Combating Gangs, Violence and Weapon Crime Geoff Thompson MBE FRSA DL , Founder and Executive Chair, Youth Charter Chair of Governors, University of East London 4 th December 2018 – Lord’s Cricket Ground, London #LEGACYOPPORTUNITY4ALL
39 Young Lives Lost in London 2018 Alfie Lamb Joel Urchie Jordan Jay Hughes George Wilkinson Josh Kennedy Amaan Shakoor Harry Rice Abdikarim Tanesha John (3) (7) Douherty (15) (16) (16) (16) Melbourne-Blake (17) Ogunjobi Hassan (15) (17) (17) (16) Katrina Promise Nkenda Malcolm Israel Ogunsola Rhyhiem Oluwadamilola Sami Sidhom Abdi Ali Natasha Hill Ethan Makunova (17) Mide-Madariola Odeyingbo (18) Ainsworth Barton (18) (18) (18) Nedd-Bruce (17) (17) (17) (18) (18) Lyndon Davis Kelvin Odunuyi Lewis Blackman Sadiq Adam Hasan Özcan Sabri Chibani Gulad Fareh Kelva Smith Ishak Tacine (19) (19) (19) (19) Mohamed (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) Kwasi Steven Elyon Poku Osman Shidane Marcel Campbell Latwaan Griffiths Beniamin Joseph Devoy Stapleton Anim-Boadu (20) (20) Narvaez Jara (20) (20) (20) Pieknyi William Torres (20) (20) (20) (20)
Causes of Knife Crime … Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘ glamourise' gang life to quell London's tide of violence -Daily Mail, 2018 “There is a lot of crazy things happening in the street. But the government has to understand it’s the music that is the only thing that is giving these kids a chance at changing their lives at the moment. “Drill does have a lot about it but it’s the truth. It’s what’s happening out there” - Big Narstie
Knife Crime in UK … In 2016-2017, there were, on average, 12 knife assault- related hospital admissions every day (Source: BBC, 2018)
WHAT DOES THE YOUTH CHARTER DO? ENGAGE Through Sport, Art, Culture & Digital Technology EQUIP Life Skills , Resilience, Aspiration EMPOWER Further, Higher Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship
Strategies & Funding … Strategies Serious Violence Strategy, Home Office (2018) • Police and Crime Plan 2017-21, Mayor of London (2017) • Mayor’s Knife Crime Strategy, Mayor of London (2017) • Funding £1m ESDF Save London Lives • £3.6m National County Lines Coordination Centre • £11m Early Intervention Youth Fund • £13m Trusted Relationships Fund • £40m Youth Investment Fund • £45m Youth Fund for London • £90m ‘dormant accounts’ funding • £200m Youth Endowment Fund • £1.5bn National Citizenship Service •
Quotes “Children should never get to the point of carrying a knife – but society needs to move on a hell of a lot before that happens.” Professor Green “The British state has given up on the children who need it most.” Gary Young, columnists with The Guardian “Housing is the main source of stability for humans and when it is taken away or disrupted it affects your mental health, your social life, your education.” Tayah, 19, from London, speaking to UN Poverty Envoy “During the 12 months I was made homeless. I was 18 and the council said I was not a priority. I was struggling with depression and anxiety and juggling work. I was told that if I stop work and have a baby I would be more likely to get housing.” Tayah, 19, from London, speaking to UN Poverty Envoy “If people don’t have enough space at home, you need to be outside and you are exposed to the big world and all sorts of people and pick up bad habits. Anyone offering them a way of making money, they will take it. That’s why I think drugs and crime are on the increase. The way the system is set up continuously allows the gap between rich and poor to constantly keep getting bigger.” Sahra, 19, from London, speaking to UN Poverty Envoy “Two of our members were with Siddique when he was stabbed. They tried to resuscitate him. The impact’s been devastating. Our young people have been too scared to go out and have stopped coming. We realised we needed trauma training for staff to help them address what’s gone on in our community and to reassure parents and build our base again.” Joseph Duncan, Youth Futures founder and chief executive
Quotes “Black lives matter, young lives matter, all lives matter. Everybody can fix this.” Geoff Thompson MBE FRSA DL, Executive Chair of Youth Charter / Chair of University of East London “Treat violence like a disease” Sajid Javid, Home Secretary "We must act together, and I stand with you as we face this challenge.” Sajid Javid, Home Secretary “Previously we used to see one or two wounds per victim. Now we are frequently seeing multiple wounds, five or sometimes 10 stab injuries on a single patient.” Dr Ross Davenport, Royal London Hospital, east London
OUR PHILOSOPHY AND VISION … Our Philosophy “Sport is an order of chivalry, a code of ethics and aesthetics, recruiting its members from all classes and all peoples. Sport is a truce, in an era of antagonisms and conflicts, it is the respite of the Gods in which fair competition ends in respect and friendship (Olympism). Sport is education, the truest form of education, that of character. Sport is culture because it enhances life and, most importantly, does so for those who usually have the least opportunity to feast on it. ” Rene Maheu, Former Director of UNESCO Our Vision “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is merely passing time. Vision with action can change the world... ” Nelson Mandela
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