custome r satisfac tion e nhanc e me nt plan ove r vie w

Custome r satisfac tion e nhanc e me nt plan ~ ove r vie w Debbie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Custome r satisfac tion e nhanc e me nt plan ~ ove r vie w Debbie Secor Customer Account Management Director Senate Finance Committee General Government Subcommittee July 13, 2009 1 1 VIT A

  1. Custome r satisfac tion e nhanc e me nt plan ~ ove r vie w Debbie Secor Customer Account Management Director Senate Finance Committee General Government Subcommittee July 13, 2009 1 1

  2. VIT A is Committe d to Impr oving Custome r Satisfac tion • VITA’s customer relationship management (CRM) strategy has evolved since 2003 – “Case management” is common; CRM is not • At request of the ITIB, VITA partnered with the Harvard Kennedy School in 2008 • Today’s discussion is about the customer satisfaction program we developed 2

  3. F our Phase s in Pr ogr am 1 . Custom er I nsight Survey To collect and understand customer views regarding VITA’s services (April 2008) 2 . Custom er Root Cause Sessions To understand root causes of customer sentiment (August 2008) 3 . Custom er Action Plan W orkshop To develop a portfolio of ideas that will enhance customer satisfaction (September 2008) 4 . Custom er Satisfaction Enhancem ent Report To deliver an actionable plan that will guide VITA’s customer satisfaction efforts in the near, mid and long- term (October 2008) 3

  4. T op Custome r Insights 1. Ability to deliver current services during transformation 2. Speed and transparency of execution 3. Potential for service growth and extension 4. Customers are actively assessing gains relative to losses 4

  5. R e c omme ndations 1. Maintain and build – New services must be in line with customer needs – Improve core service delivery 2. Speed and transparency – Combine faster service delivery with clearer communication to customers 3. Growth – Emphasize greater customer service and delivery to actualize future growth 4. Assessing gains, losses – Accelerate and increase communication with customers to emphasize the long-term gains and public value 5

  6. Custome r Ac tion Ar e as 1. Increase transparency and communication across VITA and the IT partnership 2. Enhance customer-facing support 3. Improve process-oriented service provision 4. Reform procurement and pricing 6

  7. Additional infor mation 7

  8. Custom er Action Area One I ncrease Transparency and Com m unication across Partnership Near Term Mid-Term Long Term 1. Provide Customer Account 1. Develop and implement a 1. Develop a customer Team with priority decision communication program that relationship management rights within the partnership outlines the value (CRM) system that and access to all necessary proposition of VITA post- integrates help desk, request information for customers transformation for service, procurement and project management into 2. Develop and publish metrics one interface on timelines for service provision 2. Via the CRM system, establish a unique ID that 3. Provide documentation on enables customers to access how key customer-facing the status of services in real processes work and general time timelines for customers 4. Bring all customer councils together for a meeting to share ideas and best practices 8

  9. Custom er Action Area Tw o Enhance Custom er-Facing Support Near Term Mid-Term Long Term 1. Reorganize Customer 1. Provide a deeper level of 1. Increase size and/ or number Account Teams from customer service training for of Customer Account Teams Secretariat segmentation to customer support teams and to meet a new ratio of agency size segmentation within partnership support to agency and realign support roles 2. Map skill sets and recruit 2. Integrate customer support 2. Integrate information via right staff for customer processes with manual processes between account assignments comprehensive CRM system Northrop Grumman and Customer Account Team 3. Develop CRM system and plan to link VITA and Northrop Grumman needs with longer-term Commonwealth needs 9

  10. Custom er Action Area Three I m prove Process-Oriented Service Perform ance Near Term Mid-Term Long-Term 1. Develop and implement 1. Publish process and 1. Offer streamlined project metrics and report on performance via the Web requirements, approval and performance measures for and publications such as oversight for projects that are process-intensive services Leadership Communique smaller, less complex, and/ or and Network News less innovative 2. Identify easiest to improve problems/ processes for earliest action (those generating most customer frustration) and develop plan to reform them 3. Publish/ communicate help desk services, standards, timelines and escalation process and post to Web and elsewhere for customers 10

  11. Custom er Action Area Four Reform Procurem ent and Pricing Near Term Mid-Term Long Term 1. Analyze and communicate 1. Create ability for customers 1. Tie procurement process into process standards and to order from online catalog CRM system in order to track expectations – especially of pre-approved products procurements, requests for time and cost for service and major/ non-major procurements 2. Enable agency flexibility in project approvals in real time procurement for low-cost (similar to FedEx online 2. Allow individual customers to and non-critical/ non- capabilities) identify where their requests enterprise technology are in the process via manual products 2. Seek general fund resources or electronic methods to cover major/ non-major 3. Expand and document project approvals/ oversight 3. Clarify procurement rules service catalog to include all costs as “overhead” (as and standards for in-scope items, time to installation before) rather than as user and out-of-scope and price fees technologies 4. Provide customers direct 4. Pre-order standard products access to status of request and have them in stock for for services, procurement quick delivery and and project management implementation 11

  12. Delivery Date Next Steps Deliver Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Plan and action items Oct. 16, 2008 to the Information Technology Investment Board Establish an oversight committee composed of a subset of October 2008 executive staff who attended the Customer Action Plan workshop Task Oversight Committee with assigning owners accountable to November 2008 each action item in the Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Plan Action item Owners create work plan, underlying deliverables and November 2008 measures for each action item according to near-term, mid-term and long-term goals Deliver Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Plan and action items November 2008 to Customer Councils Dec. 1, 2008 Implement a dashboard to monitor activities and results of the action items Dec. 9, 2008 Deliver Customer Satisfaction Enhancement Plan and action items to the Agency IT Resources (AITR) Communication meeting Report progress to the Executive Evaluation and Governance January 2009 Committee 12


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