COVID-19 Fall 2020 Elementary Student Presentation
Welcome Back!
Daily Screening 3
If you Feel Sick at School... • Tell an adult (educator, office staff) • There will be a space in the school where you can stay until someone can pick you up. 4
Face Coverings/Masks 5
Face Coverings For those required to wear a mask, it must be worn at all times when inside the school and on a school bus. It may only be taken off: • At the direction of your teacher, it may be taken off during a physical education class • When eating lunch or snacks • Recess time where the 2 m distance can be maintained 6
What if a Classmate is Not Wearing a Face Covering? You may see a few students not wearing a face covering in the school…. • Younger grades are not required to wear a mask • Sometimes students can not wear a mask and that has already been approved by the Principal • Staff will already be aware of these students • Please do not ask them about it as this is private information 7
Recess At Cornell Village Public School recess will use the following schedule: 10:40-10:53 Group 1 - Outside Group 2- Inside 10:53-11:10 Group 2 - Outside Group 1- Inside 8
Recess RECESS BOUNDARIES: Students will remain in their “colour” boundary when playing outside for morning and lunch recess. Yellow: sand pit, tarmac north of 6 pack and north field area Red: Multi Basketball net, 4 square, junior basketball courts and middle field area Green: 4 Square, Tarmac basketball nets, south field area Blue: Upper basketball nets, field and walking path. 9
Recess At Cornell Village Public Schoolrecess will use the following schedule: Add your school specific instructions here. Please ensure you cover the following topics that address your school: • schedule • when to take mask off • when to put mask back on • exit and entry to building • washroom use during recess 10
Recess Guidelines ● Students are allowed to wear their mask outside. ● If you wear your mask outside, try to avoid taking it on and off, and if you take it off you must have a safe pouch/bag to store it in ● If you not going to wear your mask outside you must clean your hands and take your mask off in the classroom. Please leave it in your pouch/bag or IN your desk on a clean paper towel / in a bag on your chair. ● Desks MUST be cleared at the end of snack period to allow for Sanitization of desks 11
Recess Guidelines ● If you are not wearing your mask outside you must be extra careful about remaining physically distant from other students when in the hallways and outside. ● When you come back in from recess and you have left your mask in the classroom, you should not stop to use the washroom, get a drink or put away items at your coat hook until you have cleaned your hands and put on your mask again. ● Washrooms are to be used during indoor snack time; if you need to use the washroom in an “emergency” situation - maintain physical distancing at all times, use the Barrier Free Bathroom (first floor) 12
Recess Guidelines ● Students are to wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after recess ● School play structures are close ● Maintain a physical distance while playing outside ● If indoors for recess, student must continue to wear their masks and remain at their desks at all times. 13
Lunch Guidelines ● Eat in your classroom ● Remain in your assigned seat (unless washing your hands / using the washroom) ● Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before and after eating. ● Eat your food only ● Students must bring their lunch - lunch drop offs are not allowed at this time (including food delivery services) ● All special lunch programs/food days are cancelled 14
Lunch Guidelines ● All students are asked to stay at school for lunch ● Going home will be pre-arranged with your parents/guardians and Mr. Chin (our principal) *if you do, you are encouraged to remain home for the entire lunch period. This is not a time to visit with friends in the community. Return to school through the office front doors. ● If you have special permission to leave at lunch and return before 1:50pm - join your class when you return to school and sanitize your hands. They may be inside or outside depending on your class schedule. 15
Lockers, Fans and Water Fountains 16
Hand Washing/Sanitizing Students are to wash hands using soap and water or use hand sanitizer immediately before: ● leaving home, ● leaving the classroom, ● eating, touching one’s face ● leaving school. 17
