county of kane employee benefits renewal presentation

COUNTY OF KANE Employee Benefits Renewal Presentation 2014 Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COUNTY OF KANE Employee Benefits Renewal Presentation 2014 Agenda Medical Plan Performance BCBS Medical Renewal Medical Marketing Summary Alternative Funding Review ACA Update Retiree Management Strategy Medical

  1. COUNTY OF KANE Employee Benefits Renewal Presentation 2014

  2. Agenda • Medical Plan Performance • BCBS Medical Renewal • Medical Marketing Summary • Alternative Funding Review • ACA Update • Retiree Management Strategy

  3. Medical Plan Performance

  4. Medical Plan Performance $16,000,000 Medical Loss Ratio $14,000,000 the relationship of $12,000,000 claims paid by the carrier to premiums $10,000,000 paid by the County Premium $8,000,000 Claims $6,000,000 Current Year: $4,000,000 Claims: $13,051,907 $2,000,000 Premiums: $14,193,720 $0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

  5. Medical Plan Performance Healthcare Trend / Healthcare Inflation 20.0% 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% Trend 10.0% Increase 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

  6. Medical Plan Performance Actualized Value of Trend Increases versus Actual Renewal Increases $1,600 Trend PEPM increase: 120.50% $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 Trend Actual PEPM increase: 56.22% Actual $600 $400 $200 $0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

  7. BCBS Medical Renewal

  8. BCBS Renewal • Initial renewal: 13.8% plan increase • Includes 4.5% load due to ACA – BCBS’s Estimated Health Insurer Fee – $5.25 per member per month Reinsurance Fee • Negotiations yielded lowered increase of 5.6% to plan plus 3.6% to ACA, for an overall 9.2%

  9. BCBS Renewal • ACA-imposed costs are not new – they have been included in renewal rates each year since 2011 • Increases include charges for: – Age 26 Dependents – Women’s Preventive Care Services – Elimination of Lifetime Maximums – Preventive Care/Wellness Visits

  10. BCBS Renewal ACA Cost History 10.0% 9.2% 8.0% 3.6% 6.0% ACA Fees 4.0% 3.1% Increase 0.5% 2.5% 0.5% 2.0% 1.0% 1.1% 0.0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 -2.0%

  11. BCBS Renewal Loss Ratio / Renewal History

  12. Current PPO Plan Design In-Network Out-of-Network Deductible $600 single $1,200 single $1,800 family $3,600 family Out-of-Pocket $1,500 single $3,000 single $4,500 family $9,000 family Coinsurance 80% 60% Office Visit Co-pay $25/$45 60% Annual Wellness Visit 100% 60% Prescription Generic: $10 75% after Brand: $40 copayment Non Pref Brand: $60

  13. Current HMO Plan Design In-Network Out-of-Pocket $1,500 single $3,000 family Office Visit Co-pay $25 primary $45 specialist Annual Wellness Visit 100% Inpatient Co-pay $250 ER Co-pay $250 Prescription Generic: $10 Brand: $25 Non Pref Brand: $40 The County offers HMO Blue Advantage and HMO Illinois; plan designs are the same, but HMOIL has a larger network and higher premium

  14. Medical Plan Utilization PPO Plan Provisions Deductible Satisfaction: 2011 Calendar Year ($300 Single/$900 Family) 1,440 members enrolled 373 Satisfied (26%) 2012 Calendar Year ($500 Single/$1,500 Family) 1,360 members enrolled 484 Satisfied (35%) Out-of-Pocket Satisfaction: 2011 Calendar Year ($750 Single/$2,250 Family) 1,440 members enrolled 132 Satisfied (9%) 2012 Calendar Year ($1,000 Single/$3,000 Family) 1,360 members enrolled 111 Satisfied (8%) PPO Claims Cost (Copays, Deductible, Out-of-Pocket, etc) 2011 Calendar Year $6,941,553 $953,873 (13.7%) 2012 Calendar Year $7,382,472 $1,663,140 (22.5%)

  15. Medical Plan Utilization PPO and HMO Plan Provisions 2013 Plan Year 2012 Plan Year Services/1,000 Cost/Service Services/1,000 Cost/Service PPO Emergency Room Admissions: 170 $1,146 187 $852 BCBS PPO Benchmark 209 $825 204 $793 HMO Emergency Room Admissions: 157 $790 200 $761 BCBS HMO Benchmark 196 $847 206 $824 PPO Inpatient Admissions: 64 $18,039 62 $14,749 BCBS PPO Benchmark 71 $13,505 73 $12,680 HMO Inpatient Admissions: 67 $11,650 74 $11,202 BCBS HMO Benchmark 69 $12,294 71 $12,093 PPO Outpatient Cases: 1,575 $768 1,598 $710 BCBS PPO Benchmark 1,660 $672 1,645 $640 HMO Outpatient Cases: 514 $1,308 576 $1,154 BCBS HMO Benchmark 616 $1,171 592 $1,159 Pharmacy Utilization PPO HMO PPO HMO Total Pharmacy Paid $1,449,429 $959,207 $1,489,688 $821,953 Generic Dispensing Rate 74% 79% 67% 77% BCBS Benchmark 76% 78% 71% 74% Paid per Prescription $78 $78 $77 $69 BCBS Benchmark $70 $79 $71 $77

