Covid-19 Support Project Presentation Clificol is a cloud-based database designed to collect clinical cases of homeopaths worldwide. The Clificol team has created a specific project to collect data on the use of homeopathy as adjunctive care in the treatment of Covid-19-virus patients. This includes the possibility of finding one or more genus epidemicus remedies, based on confirmed large-scale data. Clificol Covid-19 Support Project Highlights This list highlights the main features of this project: • Respects GDPR/HIPAA and privacy regulations • Cloud-based database, 24/7 free access for all homeopaths • Verification of legitimacy of potential contributors (avoid fake contributors) • Easy, practical interface with maximum of preset values • Standardized entry of data, guaranteeing maximal searchability of data afterwards • Remedy catalog with all remedies currently in use • Multilingual interface accessing the same database worldwide • Any repertory symptoms and consultation text can be added in any language • Creates clusters of recurrent common symptoms per remedy • Data input masks have been developed in collaboration with (bio)statisticians • Statistical analysis of data through mathematical modelling • Continuous incremental backup of all data • Secure https protocol on secure server Information About Some Choices • Automated 24/7 registration through National Clificol Coordinators • Any homeopath can contribute clinical data for free; no need for any additional software although this would facilitate the entry of data • Patients are anonymized, the homeopath can only enter a number to identify them (“ Patient c ode”), no name, even no initials • Only year of birth can be put, but not the date of birth • Zip codes can be put, but not retrieved in detail. Only regional searches can be executed, not the village • Data anonymized in this way do not fall under the GDRP/HIPAA regulations. • “ Level of severity ” drops a list of 5 phenotypes, indicating the initial severity of the case • “Diagnostic accuracy” drops a list of diagnostic options ranging from confirmed by swa b to epidemiologically suspected case • “Co - morbidity” drops the list of known co -morbidities; more than one option can be selected • “In “Repertorial symptoms” symptoms from any repertory software can be copy-pasted. They will be used for statistical analysis. Version 200727
• The user can indicate an intensity (1-4) for each repertory symptom, which will allow a more relevant statistical analysis • Posology can be included • Evaluation points after 1, 3 and 7 days, whatever the days of consultation be • Easy evaluation by selecting the “ Overall assessment of the patient ” (ORIDL scale) • Possibility to select “Final outcome” when concluding the case • Adverse events can be reported • Boolean searches (and, or, not) on all fields will be possible • Advanced statistical analysis will help to suggest the best possible remedies and their specific symptom clusters, based on successes as well as on failures Version 200727
Governance Committee The Governance Committee is composed of representatives of (homeopathic) associations or federations. The tasks are as follows: • Assessing the general functioning of the project • Advising on strategic decisions, such as publishing of results, PR strategy, funding, etc. • Every association or federation is represented by one representative Currently, 10 representatives represent 196 associations: committee Scientific Committee The Scientific Committee has the following tasks: • Assess the scientific quality of the project on a regular basis, if not daily • Coordinate the work of the internal team and any external advisors • Communicate with researchers and evaluate research protocols • Liaise with the National Clificol Coordinators • The Scientific Committee has maximum 10 members to guarantee its availability and workability Members: • Rezzani Carlo, Clificol Project Coordinator, Italy • Di Giampietro Tiziana, European Committee for Homeopathy, ECH Research Coordinator, Italy • Fok Yvonne, Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, LMHI National Vice-President for China • Frass Michael, Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Homöopathie, WissHom President, Austria • Jansen Jean Pierre, European Committee for Homeopathy, ECH Provings Coordinator, The Netherlands • Poitevin Bernard, Société Savante d'Homéopathie, SSH Scientific Advisor, France • Rutten Lex, Vereniging Homeopathische Artsen Nederland, VHAN Researcher, GThe Netherlands • Schroyens Frederik, Zeus Soft, Scientific Coordinator, Belgium • Tournier Alexander, Homeopathy Research Institute, HRI Executive Director, England National Clificol Coordinators A National Clificol Coordinator (NCC) is a homeopath who is very well connected to his/her homeopathic community and who has the following tasks: • Liaise with the Scientific Committee • Liaise with the National Homeopathic Associations • Liaise with all homeopaths in their country • Supervise the verification procedure in their country • Supervise translations, national language manual, etc. • There can be more than one Coordinator per country, e.g. when the country is very big The list of NCC can be found on: Version 200727
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