences. program. students and parents. - Student experience more core sciences - One course leads to another in terms of - Decrease confusion on course selection - Students experience more NGSS knowledge, skills, and in building interest - Decrease perceived need for tutoring - Students enroll in more than the required - Courses align intuitively - Support student ability to change levels 2 yrs of science, or the 3 yrs suggested - Courses reflect student developmental level - Support academic risk-taking by colleges - Maximize teacher expertise - Courses address academic needs 10

  11. Study: Sequences Analyzed ● Semester courses aligned by ● Multiple course pathways (New semester (specified fall and spring Trier Model) courses) ● Traditional sequencing (similar to ● Semester courses aligned by year Stevenson and others, Biology - (flexible fall and spring courses) Chem - Phys) ● California Model 1 (Earth Science ● PCB (Similar to HSHS, Phys - integrated into Phys - Chem - Bio) Chem - Bio) ● California Model 2 (Earth Science ● Designer model (four tracks, two integrated into Bio - Chem - Phys) each for different abilities, two options within each track) ● Open-Enrollment (similar to HCHS) 11

  12. Act: District 86 Science Program 12

  13. Sample of Parent and Student Feedback I think this is heading in the right direction. I like the encouragement of risk-taking and reducing the perceived need for tutors. I prefer open-enrollment so I can choose my path. How will this impact sender schools? Biology is unavoidable; it impacts everyone. This should definitely be implemented. Chem builds on Physics, and is built upon by Bio. You need math for Physics. The sequence makes sense. The streamlining between both schools' pathways This was insightful and well-researched. ensures that all students have access to the same I take Physics as a freshman and like how it courses at both schools. matches with my math class. I’d like to see electives at the junior level as well. I like these changes; students will enjoy it more. I like that all students in the same grade will be Much of what the average person needs to know taking the same type of course. about physics can be attained by experience, Current science honors courses are a nightmare. however, that is not true with Biology - it’s much more complex as a science. I would very much like to see this proposal move forward, expeditiously. The current system works well - don’t change it. How will this impact subject-level SAT exams? This seems so much less stressful. I like Earth Science as a running theme. 13

  14. Act: Program Implementation 14

  15. Do: Hinsdale Central Freshman Cohort 15

  16. District 86 Science Program 16

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