  16. Medical Marketing Summary

  17. Medical Marketing • Current – Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL Annual Premium: $14,219,652 • Initial Renewal Annual Premium: $16,181,964 Change from Current: $1,962,312 / 13.8% • Negotiated Renewal Annual Premium: $15,527,878 Change from Current: $1,308,226 / 9.2%

  18. Medical Marketing • Alternative – Humana Annual Premium: $16,364,334 Change from Current: $2,144,682 / 15.08% • Alternative – United Healthcare Annual Premium: $16,816,301 Change from Current: $2,596,649 / 18.26% • Aetna and Cigna declined to quote

  19. Alternative Funding Strategy

  20. Alternative Funding Strategy • Kane has successfully modernized plan design and implemented widely participated in wellness programs • These are two key considerations in a review of Funding Alternatives • Alternative Funding means “other financial methods to funding costs associated with providing medical benefits.

  21. Alternative Funding Strategy • The prevailing Alternative Funding method is partial self-funding. • Self-funding has several advantages: – Total plan design flexibility – Avoid certain costly ACA provisions, including certain taxes (Insurer Fee) – Cashflow due to not “pre-funding” claims – Reap rewards of claim mitigation strategies • Of course, there is a price for all of this… risk. Good planning can mitigate this.

  22. Alternative Funding Strategy To accomplish this most effectively while still endeavoring to maintain current provider discount levels – leaving open the option of participating in an HMO – we narrowed the options to: • Cost Plus for HMO • Administrative Services Only (ASO) for PPO

  23. Alternative Funding Strategy Cost Plus HMO • Uses a stop-loss level of $205,000 • Mature Projection yields: – Expected spend of $6,880,438 – Maximum spend of $7,477,338 • Fully-Insured HMO renewal - $6,737,570

  24. Alternative Funding Strategy ASO PPO • Uses a stop-loss level of $205,000 • Mature Projection yields: – Expected spend of $7,999,686 – Maximum spend of $9,098,842 • Fully-Insured PPO renewal - $8,790,307

  25. Alternative Funding Strategy Total Expected Self-Funded Maximum Self-Funded Program Insured Renewal Exposure – Mature Exposure – Mature HMO $6,737,570 $6,880,438 $7,477,338 PPO $8,790,307 $7,999,686 $9,098,842 Total $15,527,877 $14,880,124 $16,576,180

  26. Alternative Funding Strategy PPO HMO Fully-Insured ASO PPO Fully-Insured Cost Plus HMO Year Premium Paid* Claims* Claims + Fixed Costs Year Premium Paid* Claims* Claims + Fixed Costs 2012 $8,315,082 $7,328,009 $8,000,071 2012 $5,851,820 $3,482,683 $6,319,588 2011 $8,848,549 $6,854,501 $7,526,563 2011 $5,935,511 $3,506,238 $6,343,143 2010 $9,071,537 $7,237,785 $7,909,847 2010 $5,876,606 $3,201,585 $6,038,490 2009 $9,410,519 $7,659,683 $8,331,745 2009 $4,901,526 $3,151,355 $5,988,260 SUMMARY Self-Funded PPO/ Fully-Insured* Cost Plus HMO Year Premium Paid Claims* Claims + Fixed Costs Net Gain/(Loss) 2012 $14,166,902 $10,810,692 $14,319,659 ($152,757) 2011 $14,784,060 $10,360,739 $13,869,706 $914,354 2010 $14,948,143 $10,439,370 $13,948,337 $999,806 2009 $14,312,045 $10,811,037 $14,320,004 ($7,959) $1,753,444 *Premiums and claims are represented on a calendar-year basis. Large claimants have been capped based on a $205,000 proposed stop-loss level.

  27. Alternative Funding Strategy Questions on Self-funding?

  28. Affordable Care Act Update

  29. Affordable Care Act Current Provisions Provision Effective Date Necessary Response Most individuals must be covered by a health January 2014 Individual Mandate insurance program as of January 1, 2014. Insurance Insurance Exchanges become a means for January 2014 Exchanges purchasing Health Insurance. A temporary fee will be assessed on a quarterly basis from 2014 to 2016. The fee will start as $63 per Transitional January 2014 Reinsurance Fee covered life per year, and reduce each year, to $24 in 2016. A permanent fee will be assessed as a percentage of premium, to help fund premium tax credits and cost- sharing subsidies for individuals who purchase Health Insurer Fee January 2014 coverage through an exchange. (“Premium Tax”) The Transitional Reinsurance Fee and Health Insurer Fee will total approximately 3-4.5% of premium.


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