1 context the semantic gap control theoretical aspects

1 Context The semantic gap Control-theoretical aspects Compilation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Context The semantic gap Control-theoretical aspects Compilation aspects C code production 2 From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Numerical precision problems Machine representation of real numbers Alteration of constants

  1. 1 Context The semantic gap Control-theoretical aspects Compilation aspects C code production 2 From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Numerical precision problems Machine representation of real numbers Alteration of constants Rounding errors Other systems 3 Closing the loop Closed-loop system Proof scheme Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 1 / 24

  2. From Physics to Interrupt Handlers: The Real to Float Step Vivien Maisonneuve CRI, MINES ParisTech Presentation at Toccata November 23, 2012 Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 2 / 24

  3. Context The semantic gap Different levels of description In control engineering, work on different levels to design and build a control system: • Format/high-level aspects: system conception, modeling, possibly proof. • Concrete/low-level aspects: creation of an object implementing the system. Quadricopter, DRONE Project, MINES ParisTech & ECP. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 3 / 24

  4. Context The semantic gap Formal aspect model object System definition: • Inputs: sensors [accelerometer, sonar. . . ] + references [operator instructions]. Outputs: actions to act on environment [rotors rotation speed]. • Modeling in the form of equations to express relations between inputs and outputs: differential equations/transfer functions between IOs. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 4 / 24

  5. Context The semantic gap Formal aspect model object System definition: • Inputs: sensors [accelerometer, sonar. . . ] + references [operator instructions]. Outputs: actions to act on environment [rotors rotation speed]. • Modeling in the form of equations to express relations between inputs and outputs: differential equations/transfer functions between IOs. System requirements: • Stability conditions [bounded rotation speed]. • Pursuit of reference input [try to reach the ordered position]. • Perturbation rejection [wind]. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 4 / 24

  6. Context The semantic gap Concrete aspect model object Creation of a real object implementing the system. • Electronic circuit that physically computes the transfer function. • With a microcontroller : a small system with processor, memory, I/O devices, that runs a program implementing the transfer function. [ATMEGA128 Frequency: 16 MHz RAM: 4 KB Prog. mem.: 128 KB] Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 5 / 24

  7. Context The semantic gap Semantic gap model C code µ C code Antagonism: • Abstract, mathematical model. • Microcontroller code: program written in C, then compiled. Long (thousands of LoC), low-level (elementary operations, hardware management, interruptions). Series of transformations to go from abstract model to microcontroller code. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 6 / 24

  8. Context The semantic gap Semantic gap model C code µ C code Antagonism: • Abstract, mathematical model. • Microcontroller code: program written in C, then compiled. Series of transformations to go from abstract model to microcontroller code. Problem of proof transposition: Considering a model with correction proofs [stability], how to transpose down these proofs at the code level? Interest: formally check the code, not only the model. Difficulties: semantic gap, non-equivalent transformations ( ⇒ proofs must be checked). Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 6 / 24

  9. Context Control-theoretical aspects Control-theoretical aspects model pseudocode C code µ C code Produce a pseudocode from the abstract model: • Solve the model differential equation, get a transfer function. (Laplace transform/Z transform, initial conditions problem.) • If continuous-time model, discretization. (Problems with sampling, execution times.) while transposing the proof. Usual problems in control engineering. Once done, discrete-time system with a loop on the transfer function ⇒ pseudocode [in MATLAB]. Proof: invariants on this code. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 7 / 24

  10. Context Compilation aspects Compilation aspects model pseudocode C code µ C code At the other end: compilation of C code to machine code. Risks of error: • Important changes in the code: elementary operations, management of registers and of memory stack, instruction jumps. • Possible optimizations. Solutions: • “Existing C compilers are reliable enough.” • Proof-preserving compilation [Barthe]. • Certified compilation [CompCert]. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 8 / 24

  11. Context C code production What’s between? model pseudocode C code µ C code Opener question. Several challenges: 1 High level mathematical operations � series of elementary instructions [matrices, sinus]. 2 Real values � machine words with limited precision. 3 On a microcontroller, data/events acquisition raises interruptions (real-time answer, energy consumption) ⇒ particular code structure. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 9 / 24

