creating an inclusive team culture in times of change

Creating an Inclusive Team Culture in Times of Change @yennycheung - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Creating an Inclusive Team Culture in Times of Change @yennycheung Why are you presenting, Yenny? @yennycheung ABOUT ME Yenny Cheung IMAGE Engineering Manager at Yelp in Hamburg Leads the Women in Tech employee resource group at Yelp in

  1. Creating an Inclusive Team Culture in Times of Change @yennycheung

  2. Why are you presenting, Yenny? @yennycheung

  3. ABOUT ME Yenny Cheung IMAGE Engineering Manager at Yelp in Hamburg Leads the Women in Tech employee resource group at Yelp in Germany @yennycheung

  4. The main takeaway: People first! @yennycheung

  5. OVERVIEW Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung

  6. OVERVIEW Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung

  7. OVERVIEW The “How” for People First 1. Safety & Self-care 2. Revisit our Expectations 3. Effective Communication 4. Inclusive Meetings 5. Check our Biases @yennycheung

  8. Safety & Self-care @yennycheung

  9. SAFETY & SELF-CARE "Safety trumps all other considerations." - Samuel Şerban, Bloomberg Engineering Team Leader in Hong Kong @yennycheung

  10. SAFETY & SELF-CARE There are lots of IMAGE things that could induce stress for us now. @yennycheung

  11. SAFETY & SELF-CARE Promote: IMAGE Taking breaks ● Logging off after ● work Mental health ● resources @yennycheung

  12. SAFETY & SELF-CARE The best advice I IMAGE have gotten: Take care of yourself first, then people will follow. @yennycheung

  13. SAFETY & SELF-CARE Do our teams crave IMAGE social interactions? Are we overdoing it? @yennycheung

  14. SAFETY & SELF-CARE We might ask ourselves this question, What does the team really need right now? @yennycheung

  15. SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung

  16. SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 1 - IMAGE Skeuomorph Replacing ● hallway conversations with private Slack messages Keeping all the ● meetings and the etiquette @yennycheung

  17. SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung

  18. SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 2 - Functional IMAGE Recording ● meetings and filling in the undocumented knowledge gap Posting on Slack ● public channel for visibility @yennycheung

  19. SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung

  20. SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 3 - IMAGE Asynchronous Centralized ● information sharing on issue tracker Documentations ● as source of truth @yennycheung

  21. SAFETY & SELF-CARE 1:1 are the best IMAGE channels to actively listen to the team @yennycheung

  22. Revisit our expectations @yennycheung

  23. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS This is not a normal IMAGE work-from-home situation. @yennycheung

  24. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Revisit our IMAGE expectations… with the team member. @yennycheung

  25. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS What we could offer: IMAGE Flexible hours ● A list of tasks to ● drop or delegate to adjust workload Not scheduling ● team events in the evening @yennycheung

  26. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS When giving IMAGE feedback, be genuinely curious about the recipient. @yennycheung

  27. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS My take: this is not IMAGE the time for formal performance management. @yennycheung

  28. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS When the team does IMAGE great work, we still want to celebrate. @yennycheung

  29. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Recognition with Yelp Love @yennycheung

  30. REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Recognition with Yelp Love @yennycheung

  31. Effective Communication @yennycheung

  32. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The team craves IMAGE direction and information during this time. Transparency is key. @yennycheung

  33. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Potential pitfalls: IMAGE Over-promising ● Under- ● communicating @yennycheung

  34. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION For the information IMAGE we know, over-communicate to the team. @yennycheung

  35. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION If we don’t have the IMAGE information yet, commit to a time and channel when we’ll give more info. @yennycheung

  36. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION If we won’t have the IMAGE information, be honest with the team. @yennycheung

  37. Inclusive Meetings @yennycheung

  38. INCLUSIVE MEETINGS Do we need this IMAGE meeting? @yennycheung

  39. INCLUSIVE MEETINGS As a participant: IMAGE Make sure other ● folks have time to chime in Emote more ● @yennycheung

  40. INCLUSIVE MEETINGS As a facilitator: IMAGE Distribute the ● agenda before Live captions ● Make ● participation optional Record ● meetings and send recaps @yennycheung

  41. Check our biases @yennycheung

  42. CHECK OUR BIASES Availability Bias: IMAGE Overly valuing experiences that have happened recently. Being swayed by those events that most vividly come to mind. @yennycheung

  43. CHECK OUR BIASES Stereotyping IMAGE Expecting a group or person to have certain qualities without having actually knowing them. @yennycheung

  44. CLOSING Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung

  45. An inclusive team culture helps us through crisis and it will continue help us through peace. @yennycheung

  46. CREDITS I would want to thank: My team, Lara Hogan, Lead Dev Live, Camille Fournier, Samuel Şerban. @yennycheung

  47. CREDITS Image credits: priority_084.png*UQyh1qwLcQchzwewpohtag.png g?itok=RpU_s49j 1150930940?k=6&m=1150930940&s=612x612&w=0&h=p4KW0ZKdOjDerFdmV-lQs0txo3ECeCuyAKO8nGgzFGA= @yennycheung

  48. CREDITS Image credits: &resize=800x600 @yennycheung

  49. CREDITS Resources 911e6 @yennycheung

  50. Thank you all for attending! Questions? You could reach me at @yennycheung.


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