covid 19 update for nps and pas learning objectives

COVID-19: Update for NPs and PAs Learning Objectives Describe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COVID-19: Update for NPs and PAs Learning Objectives Describe what is currently known about COVID-19 epidemiology and transmission Assess current COVID-19 diagnostic strategies Discuss evolving therapeutic approaches to COVID-19

  1. COVID-19: Update for NPs and PAs

  2. Learning Objectives • Describe what is currently known about COVID-19 epidemiology and transmission • Assess current COVID-19 diagnostic strategies • Discuss evolving therapeutic approaches to COVID-19 2

  3. Epidemiology and Transmission

  4. Global Incidence (11/19/2020) Johns Hopkins University & Medicine. Accessed Nov 19, 2020. 4

  5. US Average Daily Cases/100,000 in the Past 7 Days (11/19/20) The New York Times. 5 email&login=email&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage#map. Accessed Nov 19, 2020.

  6. Percent of New Tests That Are Positive, State by State (11/19/2020) Johns Hopkins University & Medicine. Accessed Nov 19, 2020. 6

  7. Transmission and Contagiousness • • Third wave in the US — worries about Why rapid and global spread? this winter’s respiratory season? ‒ Asymptomatic shedding High-risk environments? • Estimates 25% to 79% of infected? ‒ Mass gatherings • Role of asymptomatic cases affecting ‒ Family gatherings/holidays models/forecasts ‒ Universities, schools ‒ Bars, restaurants ‒ Travel Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Oct 29, 2020. 7

  8. When Are You Most Infectious? Most Symptomatic 10 Respiratory tract viral load with time >33 cycle threshold (generally not infectious) Cycle Threshold 15 Infectiousness 20 25 30 35 Period of 40 infectiousness Least – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Days Relative to Symptom Onset 8 Meyerowitz EA et al. Ann Intern Med . 2020;M20-5008: online ahead of print.

  9. The Physics of Transmission • Human sneeze or cough: 0.1 to 1000 microns • Respiratory droplets: Mostly 5 to 10 microns • Some aerosols: <5.0 microns • Silent shedders as main drivers ‒ Estimates up to 79% ‒ lnfectious up to 6 days before symptoms • 6 ft doesn’t account for particles ≤1 micron ‒ May be insufficient if indoors with poor circulation • Uncovered intense coughs: ≥20 ft • Universal masking as best weapon ‒ Surgical masks reduce transmission 9

  10. Superspreading Events • A few may infect many others ‒ Most may not infect anyone else ‒ 10% of infected → 80% of cases? • More likely to occur with ‒ Closed spaces with poor ventilation ‒ Crowds ‒ Close contact ‒ Shouting, singing, heavy breathing Enserink M. Science 2020; Accessed November 16, 2020. Meyerowitz EA et al. Ann Intern Med . 2020:[epub ahead of print]. 10

  11. What About in a Household? • Meta-analysis of 40 studies ‒ Secondary attack rate 18.8% (95% CI, 15.4% to 22.2%) • Higher for spouse/partner • Lower for other household members • Variable, depending on environmental factors • Rates only lower if mask wearing and social distancing in household ‒ Strongly suggested for high-risk people 11 Madewell ZJ, et al. medRxiv. 2020:preprint.

  12. Preventing Transmission: The 3 Best Things You Can Do aOR = adjusted odds ratio. 12 Chu DK, et al. Lancet . 2020;395(10242):1973-1987.

  13. Range of CO rona VI rus D isease - 20 19 13 Ghandi RT et al . N Eng J Med . 2020;383:1757-1766.

  14. Age and Gender Mortality Risks 14 Mallapaty S. Nature . 2020;585:16-17.

  15. Diagnosis

  16. Test Sensitivity Varies With Time Since Symptom Onset 16 Image created with

  17. COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Through RT-PCR PCR = polymerase chain reaction; RNA =ribonucleic acid ; RT-PCR = reverse transcription PCR; qPCR = quantitative PCR. 17 Image created with

  18. PCR “Turkey Talk” • False negatives ‒ Range 2% to 37% ‒ Depends on stage of illness, technique acquiring sample ‒ May need to repeat test if clinically suspicious • Pooled testing ‒ May reduce costs by batching ‒ Positive pool = all in that pool need individual testing delay ‒ Not widely used ‒ Most useful if community rates are declining and low 18

  19. Saliva-Based Tests: Is Drool Good? • Emerging • Likely less sensitive than nasopharyngeal swab ‒ Detects only ~90% • No tests widely available • Decreases barrier to testing ‒ Who is most contagious? A woman spits into a tube so that her saliva can be tested for the presence of novel coronavirus. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. 19 Service RF. Accessed Oct 30, 2020.