  12. From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Example system Very simple, open-loop, linear system [Feron]. Pseudocode: Ac = [0.4990, -0.0500; 0.0100, 1.0000]; state matrix (matrice de dynamique) input matrix (matrice de commande) Bc = [1;0]; Cc = [564.48, 0]; output matrix (matrice d’observation) feedthrough matrix (matrice d’action directe) Dc = -1280; � x c 1 � ∈ R 2 : controller state xc = zeros(2,1); x c = x c 2 receive(y,2); receive(yd,3); y ∈ R : reference input; y d ∈ R : real position while 1 yc = max(min(y - yd,1),-1); y c ∈ [ − 1 , 1 ] : bounded gap u ∈ R : action to be performed u = Cc*xc + Dc*yc; xc = Ac*xc + Bc*yc; send , receive : blocking, 2 nd arg. is channel id send(u,1); receive(y,2); receive(yd,3); end Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 10 / 24

  13. From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Lyapunov theory (Lyapunov) stability: all reachable states x c start near an equilibrium point x e and stay in a neighborhood V of x e forever. Lyapunov theory: NSC on V . On linear systems, provided as an equation that can be solved with LMIs, generally as an ellipsoid. � � x c 1 Here, show that x c = belongs to the ellipse: x c 2 � � 0 , 6742 0 , 0428 E P = { x ∈ R 2 | x T · P · x ≤ 1 } , P = 10 − 3 . 0 , 0428 2 , 4651 ⇒ 0 . 6742 x 2 c 1 + 0 . 0856 x c 1 x c 2 + 2 . 4651 x 2 x c ∈ E P ⇐ c 2 ≤ 1000 . 20 10 � 40 � 20 20 40 � 10 � 20 Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 11 / 24

  14. From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Stability proof Proof given as code xc = zeros(2,1); x c ∈ E P invariants. receive(y,2); receive(yd,3); x c ∈ E P Implication (weakening) if while 1 two consecutive invariants. x c ∈ E P yc = max(min(y - yd,1),-1); y 2 Most of them easy to check, x c ∈ E P , c ≤ 1 � µ P � x c � 0 2 × 1 � some depend on theorems. ∈ E Q µ | Q µ = , µ = 0 . 9991 y c 0 1 × 2 1 − µ u = Cc*xc + Dc*yc; Last implication: E ˜ P ⊆ E P � x c � ∈ E Q µ closes the loop. Validity y c xc = Ac*xc + Bc*yc; relies on parameters A c , B c , � T � − 1 P = �� ˜ � · Q − 1 · � x c ∈ E ˜ | A c B c A c B c P µ C c , D c , µ : algebric or send(u,1); x c ∈ E ˜ numerical verification P receive(y,2); needed. x c ∈ E ˜ P receive(yd,3); x c ∈ E ˜ P x c ∈ E P end Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 12 / 24

  15. From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Digression: with C instructions High level mathematical operations � series of scalar elementary instructions. Here, matrix operations are expanded: the instruction � x c � ∈ E Q µ y c xc = Ac*xc + Bc*yc; � T � − 1 P = �� ˜ � · Q − 1 · � x c ∈ E ˜ | A c B c A c B c P µ becomes: � x c � ∈ E Q µ y c xb[0] = xc[0]; xb : buffer xb[1] = xc[1]; xc[0] = Ac[0][0]*xb[0]+Ac[0][1]*xb[1]+yc; xc[1] = Ac[1][0]*xb[0]+Ac[1][1]*xb[1]; ??? Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 13 / 24

  16. From real to floats Example of linear invariant system Digression: with C instructions High level mathematical operations � series of scalar elementary instructions. Here, matrix operations are expanded: the instruction � x c � ∈ E Q µ y c xc = Ac*xc + Bc*yc; � T � − 1 P = �� ˜ � · Q − 1 · � x c ∈ E ˜ | A c B c A c B c P µ becomes: � x c � ∈ E Q µ y c xb[0] = xc[0]; xb : buffer xb[1] = xc[1]; xc[0] = Ac[0][0]*xb[0]+Ac[0][1]*xb[1]+yc; xc[1] = Ac[1][0]*xb[0]+Ac[1][1]*xb[1]; � T � − 1 P = �� ˜ � · Q − 1 · � x c ∈ E ˜ | A c B c A c B c P µ Same computation: output invariant can be found [Feron]. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 13 / 24

  17. From real to floats Numerical precision problems Numerical precision problems To produce C code: real numbers � binary finite-length machine words (32 b. or 64 b.). ⇒ Loss in accuracy, two consequences: 1 Constant values are slightly altered. 2 Rounding errors during computations. Vivien Maisonneuve From Reals to Floats November 23, 2012 14 / 24


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