create a wow presentation that sells either someone

Create a Wow Presentation that Sells! Either someone speaks and - PDF document

Create a Wow Presentation that Sells! Either someone speaks and bores the audience or may put on a great presentation that excites but they never create action that turns into a sale, opportunity or potential new client. The information in this

  1. Create a Wow Presentation that Sells! Either someone speaks and bores the audience or may put on a great presentation that excites but they never create action that turns into a sale, opportunity or potential new client. The information in this ebook has been tested to drive action after a presentation. 1 . Edutainment- You must entertain while giving huge value. Audiences are done with presenters that only tease about what they know instead of delivering an in-depth information. They also don’t want to listen to anyone who only packs in everything and leaves no room for enjoyment. First you must realize that most of the information will not sink in. What usually your audience walks away with is that you are truly amazing and that they are overwhelmed with your content. What they do absorb are stories. When I say stories most people envision a story that lasts for ten minutes or more. Most people have a very short attention span so get to the meat of it fast! Also the story can be very short and to the point. “I’m a huge introvert and it just made me sick to think about talking to strangers.” This statement paints a complete picture but is just a sentence long. Entertainment also does not mean you have to dance, sing or actually “entertain” what it means is just engaging the audience and making your presentation enjoyable. 2. Sales Process- To make a presentation not feel “Salesy” you must be selling the whole time! I know that sounds like it is completely opposite but let’s explain. Write down a list of objections that people have about buying your product or service. Then you cover those objections in your presentation so by the end there isn’t an objection left to buying from you. For Example: One of mine is the idea of hiring a coach because most people have a hard time with why that is beneficial. So I put two slides in my presentation. One usually towards the beginning and the second towards the end. 1 st slide (what I say during that slide)- I’ve hired some of the top coaches in the area I know I’m struggling in or a new area that I want to go from 0 to 60 in the shortest amount of time. 2 nd slide- I absolutely love coaching people and helping them learn all of my secrets, insights and connections so they can be up and running in 3 months versus 5 years! Giving these 2 slides show the reason I value coaching and why they should too and how I offer services and can help them immediately. So look at how you can get people pass whatever causes them to hesitate. 3. Simplify- A complicated presentation will keep people form focusing on you. You want eyes on you 90% of the time. Try to stand to one side of the screen if possible so they can glance at the screen and get back to you. Remember… they don’t buy your product or services without buying you first. Your slides in Power Point or a PDF should be a visual clue for what you need to talk about next! Not for the purpose of the audience to read. Why should they listen to you if they can just read what you are about to say. So plop up a picture that represents what you are talking about for that slide. If you add words then make it short and super fast to read.

  2. 4. Jargon - The hardest part for a speaker to do is not to use jargon which is just words that are your industry standard but for the audience has no clue to what they mean. You don’t want an audience looking at you with a blank expression and you NEVER want to make your audience feel stupid or out of the loop. You do have to “dumb” down your presentation to about a 5 th grade level. My clients fight me on this all the time. It isn’t that your audience is just ignorant but they are probably not an expert in your field so they don’t know all the lingo or words that are just common in your vocabulary. This is extremely tricky especially for tech-presentations. One time I used the word “keystone” and I had people stopping my presentation because they had no idea what that word meant. I had never thought about if people knew what keystoning is and that it is a jargon used in the retail and wholesale industry. So when you finish a presentation, go back and think would my 10 year old nephew or my 90 year old grandmother understand what I’m about to say. If yes… great! If no… tweak! Your presentation will fall on deaf ears if they don’t understand you. Why even give a great speech if everyone walks out going “what did he say?” 5. Practice- Don’t decide to start speaking and the very first event is your exact target market and the group you have been itching to close business with. Instead do a lot of practice groups and events that while you are figuring out what to say, how to say it and how to sell from it, it won’t matter if you stumble or not it isn’t quiet there yet. They are your test bunnies. Don’t test on your stallion test on the hamsters! So when you feel great and your presentation is pretty polished now would be the time to get a speaking spot for that ultimate group you are now ready for! 6. Test- Test is different than practice. Test is trying new techniques, a different phrase or word choice, a new arrangement of your slides, change up the pictures, how you present and each time find out what worked, what people loved or didn’t understand and constantly tweak. Each time you do your practice runs, test something to see if you get a better result. 7. Sales and Marketing Words - The last thing you want to do during your presentation or after is turn a sale into a no thank you. A lot of times it could be the use of a sing wrong word. Never use- Pay, Buy, Purchase, Order or Any of the “I want you to give me money” words. You can ask them to invest in themselves. There are also words that make people squirm or turn away from. One word is “change”. No one wants to change or “work”. They do however want to transform. If you use a word and see the audience cringe, try using a different word next time. Words have a huge impact so ask peop9le if there was a word during your presentation that stuck out as a negative. Also, use Ariel font for your forms. It is proven that people buy more often when they read a form in Ariel. 8. Titles - People are so impressed with titles. Does your title stand out not only in the name of your presentation but in the title you give yourself? You don’t want the same title as everyone else. You always want to use a way of promoting yourself that people go “Wow, that person is unique!”

  3. 9. Connections - People are extremely impressed also with who you are connected to. Use pictures of yourself with those who are important, powerful and a celebrity. People have a hard time believing you know a lot if you don’t know anyone. So use those you do know and mention them. If you can get an endorsement, recommendation or testimonial from someone that your audience will be impressed with, the more of an impact your presentation will have. 10. Boast - Your audience must be impressed with who you are and who you are connected to so make sure you speak and gloat at the beginning but immediately after you have to convince them that you are no different than they are especially if your product or service is something you want them to do too. You must poke fun at yourself, make them cry or give them that amazing moment that says “I can do that too!” 11. Before the Presentation - It is important to connect and warm up the crowd before the presentation. Go around and introduce yourself to everyone. Have a smile on your face and a nice hand shake. Get them to like you even before you hit the stage. That way you have warmed up the crowd and they will be more open to what you have to say. Make sure you mention casually that you are the speaker that day. Listen to them instead of doing your pitch. Listening is the best way of making them LOVE YOU! 12. After the Presentation - If you were selling right, you really don’t have to do much to “pitch” something. Depending on how the crowd paid for the event dictates how you offer your pitch and what you offer to sell at your table. If it is a free crowd attending, you should sell small affordable items or just use it for Lead Generation. If they are paying to attend, then you can go up to 2 to 3 times of their entrance fee. Either way, be prepared. Always offer an item or items that they can walk away with. Make sure that you offer these low cost items at a round dollar amount. What bill do they have in their wallet? $5, $10, $20… make it easy for them to buy. Add tax and other charges if any is always included in the final price! You don’t want to be hunting for change. Sell those fast so you can get to the other people who want to talk about bigger opportunities. Have a credit card processing capability or write down their info to charge at home for those who don’t have cash on them. For anything over $20, end in .97. Have a double copy form to fill out so they get a copy. Remember that the presentation is to get people into knowing you and to start the conversation. It isn’t about selling your VIP package standing in front of 4 people waiting to talk to you. Have a belly to belly conversation on how you can help them after the event. 13. Drawing Item - Giveaways is a great way to generate interest in what you offer and to get everyone’s email addresses. I suggest you do this no matter what. Just don’t pitch from stage if you are trying to sell from stage. It makes everyone wait to see if they win first.


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