council meeting november 26 2018 sandy watershed learning

Council Meeting November 26, 2018 Sandy Watershed Learning Center - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Council Meeting November 26, 2018 Sandy Watershed Learning Center Worth Commemorating 1476 Vlad the Impaler rules Wallachia again!!! 1832 NY Streetcar service begins Sojourner Truth, d 1883 Ruth Patrick, b 1907

  1. Council Meeting November 26, 2018 Sandy Watershed Learning Center

  2. Worth Commemorating  1476 Vlad the Impaler rules Wallachia again!!!  1832 NY Streetcar service begins  Sojourner Truth, d 1883  Ruth Patrick, b 1907  Charles M. Schulz, b 1922  Tina Turner, b1939  Warsaw ghetto est. 1940  Casablanca debuts 1942  1968 UK Race Relations Act  1992 Queen Elizabeth volunteers to pay taxes and go off public payroll

  3. Council Development  Review/adopt minutes  5-year Vision/Goals Review  Budgets YTD  Funding Update  Board elections/succession  Winter Giving Campaign

  4. 5-year Vision Review / Equity and …’ Retreat Strategic Three-year  5-year vision Area One-year goals Goals Five-Year Goals Metrics Additional Reach Scale developed Mainstem connectivity in Stream length, Floodplain/Sidec priority acreage, reach 2015 Columbia Land hannel mainstem sub- limiting factors Restoration In Stream Trust Floodplain reconnection basins restored Clear  OWEB self- Creek/Henry Stream length, Creek (+Beaver Fish passage acreage assessment Clear Cr / Henry Creek) Passage impediments reconnected/re Passage Cr Outreach improvements eliminated stored ‘Equity and…’ Self-sustaining Stream length, Native Plant native vegetation acreage, reach goal establisment in community in limiting factors treated areas priority (riparian Weed (Salmon River, restoration sub- condition)  Spring Riparian Smackdown II Delta) basins restored Self-sustaining native vegetation Stream length, (Feb/March) community in acreage Delta Sandy Channel priority reconnected/re timeframe Reforestation Y3 Revegetation restoration areas stored

  5. 2018 YTD  Current bank balance: $160,733.40  Accounts receivable: $145,322 Income $921,658 Expenses $825,397 Private/Corporate Admin, 4% 0% Personnel, 31% Direct Public Support 36% Program/Project, 65% Government 64% Government Direct Public Support Private/Corporate Personnel Program/Project Admin

  6. 2019 Funding Updates  Sandy-Salmon Confluence:  OWEB $251,000  Portland Water Bureau Habitat Fund $125,000  NFWF/NOAA National Coastal Resiliency Fund $960,000  Clackamas SWCD $50,000  Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Restoration and Enhancement $137,000 (pending, with contingencies)  Delta Education  Oregon Community Foundation $12,212 (unsolicited donor advised fund!)  Juan Young Trust $5,000  Charlotte Martin Foundation $6,500

  7. 2019 Budget Preview  Operational:  Staff: $460,237  Administrative: $62,500  Project/Program Funding  Contracted Services: $1,555,000  Supplies: $13,400  Travel: $9,675 TOTAL: $2,100,812

  8. Board Recruitment/Committees  Open seats – Ag, Forestry, At-large  Committees:  Exec  Restoration (rfp assist; project review)  Event / Fundraising  Equity (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion = JEDI)  Others / Ad hoc (e.g. Bylaws)

  9. Winter Giving Campaign

  10. Learning Moment: Everyone Talks About the Weather Long-term Winter Forecast Andy Bryant - National Weather Service

  11. MHCC Retrofit Updates  Parking lots E & F retrofit planting has begun  2019 Integration with MHCC Capital Plans  Kelly Creek Dam  Geomorph Study complete  Partnering with Oregon Kitchen Table  Stakeholder Engagement Plan

  12. Climate Adaptation Workshop II November 13 at MHCC • 80 participants including students from Mt. Hood Community College and Centennial High School. • Outstanding presentations from EPA, PSU, Columbia Intertribal Fisheries Commission and Institute for Applied Ecology

  13. Lowering the Temperature Climate Adaptation Workshop II  “This is a regionally significant watershed …” Martin Merz, USEPA Cold Water Refuges Program  “We are all of this land” – Jeremy Fivecrows, Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission  Grief, hope, and “corridors through time” – Tom Kaye, Institute for Applied Ecology  “I thought, ‘A conference, that is going to be boring.’ But I was inspired. I didn’t want to go to my next class …” – Attending MHCC student

  14. State of the Sandy  Infiltrating the Knowledgescape:  EPA Cold Water Refuge Project  Annals of Amer. Assoc. of Geographers (cultural reference!)  Glenn Otto Park!  Road Tour cont’d  Wayfinder Academy  OR Master Naturalists  Trout Unlimited Clackamas  Sandy City Council  Grant HS AP Environmental

  15. Sandy-Salmon Floodplain Reconnection  Funding for two-year, all zone project: WE NEED LOGS!  Permit level plans, rfp development underway  Site visit with agencies 12/3  Cited within Clackamas County Upper Sandy Resiliency dialog

  16. Outreach Activities to Date MHCC Depave Planting 10/27 70 volunteers planted 500 shrubs in 20 minutes! 2018 2017 Volunteers 2944 4749 Timberline Cleanup Events 95 79

  17. Climate Adaptive, Dog Daze Planting Day at the Delta! 100 Volunteers … …and 8 helpful dogs!

  18. Central Catholic High School volunteers Plants included: Madrone, ponderosa pine, ceanothus, incense cedar, snowberry, serviceberry, chokecherry, and lots of Oregon grape

  19. Upcoming Events Sandy River Watershed Council Meetings* Monday March 18th, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Mt Hood Community College GE 201 Bilingual Delta Planting* Saturday February 2nd, 8:45AM – 1:00PM Sandy River Delta Crown Point Beaver Creek Plantings and Stewardship near Glenn Otto Park* Saturday February 2 nd Saturday February 16 th Saturday March 2 nd Saturday March 16 th from 10:00AM – 1PM Naturescaping Workshop Saturday March 9th, 9:00AM -1:00PM Mt Hood Community College GE Beneficial Insects Workshop Thursday March 21st, 6pm – 8:30PM Mt Hood Community College 26000 SE

  20. SRWC assists City of Troutdale in Glenn Otto Park Kiosk redesign • 3 panels • 48” x 36” each Panel 1: • General park and area information Panel 2: • Sandy River Basin restoration and stewardship Panel 3: • Interpretive sign illustrations

  21. SRWC assists City of Troutdale in Glenn Otto Park Kiosk redesign • 3 panels • 48” x 36” each Panel 1: • General park and area information Panel 2: • Sandy River Basin restoration and stewardship Panel 3: • Interpretive sign illustrations

  22. Sandy Sewage Treatment : Potential future effluent in Sandy

  23. Sandy Sewage Treatment : Potential future effluent in Sandy

  24. Sandy Sewage Treatment : Potential future effluent in Sandy

  25. Sandy Sewage Treatment : Potential future effluent in Sandy

  26. Other Business  Public Comment  Upcoming Council Meetings/Events  January 28 – Annuual Meeting – elections  February/March 2-day retreat tbd  March 18 – Council meeting (moved up 1 week for Spring Break)


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