
CryptoClue Cryptography & Math Circles An Unexpected Topic for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CryptoClue CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? With What? CryptoClue Cryptography & Math Circles An Unexpected Topic for a Math Circle Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle Sharon K. Robbert References

  1. CryptoClue CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? With What? CryptoClue Cryptography & Math Circles An Unexpected Topic for a Math Circle Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle Sharon K. Robbert References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond Trinity Christian College the Math Classroom Contact Information January 6, 2017

  2. CryptoClue An Hour-able Crime! CryptoClue The Setting Where? I Location: Archimedes Junior High Who? With What? Cryptography & Math Circles Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  3. CryptoClue An Hour-able Crime! CryptoClue The Setting Where? I Location: Archimedes Junior High Who? With What? Cryptography & Math Circles I Principal: Mrs. Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Bletchley Game History Math Circle I To solve this enigmatic References Selected Reference mystery, you will need to List Fun Resources beyond solve three clues based on the Math Classroom Contact historical cryptosystems. Information I Where? I Who? I With what?

  4. CryptoClue Narrowing the Options I Principal Bletchley has identi…ed the following options CryptoClue for the crime: The Setting Where? I Locations for the criminal act: Outhouse, Walk-in Who? With What? closet, basement, Tree house, Attic, kitchen cabinet Cryptography & I Many weapon options, including: a dustbuster, a tennis Math Circles Basics of shoe, a plunger, a squirt gun, shrubbery, bagpipes, etc. Cryptography I Her list of usual suspects: Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  5. CryptoClue Narrowing the Options I Principal Bletchley has identi…ed the following options CryptoClue for the crime: The Setting Where? I Locations for the criminal act: Outhouse, Walk-in Who? With What? closet, basement, Tree house, Attic, kitchen cabinet Cryptography & I Many weapon options, including: a dustbuster, a tennis Math Circles Basics of shoe, a plunger, a squirt gun, shrubbery, bagpipes, etc. Cryptography I Her list of usual suspects: Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information I Volunteer crytanalysts?

  6. CryptoClue Where? Clue #1: Letters Inscribed on Colored Ribbons CryptoClue The Setting Where? I Curious rods in Mrs. Oiler’s geometry classroom, Who? With What? ribbons dangling from light …xtures Cryptography & Math Circles Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information I Hint: To solve the riddle, you must test the ribbons by wrapping them around the rods provided to see if the resequencing makes sense.

  7. CryptoClue Who? Clue #2: A Cipher Wheel and Cipher Text CryptoClue The Setting Where? I In Mr. Seezer’s classroom: Who? With What? Cryptography & Math Circles Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  8. CryptoClue With What? Clue #3: A sequence of playing card symbols of one color CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? With What? Cryptography & Math Circles Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  9. CryptoClue With What? Clue #3: A sequence of playing card symbols of one color CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? With What? Cryptography & Math Circles I Curious fact: the number of red playing cards is Basics of Cryptography identical to the number of letters in the English Crime Resolved! Game History alphabet. Math Circle References I A suspicious challenge by your math tutor, Ms. R.S. Selected Reference List Adleman: “I’ll give you one card-letter clue for each Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom correct problem you answer...” Contact Information I Hint: you need not obtain all 26 cards to solve the riddle and determine the weapon of clock destruction.

  10. CryptoClue What is Cryptography? CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? I Any system of secret writing where With What? Cryptography & I allies can communicate information accurately Math Circles I allies are able to be assured of information validity Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  11. CryptoClue What is Cryptography? CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? I Any system of secret writing where With What? Cryptography & I allies can communicate information accurately Math Circles I allies are able to be assured of information validity Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! I BUT where Game History Math Circle I enemies cannot understand an intercepted message References Selected Reference I enemies cannot trick allies into believing a false message List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  12. CryptoClue What is Cryptography? CryptoClue The Setting Where? Who? I Any system of secret writing where With What? Cryptography & I allies can communicate information accurately Math Circles I allies are able to be assured of information validity Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! I BUT where Game History Math Circle I enemies cannot understand an intercepted message References Selected Reference I enemies cannot trick allies into believing a false message List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom I Cryptosystems are considered secure, if the enemy is Contact unable to decipher the message even if everything about Information the system is public knowledge except for the key. (Kerckho¤s’ principle)

  13. CryptoClue Historical Notes CryptoClue I Where? Clue #1: Letters Inscribed on Colored Ribbons The Setting Where? Who? I The ribbons and tubes are a modern version of an With What? ancient Spartan cipher tool called a scytale from the Cryptography & Math Circles …fth century BC Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  14. CryptoClue Historical Notes CryptoClue I Where? Clue #1: Letters Inscribed on Colored Ribbons The Setting Where? Who? I The ribbons and tubes are a modern version of an With What? ancient Spartan cipher tool called a scytale from the Cryptography & Math Circles …fth century BC Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! I Who? Clue #2: A Cipher Wheel and Cipher Text Game History Math Circle I The cipher used in this clue is a shift cipher, a variation References Selected Reference of the Caesar cipher. List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  15. CryptoClue Historical Notes CryptoClue I Where? Clue #1: Letters Inscribed on Colored Ribbons The Setting Where? Who? I The ribbons and tubes are a modern version of an With What? ancient Spartan cipher tool called a scytale from the Cryptography & Math Circles …fth century BC Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! I Who? Clue #2: A Cipher Wheel and Cipher Text Game History Math Circle I The cipher used in this clue is a shift cipher, a variation References Selected Reference of the Caesar cipher. List Fun Resources beyond I With What? Clue #3: A sequence of playing card the Math Classroom Contact symbols of one color Information I The cipher used in this clue is a substitution cipher, believed to be …rst used by Arabs prior to the 10 th century AD. The Arabs also were the …rst to do frequency analysis of characters to break these codes!

  16. CryptoClue Crime Resolved! CryptoClue The Setting I Where: Outhouse, Walk-in closet, basement, Tree Where? Who? house, Attic, kitchen cabinet With What? Cryptography & Math Circles Basics of Cryptography Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  17. CryptoClue Crime Resolved! CryptoClue The Setting I Where: Outhouse, Walk-in closet, basement, Tree Where? Who? house, Attic, kitchen cabinet With What? Cryptography & I Clue: Sometimes this possibly scary and dark place is Math Circles called the cellar or the lower level but most people just Basics of Cryptography call it this eight letters. Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information

  18. CryptoClue Crime Resolved! CryptoClue The Setting I Where: Outhouse, Walk-in closet, basement, Tree Where? Who? house, Attic, kitchen cabinet With What? Cryptography & I Clue: Sometimes this possibly scary and dark place is Math Circles called the cellar or the lower level but most people just Basics of Cryptography call it this eight letters. Crime Resolved! Game History Math Circle I Who: References Selected Reference List Fun Resources beyond the Math Classroom Contact Information


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