cubmaster and asst cubmaster position specific training

Cubmaster and Asst Cubmaster Position Specific Training Tom Santos - PDF document

1/26/2017 Cubmaster and Asst Cubmaster Position Specific Training Tom Santos Before the Meeting Starts Objectives Explain the Aims of Scouting and how Cub Scouting helps to fulfill those goals. Identify the Cubmasters main

  1. 1/26/2017 Cubmaster and Asst Cubmaster Position Specific Training Tom Santos Before the Meeting Starts • Objectives – Explain the Aims of Scouting and how Cub Scouting helps to fulfill those goals. – Identify the Cubmaster’s main responsibilities in the pack. – Discuss preparation for a pack meeting. Before the Meeting Starts • Aims of Scouting – Character Development, Citizenship Training, Mental and Physical Fitness • Methods of Cub Scouting – Ideals, Den, Advancement, Family Involvement, Activities, Home and Neighborhood Centered, Uniform 1

  2. 1/26/2017 Before the Meeting Starts • Cubmaster’s Main Responsibilities – Work directly with the pack trainer, den leaders, den chiefs, pack committee chair, and committee members to make sure that all dens are functioning well. – Ensure that all den leaders have completed Youth Protection training and Den Leader Position-Specific Training. – Work as a team with the pack committee chair and pack trainer to recruit, educate, guide, support, motivate, and inspire the other adult leaders. – With the help of other leaders, plan quality, year-round den and pack programs filled with fun and activities. – Lead the monthly pack meetings with the help of others, involving all dens in some way. – Conduct impressive advancement, recognition, and graduation ceremonies. For Webelos crossover ceremonies, involve Scoutmasters, the Order of the Arrow, and other Boy Scout leaders. Before the Meeting Starts • Cubmaster’s Main Responsibilities, cont’d – Coordinate pack membership, recruiting, and transition. – Maintain good relationships with parents and guardians. Seek their support and include them in activities. – Request den chiefs for all Cub Scout dens and, after selection, see that they are trained. – Recognize the den chiefs at pack meetings. – Establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout troops that your Webelos Scouts may work with and/or join. – Know about and use the appropriate and available literature (point out the current versions of those publications, which should be on display in the room). – Attend monthly roundtables. Before the Meeting Starts • Preparation for the Pack Meeting – What are some of the questions that need to be addressed? • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How 2

  3. 1/26/2017 Gathering Time Activity • Objectives – Describe the importance of gathering time – Explain the importance of having a pack budget Gathering Time Activity • Gathering Time – Why do we need Gathering Time Activity before a Pack Meeting? – What activities can be part of the Gathering Time Activity? Gathering Time Activity • Pack Finances – Annual Budget – Source of Funding – Pack Financing • Resources – Family Talent Survey Family Talent Survey 3

  4. 1/26/2017 Opening • Objectives – Appreciate the value of formal opening ceremonies – Explain the behavior patterns of Cub Scout-age boys and methods of improving boy behavior – Describe how the Cub Scout uniform is used as a method to achieve Cub Scout’s purposes – Explain the Cub Scout sign Opening • Opening – Why do we do an Opening? – How do we do an Opening? • Uniforms – Why do we wear Uniforms? – Inspection Sheets Scout Leader Tiger-Wolf-Bear Webelos Opening • Conduct – Establish rule for good behavior right from the start. – Rules established in the den also holds true during all pack events. – Good conduct during a pack meeting keeps things fun for everyone and makes a positive impression on all. – Ask den leaders to remind boys to follow their den code of conduct at pack meetings. 4

  5. 1/26/2017 Program • Objectives – Describe the concept of themes – Define the relationship between pack and the dens – Explain the dens’ roles in the pack meeting Program • Themes – What are monthly themes? – Program • February 2017: Reverent – “Passport To Other Lands” Passport To Other Lands 5

  6. 1/26/2017 Program • Pack Meetings – Pack meetings should include all members of the Cub Scout’s family. – Activities include songs, skits, demonstrations, ceremonies, and recognition of achievement. – Each den should have a part in the pack meeting. – Some den meeting activities might work toward the den’s part in the monthly pack meeting. Coordination to support den adventure needs should begin with annual pack planning. Recognition • Objectives – Explain the importance of advancement – Describe the importance of recognition – Know where to find recognition ceremonies Recognition • Advancement – Progam Handbooks – Den Advancement Report – � Legacy WEB Tools � Internet Advancement 6

  7. 1/26/2017 Recognition • Recognition – Applies to youth and adults – KISMIF: Theme-related ceremonies • Resources – Pack Meeting Plans – Ceremonies for Dens and Packs Closing • Objectives – Explain the purpose of pack meeting closing – Use reminders at pack meetings Closing • Closing – Cubmaster’s Minute – Reflection • Resources – Pack Meeting Plans – Cub Scout Leader How-To Book • Reminders 7

  8. 1/26/2017 After the Pack Meeting • Objectives – Explain the purpose of planning pack meetings and activities – Identify resources for Cubmasters to use to plan pack meetings – Name the things leaders should keep in mind when planning meetings – Explain the importance of Cub Scout retention After the Pack Meeting • Objectives – Explain the purpose of planning pack meetings and activities – Identify resources for Cubmasters to use to plan pack meetings – Name the things leaders should keep in mind when planning meetings – Explain the importance of Cub Scout retention After the Pack Meeting • Planning meetings – Annual Pack Planning Conference • Program plan for the next 12 months – Monthly Pack Leaders’ Planning Meeting • Month and (Month+1) Pack and Den Meetings • Reminders: Have a written plan Purposes of Cub Scouting Involve families Age Appropriate Frequency Fun, fun, fun Time and Location KISMIF Length of Meeting 8

  9. 1/26/2017 After the Pack Meeting • Planning for the Pack Meeting – Use Pack Meeting plans – Plan at the monthly Pack Leaders’ Planning Meeting – Develop a Pack Meeting Schedule/Agenda – Consider the physical arrangement After the Pack Meeting • Resources – – Pack, District, Council scouting volunteers – Boys’ Life and Scouting magazines •, – Parents and families – Other Training Opportunities • BALOO, Wood Badge, Philmont Leadership Challenge (PLC), L.E.A.D. Thanks for all YOU do!! 9


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