country diagnostic study outline bhutan

Country Diagnostic Study Outline: Bhutan I. Rationale II. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Country Diagnostic Study Outline: Bhutan I. Rationale II. Social Programs/Policies: -Objectives -Targets -Achievements -Achievements III. Conclusion as Findings IV. Recommendations/ Way forward Dil Maya Rai Social Development

  1. Country Diagnostic Study Outline: Bhutan I. Rationale II. Social Programs/Policies: -Objectives -Targets -Achievements -Achievements III. Conclusion as Findings IV. Recommendations/ Way forward Dil Maya Rai Social Development Consultant Bhutan Environs, P/Box 1702, Thimphu Emails: ADB-Country Diagnostic Study_Bhutan /Social Policies and Safety Nets Ph: +975 1711 3674 ( mobile), +975 2 365036 ( Land line) 10/22/2012 2 Dil Maya Rai Background II. Social Programs, their objectives and targets: � Population approx. 700,000 1. Renewable Natural Resources (RNR): � More than 60% is rural population who practice Objectives: subsistence agriculture; i. To achieve food self sufficiency ( 65% rice sufficiency � Difficult terrain challenges; by 2013); Promote income generation for self � Poverty rate of the country is 23%; poverty line � Poverty rate of the country is 23%; poverty line sufficiency; sufficiency; being 1.25USD/day; ii. To enhance market value and reduce post harvest losses of all agri-products; � GDP per capita >USD4K; Rupee Crunch, FC shortage iv. To ensure adequate input supply for improving � Development Philosophy: GNH, planned in FYPs livestock productions in rural areas; � Income inequality between the 20 percent rich and 80 v. To help the rural farmers in crises of loss of their percent poor: > 10x. livelihoods and empowerment; ADB_Bhutan Country Diagnostic Study _Social Sector ADB-Country Diagnostic Study_Bhutan /Social Policies and Safety Nets 10/22/2012 10/22/2012 4 Dil Maya Rai Dil Maya Rai

  2. � Findings- RNR Sector: � Targets of RNR Programs: i. Poverty Rate as of 2010: 23%; i. To reduce rural poverty from 30.9 to 20% by ii. Increase in the Cereal (Rice) Production from end of 10FYP; 156,304MT to 161,000MT as of 2010 making ii. To increase annual HH income from Nu. 10,700- 35,000 per annum; 35,000 per annum; Agriculture the highest contributor to RNR Agriculture the highest contributor to RNR GDP .(Source: FAO Country Profile, updated in June 2011); iii. To increase/handover as Community Forestry (Participatory Forestry) from 1% to 4% from the General Reserve Forest Cover by 2013; iii. RNR- Sector-2 nd largest contributor to National GDP per RNR Statistics 2011. ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 5 10/22/2012 6 Rai Sector-wise GDP Contribution at Current Prices Poverty Rates/trends in Bhutan ( per MDG ( in Million Nu.): Midway Report 2008, pg 30): Indicators 2000 2004 2007 2015 Remarks/Status Sectors 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 All Sectors 36,112 40,674 49,457 54,713 61,224 72,487 RNR Sector RNR Sector 8,067 8,067 8,707 8,707 9,234 9,234 10,078 10,078 11,159 11,159 12,178 12,178 Proportion of Proportion of 36.3% 36.3% 31.7 31.7 23.2 23.2 20 20 On Track On Track Agriculture 3,685 3,926 4,377 5,061 5,668 6,530 population below poverty Livestock 2,261 2,467 2,531 2,625 2,895 3,110 line Forest & Loggin 2,120 2,315 2,326 2,323 2,596 2,538 Source: Statistical Yearbook, 2011. NSB Human Poverty 33.35% 33 27.1 - Insufficient data Index ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 7 10/22/2012 8 Rai

