cpl 2016 week 12

CPL 2016, week 12 Clojure large scale design Oleg Batrashev - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CPL 2016, week 12 Clojure large scale design Oleg Batrashev Institute of Computer Science, Tartu, Estonia April 25, 2016 Overview Last weeks Clojure language core Immutable data structures This week Clojure simple state and design

  1. CPL 2016, week 12 Clojure large scale design Oleg Batrashev Institute of Computer Science, Tartu, Estonia April 25, 2016

  2. Overview Last weeks ◮ Clojure language core ◮ Immutable data structures This week ◮ Clojure simple state and design Next weeks ◮ Software transactional memory ◮ Agents in Clojure

  3. Mutable state 56/68 - State, identity and time From “The Joy of Clojure” book ◮ Time —The relative moments when events occur ◮ State —A snapshot of an entity’s properties at a moment in time ◮ Identity —The logical entity identified by a common stream of states occurring over time

  4. Mutable state 57/68 - Clojure’s state and identity ◮ state is often seen as a snapshot of object properties at a given moment ◮ immutable by definition ◮ identity can have different states in time ◮ sarah = new Person(Sarah, 25) ◮ sarah variable is the identity and object value is her state? ◮ but this state is mutable ◮ Clojure tries to distinguish an identity and its immutable states ◮ preserves historical states of identity ◮ identity is one of Clojure reference types

  5. Mutable state 58/68 - Clojure’s reference types ◮ Refs manage coordinated, synchronous changes to shared state. ◮ Atoms manage uncoordinated, synchronous changes to shared state. ◮ Agents manage asynchronous changes to shared state. ◮ Vars manage thread-local state.

  6. Mutable state 59/68 - Vars ◮ def / defn create global variable ◮ by default changable by everyone, no garantees ◮ allows to create thread-local state (def ^:dynamic foo 41)(binding [foo 42] (println foo))(println foo) ◮ get the “var” object itself (var foo) ; -> #'user/foo ◮ user is namespace name ◮ used to store global(namespace)/thread local configuration and functions ◮ for application data prefer atoms, refs, and agents!

  7. Mutable state 60/68 - Atoms ◮ (atom initialState) ◮ deref/@ – read value of an atom ◮ reset! – set the value of an atom ◮ swap! – atomically modify the value by using function, may be re-executed in case of conflict (def a (atom 34)) (swap! a (fn [state] (inc state ))) ; -> 35 (println @a) ; -> 35

  8. Program structure 61/68 - Namespaces ◮ ns – specify namespace ◮ allows to inline the following commands ◮ require – loads namespace into memory, defining its types, etc ◮ refer – imports names from namespace into local scope ◮ use = require + refer (ns suffixtree ) (require '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint ]]) ◮ import – for Java classes (import '(java.io FileInputStream InputStreamReader ))

  9. Program structure 62/68 - Types and protocols ◮ a way to do “object oriented” programming in Clojure ◮ type/record – collection of data (defrecord Person [name x y]) ◮ records are immutable but allow dictionary-like manipulations ◮ types allow mutable fields that are private ◮ both can implement some protocols ◮ protocol – functional interface to types/records ( defprotocol Movable (move [this direc] "Move someone .") (jump [this direc distance ])) ◮ first parameter is special – used for method dispatch ◮ use multimethods for multiparameter dispatch

  10. Program structure 63/68 - Extend types One type with several protocols (extend -type AType AProtocol (method -from -AProtocol [this x] ( ;... implementation for AType )) AnotherProtocol (method1 -from - AnotherProtocol [this x] ( ;... implementation for AType )) (method2 -from - AnotherProtocol [this x y] ( ;... implementation for AType ))) ◮ possible to do inline in deftype

  11. Program structure 64/68 - Extend protocols One protocol for multiple types (extend -protocol AProtocol AType (method1 -from -AProtocol [this x] ( ;... implementation for AType )) AnotherType (method1 -from -AProtocol [this x] ( ;... implementation for AnotherType )) (method2 -from -AProtocol [this x y] ( ;... implementation for AnotherType ))) ◮ possible to do inline in defprotocol ◮ extend command for reuse of methods

  12. Program structure 65/68 - Multidispatch: defmethod (defrecord Node [value left right ]) (defmethod print -method Node [node wr] (print -simple (str "<" (. value node) " " "l=" (print -str (. left node )) " " "r=" (print -str (. right node )) ">") wr))

  13. Program structure 66/68 - Java interop ◮ proxy – anonymous class with immediate instance ◮ gen-class – full-featured class extension

  14. Program structure 67/68 - Summary


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