cse 232a graduate database systems

CSE 232A Graduate Database Systems Arun Kumar Review Discussion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CSE 232A Graduate Database Systems Arun Kumar Review Discussion 1 Review Question Which of the following parallelism paradigms is making a comeback in the cloud-native RDBMS setting thanks to faster networks? A Shared-disk B

  1. CSE 232A 
 Graduate Database Systems Arun Kumar Review Discussion 1

  2. Review Question Which of the following parallelism paradigms is making a “comeback” in the cloud-native RDBMS setting thanks to faster networks? A Shared-disk B Shared-memory C Shared-nothing D None of the above 2

  3. Review Question Which of the following capabilities help RDBMSs handle more complex objects than simple SQL data types? A PL/SQL B Streaming queries C UDTs and UDFs D None of the above 3

  4. Review Question What is resource elasticity? A Massively parallelizing computations B Upsizing and downsizing resources dynamically C Tolerating machine failures dynamically D None of the above 4

  5. Review Question Which relational operator’s data access pattern is closest to that of gradient descent? A PROJECT B JOIN C GROUP BY SUM D GROUP BY MEDIAN 5

  6. Review Question Which of the following ML-for-RDBMS capabilities is aimed at reducing user effort to specify database queries? A Learned index structures B Learned query optimizers C Automated configuration tuning D Natural language interfaces 6


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