  3. 2.1 Targets of Health Programs: 2. Health Programs: National Health Policy, 2011-Social Welfare Policy i. To reduce IMR per 1000 live births from 40.1 in 2005 to 25 at the end of 10 th FYP (2013); Statistics: 28 Hospitals, 156 BHUs and ii. To reduce U5MR per 1000 live births from 61.5 in 654 Outreach Clinics. 2005 to 35 by 2013; i. a. Mother and Child Health- Free Ante/Post Natal iii. To reduce MMR per 100,000 live births from 255 to Cares; Immunization to Children; 140 by 2013. (Source: Annual Health Bulletin 2009); ii. c. WASH-Rapid Awareness raised; iii. d. HIV/Aids- Growing Concern. iv. To increase percentage of Health facilities from 40% to 80 by 2013. ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 9 10/22/2012 10 Rai Reduction trend of IMR and MMR of ii. To reach out to more than 90% of the MoH. country’s population with quality health care by building more BHUs/ORCs around the country; Numbers of Health Infrastructure in 2008 and 2010: and 2010: Source: NHS (1984,1994,2000), MoH & Source: NHS (1984, 1994, 2000) & PHCB MDG Report 2005 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 11 10/22/2012 12 Rai

  4. iii. Improve the health of the rural population through provision of safe drinking water and promotion of iv. Halt and begin to reverse the spread of improved sanitary latrines; HIV/AIDS ( Target 7 of MDG Goal 6); � Achievements of WASH Program in percentage of coverage in 2008 and 2010: � Target 8: Halt and begin to reverse the Activi Latrines Water Drainage HH with HH with ties Supply and Animal garbage spread malaria and other major diseases; spread malaria and other major diseases; Footpath Footpath Shed Shed pits pits Years 2008 2010 200 2010 200 201 200 201 200 201 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 � Achievements in the MDG 6 in the next slide: Perce 90.8 92.5 83.2 87.8 57.7 55.1 85.4 48.1 73.2 69.9 ntage ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 13 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 14 Rai Deliberate Poverty Reduction Efforts of The table shows alignment and achievements of MDG 6: RGOB Combat HIV Aids/ alaria and Other Diseases : 5. REAP (Rural Economic Advancement Program): ���� � ���� � ������ ���� � ����� ���������� � First of its kind-Targeted Poverty Intervention; ���������� � ���� � �������� � � Implemented by GNHC since 2010.; �������������������� �� ��� �� �� ���� �� ����������������� � Initially done by UNDP ( since 2008): � Features of REAP: � Features of REAP: ������������������������������� ������ ����� ��� �� �������������������������� � Holistic and integrated approach � !"����#�!�������������$���������������� � Targeted poverty interventions ����� ���� ���� �&�� �� �� �'��(���)�� ���%���� � Mainstreaming gender and children � Participatory development approach � !"����#�� "����������������������%���� ���� ���� ��� ���� �� �� �'��(���)�� � Anchoring implementation at the local level � Sustainable rural livelihoods through income generation � Source: support ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 15 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 16 Rai

  5. � Achievements of REAP (Qualitative): REAP � Objective (s): To reduce poverty; generate a) Improved agricultural productivity, including income; level playing field through farmers’ diversification for enhanced food security; groups b) Generated employment targeting micro- � Target (s): � Target (s): entrepreneurs and farmers’ associations; and entrepreneurs and farmers’ associations; and i. To reduce poverty from 23% to15% by end of 10 th FYP; c) Developed capacities of community groups through establishment of self-help groups. ii. In the 2 nd phase, 116 villages will be covered vs. 10 villages in the first phase ( 2010-2012); Source: UNDP, MDG 1: Achievements and Scaling up Strategies Report Submitted by IMS, December 2011. 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 17 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 18 ������������������������������������������������������������� 6. Gender and Development �������������������������������������������������������������� ���� ��� ���!!��������������������������!���"������#����������!����� A. Institutions/Organizations ������������������������������������������������������!����� 1. NCWC- ���������������������������� 2. RENEW a) WCPU b) Volunteers 3. BAOWE- Pvt. Sector Organization 3. BAOWE- Pvt. Sector Organization B. Acts/ Regulations 1. CEDAW-1981, CRC- International Conventions 2. DV Act-2012 3. Marriage Act-2011 4. Women and Child Protection Act,2010 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya 10/22/2012 ADB_Bhutan CDS_Social Sector _Dil Maya Rai 19 10/22/2012 20 Rai


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