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Covid-19 Q&A: Insurance Risk Management for Church and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Covid-19 Q&A: Insurance Risk Management for Church and Charities New Beginnings We also see many opportunities for Kingdom Bank and Stewardship to work closely together, for example in the provision of loans to the numerous church

  1. Covid-19 Q&A: Insurance Risk Management for Church and Charities

  2. New Beginnings “We also see many opportunities for Kingdom Bank and Stewardship to work closely together, for example in the provision of loans to the numerous church plants and revitalisations occurring in the U.K. which is something we are both very keen to support. The Christian community, by placing its savings and deposits with Kingdom Bank, therefore enables us to support Churches, Charities and Christian workers with their property needs .” Chris Perkins – Simon Blake, Chair of Trustees at Stewardship. Head of Church and Charity Lending How do I ask a question? Use to Q&A function at the bottom of your screen Covid-19 Q&A: Insurance Risk Management for Church and Charities

  3. Kingdom Bank For Kingdom Bank, everything we do flows from our faith which makes us distinctly different from almost every other bank. We are brokers and pride ourselves in finding the right cover for you at the best terms we can. We are experienced insurance advisers and will take time with you to understand your needs and to let you ask any questions you like. Barry Walker Head of Insurance How do I ask a question? Use to Q&A function at the bottom of your screen Covid-19 Q&A: Insurance Risk Management for Church and Charities

  4. Ansvar Insurance James Manning Head of underwriting Slides will be available after the webinar at

  5. Risk isk Ma Mana nagem gement ent Jame mes Manning, , Head of Underwr rwriting ting 21/05 /05/20 /2020

  6. Int ntro ro to o Ansvar ar 1 Risk Manage nagemen ent - Before re re-ope openin ning g chur urches es for r clerg ergy pray rayer/ r/stream eaming ing 2 Risk Manage nagemen ent - Eac ach time e the he Churc rch Build lding ing is used ed 3 Risk Manage nagemen ent - On an ongoing ngoing bas asis is 4 Risk Manage nagemen ent - Unoc occup upied ied prem remis ises 5 UK insura ranc nce e indus dustry COVI VID-19 19 Supp pport ort Fund nd 6 Grant Funding - Financial inancial suppor upport from rom Governm rnment ent 7 8 Useful Links 6

  7. Introd roduct uction ion to Ansv svar ar His istory ry Ansvar r today A specia ciali list st ethica ical l insu suran rance ce provid vider of packaged (non-complex) genera ral l insu sura rance ce solu luti tions for Church, Charity and Not for Profit business providing composit site prop roperty/ca rty/casu sualt lty y cove vers. rs. Our core niche activity is focused around “Free” Church , including start art ups s and nd fello lowsh ship ips, and smal all l to med ediu ium size zed chariti rities, communit ity y groups s and vill llage hall lls 7

  8. RISK MANAGEMENT T - Before re re-openin ing churches for cle lergy prayer/ r/st stre reamin ming You must: t: Ensure that the church ch build ildin ing in interio rior r is appropriately cle leaned paying particular attention to  any detr tritus itus (bat t droppin ings s etc) ) that may have gathered. Air ir the build ildin ing to minimise mould ld spores s etc.  Run all ll the taps (to minimise the risk of legionella) and flu lush and cle lean toile ilets ts. Run the water r  from all taps and other hot and cold water-outlets for at le least fiv ive min inutes s to ensure the water system has been thoroughly flush through. NB: If f you have any concern rns s seek appropriate riate profess fessio ional l help lp/advice vice Consider checkin ing genera ral l main inte tenance ce items such as Ele lectr tric ical l Syste tems; ms; Emerg rgency cy Lig ightin ing  and other r lig lightin ing; ; Fir ire Ala larm rm Systems; tems; Heatin ting Syste stems; ms; Oil il Supply ly; ; frid idges; s; Securi rity ty Monitorin itoring and Access s Syste tems; ms; water r systems tems and toile ilets ts 8

  9. RISK MANAGEMENT - Each time the Church Building is used You must: t: If clergy or lay ministers are likely to use the building as part t of a r rota, make sure those bits of the  church that are touched often (doorkn rknobs, s, lig light swit itch ches etc) ) have been thoro roughly ly cle leaned between use Do not share re Bib ible les, , prayer r books etc. Each person should bring their own books, order of service  and take them home with them Make sure hand hand-sa sanitize tizer r is available at the entra rance ce door and that everyone cleans their hands  upon arrival If toile ilets ts or washin ing facilities ilities are available, make sure that there are dis isposable le paper r towels ls, and  that there is ple lenty y of liq liquid id soap If servic vices s are bein ing stre reame med, the filming should be done either with a fix ixed camera ra or by a  member of the priest’s or lay minister’s household Lock the church after use  The advice above also applie lies if if others rs need to enter r the church build ildin ing, for example, workers to  undertake necessary maintenance Insert footer text (see Instructions) 9

  10. RISK MANAGEMENT T - On On an ongoing going basis sis Ongoin ing main intenance ce: Run taps s and flush toilets  Perform a general l cle lean of the Church building interior paying particular atte tention tion to  those bits of the church that are touch ched ofte ten (doorknobs, light switches etc). These areas should be cleaned on a regula lar r and frequent t basis is Insert footer text (see Instructions) 10

  11. RISK MANAGEMENT T - Top 5 pr prio iori ritie ties s for r temp mpora rarily rily clo losed church ches s and church propert rtie ies 1 ) PROTECT TECT AGAINS INST T ELECT CTRICAL RICAL FIRES: : Electrica ctrical l equip ipment t should be turne rned off f and unplu lugged, and electrica ctrical l syste tems s isola late ted at the main in fuse se board rd, with the exception of any: intru truder ala larm rms, s, fire re alarm rms, s, secu curity rity or other r risk k prote tecti ction syste tems s or device vices. s. These should be maintained to ensure they continue to fully and effectively protect the property at all times. 2) GUARD RD AGAINS INST ESCAP CAPE OF WATER TER LOSSES During the period of temporary closure turn rn off f any y wate ter r suppli lies s at the main ins s (and where reasonable to do so drain down water systems).We recognise it may not always be appropriate to turn rn off f or drain down wn wate ter r syste tems. s. Where this is the case a minimum temperature of 7⁰C (45⁰F) should be maintained within the property if possible. 3) PROTEC OTECT YOUR PROPE PERTY TY Securing the property against unauthorised access. Remove any internal waste and position external bins as far from church property as possible. Ask any neighbours in the vicinity of church property to report any suspicious activity. 4) TRY TO PERI RIODICA ODICALLY CHECK CK THE PROPERT RTY If possible, arrange for someone to visit the church property on a weekly basis to check it remains secure, whilst following the latest government guidelines on travel/movement of people. This can be completed from the outside, without entering the premises. People taking their permitted daily exercise or shopping for essentials may be able to call at the church to complete these checks. 5) REVIE IEW YOUR R HEALTH H AND D SAFETY TY ARRANGE RANGEMENT Focus on any additional precautions that might be necessary to secure the premises and protect people from danger. 11


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