
Council April 3, 2016 Visioning Prayer Dear Lord, We praise and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Appendix G: PowerPoint Slides used at April 2016 Parish Assemblies Sacred Heart Parish Council April 3, 2016 Visioning Prayer Dear Lord, We praise and thank You for our faith community of Sacred Heart: for its people, its Spirit, its energy

  1. Appendix G: PowerPoint Slides used at April 2016 Parish Assemblies Sacred Heart Parish Council April 3, 2016

  2. Visioning Prayer Dear Lord, We praise and thank You for our faith community of Sacred Heart: for its people, its Spirit, its energy and its welcoming presence. Thank you for the gifts and talents brought to the altar and the generosity with which they are shared. We place our trust in You to abundantly bless our efforts as we consider how best to use our resources for Your glory. May our prayers of adoration, thanksgiving, and supplication rise to You in the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.

  3. Parish Council • Advisory to the pastor • Representative of the parish • Share with pastor in determining important matters that affect the spiritual life of the parish

  4. Sacred Heart Parish Council • Maribel Arzate • Fr. Francis Doyle • Deacon Bill Caubet • Ron Meyer • Rick Clawson • Mary Kay Head • Stephen Ferris • David Moore • Julie Drury • Carolyn Wagner • Johanna Bishop • Dave Rotert

  5. Role of the Parish Council • Develop a Vision for the parish • Monitor progress • A Vision is outward looking • If we accomplish our vision, how will the world change? o For us individually o As families o As a faith community o As a society

  6. Develop a Parish Vision • Identify about 3 strategic areas of concern • Develop strategies for these areas • Write 3-4 action steps per strategy • Keep to a time frame of 1-3 years Implement actions Evaluate results

  7. Sacred Heart Parish Visioning April 3, 2016

  8. Today’s Agenda • Welcome & Prayer • The Visioning Process • Review Results of Parish Visioning Survey • Your Feedback about the Survey Results • Your Ideas for Future Parish Strategies and Actions • Your Priorities for Parish Strategies and Actions • Next Steps

  9. Visioning Purpose • Discern and articulate a desired future for all aspects of Sacred Heart parish life that will help us all grow in our Catholic faith and as a parish community. • The Vision will be developed with input from all interested parishioners and will set the focus for parish ministries, parish council, and commissions for the next several years.

  10. Visioning Committee • Rick Clawson • Fr. Francis Doyle • Gene Gerke, Chair • Jane Rutter • Vanessa Velez-Rivera • Lucas Volkman

  11. Visioning Process • Gather input from: • Parish Commissions • Parish Council • Hispanic Ministry • Parish Staff • Survey parishioners • Analyze survey results and write report • Have report reviewed by: • Parish Commissions • Parish Council • Hispanic Ministry • Parish Staff

  12. Visioning Process (cont.) • Hold a parish assembly to gather review survey results and gather more parishioner input • Develop draft Vision document for review by all parishioners • Publish Vision document • Parish Council uses Vision document to guide parish planning and improvements

  13. Today’s Agenda • Welcome & Prayer • The Visioning Process • Review Results of Parish Visioning Survey • Your Feedback about the Survey Results • Your Ideas for Future Parish Strategies and Actions • Your Priorities for Parish Strategies and Actions • Next Steps

  14. Visioning Survey • Survey Time: October – December 2015 • Online and paper • 136 Completed Surveys • Representing 217 parishioners • 523 Written Comments

  15. Visioning Survey Rating Scale Scale of 1 – 4 where 1 = Disagree 1 = Poor 2 = Somewhat Disagree 4 = Excellent 3 = Somewhat Agree 4 = Agree

