CSE484/CSE584 BASIC WEB SECURITY MODEL Dr. Benjamin Livshits
Is Isolation
Frame and IFRAME Window may contain frames from different sources Frame: rigid division as part of frameset iFrame: flo floati ting inline frame iFrame example < iframe src="hello.html" width=450 height=100> If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand IFRAME. </ iframe > Why use frames? Delegate screen area to content from another source Browser provides isolation based on frames Parent may work even if frame is broken
Floating IFRAME s 4
At Least A Handful of IFRAMEs is Common 5
Windows Interact 6
Web vs. OS: An Analogy Operating system Web browser Primitives Primitives System calls Document object model (DOM) Processes Frames Disk Cookies / localStorage Principals: Users Principals: “Origins” Low-level vulnerabilities Application-level vulnerabilities Buffer overflow Cross-site scripting Other memory issues Cross-site request forgery SQL injection etc.
Side-by-Side vs. Embedded in a Page 8 Two independent Interesting windows interactions …or frames …or browser instances
Frame Embedding 9
Browser Security Mechanism A B A A B Each frame of a page has an origin Origin = <pr protocol://host:port> Frame can access its own origin Network access, Read/write DOM, Storage (cookies) Frame cannot access data associated with a different origin
Origin Determination: http://www.example.com 11 11
SOP For the DOM 12 12 With no additional qualifiers, the term 2) Any page may set document.domain "same-origin policy" most commonly refers parameter to a right-hand, fully-qualified to a mechanism that governs the ability for fragment of its current host name (e.g., JavaScript and other scripting languages to foo.bar.example.com may set it to access DOM properties and methods across example.com, but not apple.com). If two domains (reference). In essence, the model pages explicitly and mutually set their boils down to this three-step decision respective document.domain parameters process to the same value, and the remaining same- origin checks are satisfied, access is granted. 1) If protocol , host name , port number for two interacting pages match , access is 3) If neither of the above conditions is granted with no further checks satisfied, access is denied.
Domain Relaxation www.facebook.com chat.facebook.com www.facebook.com facebook.com facebook.com chat.facebook.com www.facebook.com Origin: <scheme, host, (port), hasSetDomain> Try document.domain = document.domain
SOP Policy For Cookies: It’s Complicated 14 14 https://code.google.com/p/browsersec/wiki/Part2
Script Inclusion Excluded From SOP www.example.com: Why is this a good idea? <script src =“ http://ajax.aspnetcdn.c om/ajax/jquery.validate/1.11 .0/jquery.validate.min.js”> Why is this a bad idea? </script> Script has privileges of imported • page, NOT source server. Can script other pages in this • origin, load more scripts Other forms of importing •
SOP: More Details 16 16 Same-origin policy for DOM access Same-origin policy for XMLHttpRequest Same-origin policy for cookies Same-origin policy for Flash Same-origin policy for Java Same-origin policy for Silverlight Same-origin policy for Gears Origin inheritance rules
Remote Scrip iptin ing and Cross-Domain Access
Site B Site A Additional Mechanisms Cross-origin network requests Site A context Site B context Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <list of domains> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cross-origin client side communication Client-side messaging via navigation (old browsers) postMessage (modern browsers)
Cross-Domain Request 19 19 For example, suppose web content on domain http://foo.example.com wishes to invoke content on domain http://bar.other.com Code of this sort might be used within JavaScript deployed on http://foo.example.com
Cross-Domain GET Request 20 20 Firefox headers sent out as part of the request the resource can be accessed by any domain in a cross-site manner
Pre-Flighting 21 21 Allows to pre-flight cross- domain requests to see if they are allowed Which methods are supported by the domain
Client-Side window.postMessage API 23 23 Client-side communication between principals (domains) that don’t necessarily trust each other Add a contact Share contacts
Syntax of postMessage frames[0].postMessage("Attack at dawn!", "http://b.com/"); window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { if (e.origin == "http://a.com") { ... e.data ... } }, false); Attack at dawn!
Why Include “ targetOrigin ”? What goes wrong? frames[0].postMessage("Attack at dawn!"); Messages sent to frames , not principals When would this happen? 25
Summary Http Rendering content Cookies Isolation Communication Navigation Security User Interface Frames and frame busting
Break… 27 27 Source : http://xkcd.com/327/
Web Application Scenario 28 28 HTTP REQUEST HTTP RESPONSE client server
Memory Exploits and Web App Vulnerabilities Compared 29 29 Format t str trin ing SQL in inje jection vu vuln lnerabiliti ties Generally, better, more restrictive APIs are enough Generally, better, more restrictive APIs are enough Simple static tools help Simple static tools help Buffer overruns Cross-site scrip ipting Stack-based XSS-0, -1, -2, -3 Return-to-libc, etc. Requires careful Heap-based programming Heap spraying attacks Requires careful programming or memory-safe languages
SQL Injection Attacks 30 30 Attacks a particular sit site, not (usually) a particular user Affect applications that use untrusted input as part of an SQL query to a back-end database Specific case of a more general problem: using untrusted input in commands
SQL Injection: Example 31 31 Consider a browser form, e.g.: When the user enters a number and clicks the button, this generates an http request like https://www.pizza.com/show_orders?month=10
Example Continued … 32 32 Upon receiving the request, a Java program might produce an SQL query as follows: sql_query = "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders " + "WHERE userid=" + session.getCurrentUserId() + " AND order_month= " + request.getParameter("month") ; A normal query would look like: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders WHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=10
Example Continued … 33 33 What if the user makes a modified http request: https://www.pizza.com/show_orders?month=0%20OR%201%3D1 (Parameters transferred in URL-encoded form, where meta-characters are encoded in ASCII) This has the effect of setting request.getParameter (“month”) equal to the string 0 OR 1=1
Example Continued 34 34 So the script generates the following SQL query: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders ( WHERE userid=4123 ) AND order_month=0 OR 1=1 Since AND takes precedence over OR, the above always evaluates to TRUE The attacker gets every entry in the database!
Even Worse … 35 35 Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders WHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 OR 1=0 UNION SELECT cardholder, number, exp_date FROM creditcards Attacker gets the entire credit card database as well!
More Damage … 36 36 SQL queries can encode multiple commands, separated by ‘;’ Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders WHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 ; DROP TABLE creditcards Credit card table deleted! DoS attack
More Damage … 37 37 Craft an http request that generates an SQL query like the following: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders WHERE userid=4123 AND order_month=0 ; INSERT INTO admin VALUES (‘hacker’, ...) User (with chosen password) entered as an administrator! Database owned!
May Need to be More Clever … 38 38 Consider the following script for text queries: sql_query = "SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day " + "FROM orders " + "WHERE userid=" + session.getCurrentUserId() + " AND topping= ‘ " + request.getParameter (“topping") + “’” Previous attacks will not work directly, since the commands will be quoted But easy to deal with this…
Example Continued … 39 39 Craft an http request where request.getParameter (“topping”) is set to abc ’; DROP TABLE creditcards; -- The effect is to generate the SQL query: SELECT pizza, quantity, order_day FROM orders WHERE userid=4123 AND toppings=‘ abc ’; DROP TABLE creditcards ; -- ’ (‘ -- ’ represents an SQL comment)
Mitigation? Solutions? 40 40 Blacklisting Whitelisting Encoding routines Prepared statements/bind variables Mitigate the impact of SQL injection
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