Hand Washing/Sanitizing Students are to wash hands or use hand sanitizer immediately after: ● arriving at school/entering the classroom, ● finishing lunch, or snack ● touching shared objects, ● using the bathroom, ● coughing, sneezing, and blowing one’s nose, ● arriving at home. It is recommended that students not bring their own hand sanitizer to school for issues of quality, fragrance and management of potential hazards. 18
Hand Washing Washroom hand air dryers are NOT to be used/not functioning until further notice 19
Hand Sanitizer 20
Washroom Use • Students are to maintain physical distance from others at all times within the washroom, where possible. • Students are to wash their hands when they enter and exit the washroom. • Students are to assess if the washroom has reached maximum usage as they enter based on posted signage (6 STUDENTS). • If the maximum has been reached, students are to wait in the hall in the designated area. 21
School Entry ENTRY/ EXIT/ RECESS & LUNCH ROUTINES: Morning Entry: Staggered Entry, use any door. Observe physical distance 2m/6ft. Students enter building wearing mask, sanitize hands/ wash hands in classroom sink,, hang items, remain in desk. No congregation in hallways or washrooms. FDK A - West Gate of Yard, FDK B - North Gate of Yard Morning Recess/Lunch Entry Group 1 Exit Bell @ 10:40am/12:50pm Group 1 Reentry 10:53am Morning Recess/1:18pm Lunch Recess South West Door - Free Entry: 209 line up: 114, 115 North West Door - Grade 7 and 8: 204, 225 South East Door - Free Entry: 206, line up: 124 Group 2 Exit Bell @ 10:57am/1:22pm Group 2 Reentry 11:10am Morning Recess/1:48pm Lunch Recess South West Door - line up: 208, 123 North West Door - Grade 7 and 8 (222, 201) South East Door - Free Entry 203, 205 line up: 107, 111
Late Arrival If you arrive after 9am: • Ring the door buzzer • Line up outside two metres apart, wearing a face covering • Wait for office staff to unlock the door • Students go directly to class if you arrive before 9:30am • After 9:30am, only the student is to enter the building and go to the office. • Parents/guardians are not to enter the building
Dismissal Classes will be dismissed through the doors Locations: South West Door - Free Exit 206, 209 line up end of day 208, 114, 115, 123, North West Door - Grade 7 and 8 (204, 201, 225, 222) South East Door - Free Exit 203, 205 line up: 124. 107 , 111 Classes will be dismissed in a staggered time beginning at the following times: 3:20 FDK, Grade 1-2/3 3:25 Grades 3/4-6 3:30 Grades 7-8 Be sure to: • Leave the school grounds immediately • Wear your mask upon exiting the building and until you are able to physically distance (2m)
Fire Drills/Lockdowns Fire Drill/Lockdown practices will continue. Please follow all the normal processes and follow what your teacher says. New... • Follow our physical distancing guidelines when doing the fire drill/lockdown practice What might be some additional school/site information you need to add? • • 25
Sharing Materials Please do not share any materials you bring to school with others. Please do not share school materials with others unless an adult gives you permission. 26
School Office When you come to the office: • Please stay behind plexiglass screens on the counter • Wait in the hall to be called in on the ‘please wait’ floor stickers • one student in the office at a time 27
Movement in School Directional stickers have been placed for students to follow when walking in hallways and stairwells #1 RULE: always walk on the RIGHT HAND SIDE Please follow the enter and exit stickers when opening doors 28
Learning Commons/Library Until further notice, our library is closed (including book exchange, classes and makerspace). Our library will be open for teachers to access student resources. 29
Use of Prayer Rooms • Maintain physical distance • Follow the normal school rules for using the Prayer Room You or your parents/guardians let your homeroom teacher • if and when you would like to use the prayer room (located on the first floor in room 113) A schedule will be created, if there are any time conflicts • 30
Change Rooms Until further notice, no locker use is allowed in gym change • rooms Follow the direction of your teacher to access the change • room 31
Bussing - Preparing for the School Bus
Bussing - Waiting at a Bus Stop
Bussing - School Bus Operation • Sit in your assigned seat only • Students in the same family will sit together
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