  16. Visioning Survey Faith The liturgy at Sacred Heart is meaningful 3.80 in deepening my faith. Sacred Heart encourages and assists a life 3.71 of prayer and continued growth in faith. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  17. Visioning Survey Liturgy The church environment and 3.81 decorations enhance the liturgy. The music during Mass enhances 3.75 the worship experience. The Mass homilies help me understand scriptures and how 3.73 to live as a Catholic. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  18. Visioning Survey Education Adult study/small faith groups 2.97 Sufficient programs and resources are provided 3.11 for adult religious education. The parish provides effective religious 3.13 formation for teenagers. The parish provides effective religious 3.64 formation for youth (K through 8) 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  19. Visioning Survey Organization Parishioners and parish staff work well 3.56 together to accomplish parish goals. The Parish finances are adequately 3.16 communicated to the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council is responsive to the 3.43 parish. The work of the Parish Pastoral Council is 2.97 adequately communicated to the parish. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  20. Visioning Survey Time, Talent, & Treasure The parish's Time & Talent program is effective. 3.44 The parish provides sufficient support and training for all who want to be active in the 3.41 parish. There are ample opportunities to share time, 3.67 talent, and treasure at Sacred Heart. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  21. Visioning Survey Stewardship Does the parish help build awareness of the four tenets of stewardship? -Everything is a gift from God -We are called to grow and tend our gifts responsibly -We are called to share our gifts generously -We are called to return these gifts to God? Response Answer Options Percent 61.7% Yes 33.8% Somewhat 4.5% No

  22. Visioning Survey Parish Programs 1 of 2 Sacred Heart Catholic Community Foundation 3.57 Health Initiatives (e.g. blood drive, walk to 3.72 Bethlehem, etc.) Parish Picnic 3.69 Room at the Inn (winter shelter for the 3.84 homeless) 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  23. Visioning Survey Parish Programs 2 of 2 Communion ministry for those not able to 3.93 attend Mass Funeral Dinners 3.95 Lenten Soup Supper 3.77 Easter Banquet for the Poor 3.87 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  24. Visioning Survey Parish Diversity I have ample opportunity to socialize with the parish's various 2.85 ethnic communities. The parish understands the nature and needs of the immigrant 3.55 communities in Columbia, MO. There are ample opportunities for young people to become involved in 3.00 parish activities. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  25. Visioning Survey Facilities Parking for Weekend Masses 2.67 Office Building 3.58 Education Building 2.94 Activity Building 2.84 Church Building 3.66 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

  26. Visioning Survey 523 Written Comments - Summary  Worship and Liturgy • Parishioners appreciate the traditional liturgy • Parishioners appreciate the homilies • Parishioners appreciate the music and the choir  Faith Formation • Parishioners would like to see more adult faith formation opportunities such as small faith groups, Bible study, parish missions, Lenten classes, and book clubs

  27. Visioning Survey 523 Written Comments - Summary  Social Concerns • Parishioners appreciate and support the social concerns/outreach activities of the parish such as English tutoring, Room at the Inn, and Breakfast Cafe • More socializing opportunities for parishioners would be desirable, including activities that would bring the different cultures of the parish together

  28. Visioning Survey 523 Written Comments - Summary  Parish Facilities • The church itself is beautiful and contributes to a sense of sacredness • The sound system in church needs improvement • Parking is limited and difficult • The remodeled rectory and office serve the parish well • The Activity Building (including the kitchen) should be remodeled • The old office should be torn down • The Education Building could be remodeled and its uses expanded

  29. Visioning Survey 523 Written Comments - Summary  The Parish in General • Sacred Heart is a good steward of its resources • Parishioners are welcoming and create a sense of community • Communication about parish decisions and finances could be improved • Some parishioners aren’t clear on the function of the Sacred Heart Foundation • Parishioners appreciate what volunteers do for the parish

  30. Visioning Survey Summary of Findings  Overall survey respondents were very positive about the Sacred Heart parish liturgy, programs, and community. • 83% agreed with the statement The liturgy at Sacred Heart is meaningful in deepening my faith .  Based on numerous comments, the parish is considered a good steward of its resources  Regarding religious education, the most mentioned need was small group/adult faith formation

  31. Visioning Survey Summary of Findings  Most of the more negative ratings about Sacred Heart were aimed at facilities, with specific suggestions to • Remodel or build a new activity building • Demolish the old office building • Improve weekend parking • Improve the church’s sound system

  32. Visioning Survey Summary of Findings  Parishioners surveyed saw a need for more social events • In general, more parish-wide social events • Specific, more opportunities to socialize with the parish’s various ethnic communities. • Based on comments, parishioners know this is not easy, but the parish should keep trying to have cross-cultural events.

  33. Visioning Survey Summary of Findings  The survey results indicated opportunities for improved communications especially related to: • Parish deliberations and decisions • Parish finances • Promotion of upcoming programs, events, etc • Role of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Foundation


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