Creating an Inclusive Team Culture in Times of Change @yennycheung
Why are you presenting, Yenny? @yennycheung
ABOUT ME Yenny Cheung IMAGE Engineering Manager at Yelp in Hamburg Leads the Women in Tech employee resource group at Yelp in Germany @yennycheung
The main takeaway: People first! @yennycheung
OVERVIEW Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung
OVERVIEW Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung
OVERVIEW The “How” for People First 1. Safety & Self-care 2. Revisit our Expectations 3. Effective Communication 4. Inclusive Meetings 5. Check our Biases @yennycheung
Safety & Self-care @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE "Safety trumps all other considerations." - Samuel Şerban, Bloomberg Engineering Team Leader in Hong Kong @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE There are lots of IMAGE things that could induce stress for us now. @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE Promote: IMAGE Taking breaks ● Logging off after ● work Mental health ● resources @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE The best advice I IMAGE have gotten: Take care of yourself first, then people will follow. @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE Do our teams crave IMAGE social interactions? Are we overdoing it? @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE We might ask ourselves this question, What does the team really need right now? @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 1 - IMAGE Skeuomorph Replacing ● hallway conversations with private Slack messages Keeping all the ● meetings and the etiquette @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 2 - Functional IMAGE Recording ● meetings and filling in the undocumented knowledge gap Posting on Slack ● public channel for visibility @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE The phases of remote adaptation Phase Phase Phase 3 1 2 Skeuomorph Functional Asynchronous Imitate the design, structure and "What if we didn't do things the Completing work without norms of an office environment. way we've always done them?" mandated synchronicity. *From GitLab’s blog @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE Phase 3 - IMAGE Asynchronous Centralized ● information sharing on issue tracker Documentations ● as source of truth @yennycheung
SAFETY & SELF-CARE 1:1 are the best IMAGE channels to actively listen to the team @yennycheung
Revisit our expectations @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS This is not a normal IMAGE work-from-home situation. @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Revisit our IMAGE expectations… with the team member. @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS What we could offer: IMAGE Flexible hours ● A list of tasks to ● drop or delegate to adjust workload Not scheduling ● team events in the evening @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS When giving IMAGE feedback, be genuinely curious about the recipient. @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS My take: this is not IMAGE the time for formal performance management. @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS When the team does IMAGE great work, we still want to celebrate. @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Recognition with Yelp Love @yennycheung
REVISIT OUR EXPECTATIONS Recognition with Yelp Love @yennycheung
Effective Communication @yennycheung
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The team craves IMAGE direction and information during this time. Transparency is key. @yennycheung
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Potential pitfalls: IMAGE Over-promising ● Under- ● communicating @yennycheung
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION For the information IMAGE we know, over-communicate to the team. @yennycheung
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION If we don’t have the IMAGE information yet, commit to a time and channel when we’ll give more info. @yennycheung
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION If we won’t have the IMAGE information, be honest with the team. @yennycheung
Inclusive Meetings @yennycheung
INCLUSIVE MEETINGS Do we need this IMAGE meeting? @yennycheung
INCLUSIVE MEETINGS As a participant: IMAGE Make sure other ● folks have time to chime in Emote more ● @yennycheung
INCLUSIVE MEETINGS As a facilitator: IMAGE Distribute the ● agenda before Live captions ● Make ● participation optional Record ● meetings and send recaps @yennycheung
Check our biases @yennycheung
CHECK OUR BIASES Availability Bias: IMAGE Overly valuing experiences that have happened recently. Being swayed by those events that most vividly come to mind. @yennycheung
CHECK OUR BIASES Stereotyping IMAGE Expecting a group or person to have certain qualities without having actually knowing them. @yennycheung
CLOSING Leadership styles *From Lara Hogan’s blog @yennycheung
An inclusive team culture helps us through crisis and it will continue help us through peace. @yennycheung
CREDITS I would want to thank: My team, Lara Hogan, Lead Dev Live, Camille Fournier, Samuel Şerban. @yennycheung
CREDITS Image credits: priority_084.png*UQyh1qwLcQchzwewpohtag.png g?itok=RpU_s49j 1150930940?k=6&m=1150930940&s=612x612&w=0&h=p4KW0ZKdOjDerFdmV-lQs0txo3ECeCuyAKO8nGgzFGA= @yennycheung
CREDITS Image credits: &resize=800x600 @yennycheung
CREDITS Resources 911e6 @yennycheung
Thank you all for attending! Questions? You could reach me at @yennycheung.
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