creating gpx tracks from cycle routes in openstreetmap

Creating GPX tracks from cycle routes in OpenStreetMap Henry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Creating GPX tracks from cycle routes in OpenStreetMap Henry Miskin Overview 1. Introduction 2. OpenStreetMap Data 3. Processing Cycle Routes 4. Complete Cycle Routes 5. Challenges & Next Steps Introduction Who I am Henry Miskin

  1. Creating GPX tracks from cycle routes in OpenStreetMap Henry Miskin

  2. Overview 1. Introduction 2. OpenStreetMap Data 3. Processing Cycle Routes 4. Complete Cycle Routes 5. Challenges & Next Steps

  3. Introduction

  4. Who I am Henry Miskin @hpgmiskin hpgmiskin Cycling

  5. Following cycle routes - Poor or damaged signage - Foliage covers signes - Hard to recover when off route

  6. OpenCycleMap

  7. OpenCycleExport Country Cycle Route

  8. Why GPX files

  9. OpenStreetMap Data

  10. OpenStreetMap Data Model Node Way Relation Road Coordinate Cycle Route Footpath

  11. Shapely Linemerge

  12. Shapely Linemerge Issues

  13. Ways not terminating together

  14. Ways not connected

  15. Processing Cycle Routes

  16. How it works Download Relation Overpass API Process Ways Result Cache Create Route Save GPX File

  17. Processing ways 1. Find all places ways intersect Cycle Only 2. Split ways at all intersecting points Cycle Permitted Passible Road 3. Create cost matrix between all intersections Impassable Road No Road COST = DISTANCE * COEFFICIENT

  18. Creating a route 1. Find furthest points from one another 2. Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest path 3. Compute route in both directions

  19. Basic routing example

  20. Missing link example

  21. Complete Cycle Routes

  22. Belgium - RV4

  23. France - V86

  24. United Kingdom - Route 2

  25. Challenges & Next Steps

  26. Current challenges - Finding elevation data for routes - Continuity of cycle routes or route data - Finding the true start and end points

  27. Next Steps - Release GPX files on GitHub - Declare which routes are not continuous - Split routes by the towns they pass through

  28. Any questions?


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