1/26/2017 Cubmaster and Asst Cubmaster Position Specific Training Tom Santos Before the Meeting Starts • Objectives – Explain the Aims of Scouting and how Cub Scouting helps to fulfill those goals. – Identify the Cubmaster’s main responsibilities in the pack. – Discuss preparation for a pack meeting. Before the Meeting Starts • Aims of Scouting – Character Development, Citizenship Training, Mental and Physical Fitness • Methods of Cub Scouting – Ideals, Den, Advancement, Family Involvement, Activities, Home and Neighborhood Centered, Uniform 1
1/26/2017 Before the Meeting Starts • Cubmaster’s Main Responsibilities – Work directly with the pack trainer, den leaders, den chiefs, pack committee chair, and committee members to make sure that all dens are functioning well. – Ensure that all den leaders have completed Youth Protection training and Den Leader Position-Specific Training. – Work as a team with the pack committee chair and pack trainer to recruit, educate, guide, support, motivate, and inspire the other adult leaders. – With the help of other leaders, plan quality, year-round den and pack programs filled with fun and activities. – Lead the monthly pack meetings with the help of others, involving all dens in some way. – Conduct impressive advancement, recognition, and graduation ceremonies. For Webelos crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow, and other Boy Scout leaders. Before the Meeting Starts • Cubmaster’s Main Responsibilities, cont’d – Coordinate pack membership, recruiting, and transition. – Maintain good relationships with parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. – Request den chiefs for all Cub Scout dens and, after selection, see that they are trained. – Recognize the den chiefs at pack meetings. – Establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout troops that your Webelos Scouts may work with and/or join. – Know about and use the appropriate and available literature (point out the current versions of those publications, which should be on display in the room). – Attend monthly roundtables. Before the Meeting Starts • Preparation for the Pack Meeting – What are some of the questions that need to be addressed? • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How 2
1/26/2017 Gathering Time Activity • Objectives – Describe the importance of gathering time – Explain the importance of having a pack budget Gathering Time Activity • Gathering Time – Why do we need Gathering Time Activity before a Pack Meeting? – What activities can be part of the Gathering Time Activity? Gathering Time Activity • Pack Finances – Annual Budget – Source of Funding – Pack Financing • Resources – Family Talent Survey Family Talent Survey 3
1/26/2017 Opening • Objectives – Appreciate the value of formal opening ceremonies – Explain the behavior patterns of Cub Scout-age boys and methods of improving boy behavior – Describe how the Cub Scout uniform is used as a method to achieve Cub Scout’s purposes – Explain the Cub Scout sign Opening • Opening – Why do we do an Opening? – How do we do an Opening? • Uniforms – Why do we wear Uniforms? – Inspection Sheets Scout Leader Tiger-Wolf-Bear Webelos Opening • Conduct – Establish rule for good behavior right from the start. – Rules established in the den also holds true during all pack events. – Good conduct during a pack meeting keeps things fun for everyone and makes a positive impression on all. – Ask den leaders to remind boys to follow their den code of conduct at pack meetings. 4
1/26/2017 Program • Objectives – Describe the concept of themes – Define the relationship between pack and the dens – Explain the dens’ roles in the pack meeting Program • Themes – What are monthly themes? – http://www.scouting.org/home/cubscouts.aspx Program • February 2017: Reverent – “Passport To Other Lands” Passport To Other Lands 5
1/26/2017 Program • Pack Meetings – Pack meetings should include all members of the Cub Scout’s family. – Activities include songs, skits, demonstrations, ceremonies, and recognition of achievement. – Each den should have a part in the pack meeting. – Some den meeting activities might work toward the den’s part in the monthly pack meeting. Coordination to support den adventure needs should begin with annual pack planning. Recognition • Objectives – Explain the importance of advancement – Describe the importance of recognition – Know where to find recognition ceremonies Recognition • Advancement – Progam Handbooks – Den Advancement Report – https://my.scouting.org/ � Legacy WEB Tools � Internet Advancement 6
1/26/2017 Recognition • Recognition – Applies to youth and adults – KISMIF: Theme-related ceremonies • Resources – Pack Meeting Plans – Ceremonies for Dens and Packs Closing • Objectives – Explain the purpose of pack meeting closing – Use reminders at pack meetings Closing • Closing – Cubmaster’s Minute – Reflection • Resources – Pack Meeting Plans – Cub Scout Leader How-To Book • Reminders 7
1/26/2017 After the Pack Meeting • Objectives – Explain the purpose of planning pack meetings and activities – Identify resources for Cubmasters to use to plan pack meetings – Name the things leaders should keep in mind when planning meetings – Explain the importance of Cub Scout retention After the Pack Meeting • Objectives – Explain the purpose of planning pack meetings and activities – Identify resources for Cubmasters to use to plan pack meetings – Name the things leaders should keep in mind when planning meetings – Explain the importance of Cub Scout retention After the Pack Meeting • Planning meetings – Annual Pack Planning Conference • Program plan for the next 12 months – Monthly Pack Leaders’ Planning Meeting • Month and (Month+1) Pack and Den Meetings • Reminders: Have a written plan Purposes of Cub Scouting Involve families Age Appropriate Frequency Fun, fun, fun Time and Location KISMIF Length of Meeting 8
1/26/2017 After the Pack Meeting • Planning for the Pack Meeting – Use Pack Meeting plans – Plan at the monthly Pack Leaders’ Planning Meeting – Develop a Pack Meeting Schedule/Agenda – Consider the physical arrangement After the Pack Meeting • Resources – www.Scouting.org/CubScouts – Pack, District, Council scouting volunteers – Boys’ Life and Scouting magazines • boyslife.org, scoutingmagazine.org – Parents and families – Other Training Opportunities • BALOO, Wood Badge, Philmont Leadership Challenge (PLC), L.E.A.D. Thanks for all YOU do!! 9
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