  20. Antigen Testing Adapted from Campbell IM. Accessed Oct 29, 2020. 20

  21. Rapid Testing 21

  22. Molecular vs Antigen Tests Factor RT-PCR Tests Antigen Tests • Antigen tests Intended use Detect current infection Detect current infection ‒ For early diagnosis in Analyte detected Viral RNA Viral antigens symptomatic patients Specimen type(s) Nasal swab, sputum, Nasal swab ‒ Not for screening saliva Sensitivity High Moderate (clinical studies in progress) Specificity High High ‒ Negative result should Test complexity Varies Relatively easy be followed up with a Authorized for Most not Yes point of care molecular assay Turnaround time 15 min to >2 days ~15 min Cost Moderate Low Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 22 Accessed Oct 29, 2020.

  23. Can the Role of Antigen Tests Be Widened? • Uncertain Date: Mon 19 Oct 2020 17:01 From: Salerno, Reynolds (CDC/DDPHSS/CSELS/DLS) • Tests hard to obtain (most purchased by < … > the government) • We are working on a number of studies with FDA EUA: only for symptomatic patients different partners to evaluate the performance of • Low sensitivity all of the widely available antigen tests on ‒ If repeated, increased false positive asymptomatic persons. The FDA authorizations for tests these tests are limited to their use on symptomatic persons. We will share data as soon as ‒ Asymptomatic screening — likely with we are able. lower sensitivity as pretest probability lower Ren Salerno CDC Atlanta, GA (POSTED TO EIN NETWORK) 23 EUA = Emergency Use Authorization.

  24. SARS-CoV-Antibody Testing • Positive test may reflect exposure to other coronaviruses • Positive test should not be taken as evidence of immunity • Positive test does not mean a COVID-19 diagnosis ACE-2 = angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. 24 Image created with

  25. Therapeutics

  26. Remdesivir: Results From the ACTT-1 Trial — Now FDA Approved • IV; only for hospitalized patients • 31% faster recovery vs placebo ( P <0.001, 10 days vs 15 days) • Appears safe • Mechanically ventilated or ECMO patients don’t appear to benefit • Oxygen-requiring (largest group) had most benefit • FDA- approved Oct 2020 for ≥12 years of age • New EUA for children <12 years of age ACTT-1 = stage 1 of Adaptive Covid-19 Treatment Trial. 26 Beigel JH, et al. N Engl J Med . 2020:NEJMoa2007764. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2007764. [Epub ahead of print.].

  27. COVID-19: Immune Modulation Therapy • • IL6R: Tocilizumab, IL-1: Canakinumab, sarilumab anakinra • • JAK: Baricitinib, BTK Inhibitor: ruxolitinib Ibrutinib • Steroids Ingraham et al . Lancet Resp Med . 2020: Tay et al . Nat Rev Immunolo . 2020: 27

  28. Dexamethasone: Results From the RECOVERY Trial • Target: hyperinflammatory state, trial halted • UK trial ‒ 2104 vs 4321 controls • NNT to avoid 1 death ‒ Ventilated patients: 8 • Mortality rate 40% → 28% ‒ On oxygen: 25 • Mortality rate 25% → 20% ‒ No benefit if not on oxygen, trend toward worsening 19 NNT = number needed to treat; RECOVERY = Randomized Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy. 28 Horby P, et al. N Engl J Med . 2020:NEJMoa2021436.doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2021436. [Epub ahead of print.].

  29. Convalescent Plasma • No RCTs support use (early terminations or Phase II) ‒ Li et al; Gharbharan et al; Agarwal et al (PLACID, n = 464) RCT = randomized controlled trial. US Food & Drug Administration. 29 potential-promising-covid-19-treatment. Accessed Oct 29, 2020.

  30. Preliminary Data from Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Program Adjusted Mortality — Graded Dose Effect (High vs Low Titer) • • High titer vs low titer 76 patients – 7-day mortality • 7- day mortality if… • 8.9% (6.8%, 11.7%) vs 13.7% ‒ ≤3 hospital days (11.1%, 16.8%), P = 0.048 • 8.7% (95% CI 8.3%-9.2%) • 30-day mortality ‒ ≥4 hospital days – High titer, pooled 0.77 (0.63-0.94) • 11.9% (11.4%-12.2%) , P < 0.001 for 30 days • 30-day mortality ‒ 21.6% vs 26.7%, P <0.0001 30 30 Joyner JM, et al. medRxiv. 2020:doi:10.1101/2020.08.12.20169359. Preprint.

  31. Passive Antibody Therapy: Advantages and Disadvantages Abraham, J. Nat Rev Immunol . 2020: — 0365-7. 31


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