course introduction systems and models system an object

Course Introduction: Systems and Models System: An object or a set - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Course Introduction: Systems and Models System: An object or a set of objects of which we want to study properties and behaviours Examples An electrical circuit An industrial process An ecosystem The solar system Possible

  1. Course Introduction: Systems and Models System: An object or a set of objects of which we want to study properties and behaviours Examples • An electrical circuit • An industrial process • An ecosystem • The solar system

  2. Possible approaches to system analysis: 1. Experimental tests collecting data 2. Modelling • Mental models • Verbal models • Structures and material models • Mathematical models

  3. Classification of mathematical models Static Dynamic ⇔ Stationary Non stationary ⇔ Continuous-time Discrete-time ⇔ Linear Nonlinear ⇔ Deterministic Stochastic ⇔ Lumped parameters Distribuited parameters ⇔ Continuous variables Discrete events ⇔

  4. Construction of Mathematical Models Two possible approaches 1. Physical models ⇒ based on first principles and a priori knowledge 2. Identification ⇒ based on the observation of the system behaviour (the data )

  5. System A priori Data knowledge First principles Identification Model estimation problem System Identification →

  6. Estimation problems A large number of fundamental problems in engineering (and beyond) can be formu- lated as estimation problems Examples • Interpolation • Signal filtering • Time series prediction • Estimation of mathematical models of dynamic systems ( identification ) Estimation problem Find the values of one or more unknown quantities, by using available information on other quantities related to them

  7. First part of the course (Data Analysis) • Random variables, stochastic processes = Mathematical models of non determin- istic phenomena • Estimation theory (parametric, Bayesian) • Applications: � time-series prediction � system identification Second part of the course (Filtering Techniques) • Non stationary phenomena • Non linear models • Applications: � mobile robotics, aerospace, ... � population dynamics, ecosystems, financial analysis, ....


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