council meeting march 18 2019 sandy watershed learning

Council Meeting March 18, 2019 Sandy Watershed Learning Center - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Council Meeting March 18, 2019 Sandy Watershed Learning Center Council Development Review/adopt minutes Board Committees 5- year Vision/Goals Equity and self evaluation retreat Employee handbook Staffing Transitions

  1. Council Meeting March 18, 2019 Sandy Watershed Learning Center

  2. Council Development  Review/adopt minutes  Board Committees  5- year Vision/Goals ‘Equity and …’ self evaluation retreat  Employee handbook  Staffing Transitions  Funding Update

  3. Board Committees Council members may join one or more …  Executive (in bylaws)  Finance/Budget  Board recruitment  Policy/Advocacy  Fundraising/Event(s)  Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (= JEDI)  Others / Ad hoc (e.g. Bylaws, Employee handbook, RFP review)

  4. 5-year Vision Review / Equity and …’ Retreat 4/19 -20 Strategic Three-year  5-year vision Area One-year goals Goals Five-Year Goals Metrics Additional Reach Scale developed Mainstem connectivity in Stream length, Floodplain/Sidec priority acreage, reach 2015 Columbia Land hannel mainstem sub- limiting factors Restoration In Stream Trust Floodplain reconnection basins restored Clear  OWEB self- Creek/Henry Stream length, Creek (+Beaver Fish passage acreage assessment Clear Cr / Henry Creek) Passage impediments reconnected/re Passage Cr Outreach improvements eliminated stored ‘Equity and…’ Self-sustaining Stream length, Native Plant native vegetation acreage, reach goal establisment in community in limiting factors treated areas priority (riparian Weed (Salmon River, restoration sub- condition)  Camp Collins Riparian Smackdown II Delta) basins restored Self-sustaining native vegetation Stream length, 4/19-20 community in acreage Delta Sandy Channel priority reconnected/re Reforestation Y3 Revegetation restoration areas stored

  5. Staff Transitions  Sara - out for maternity leave starting early April  Anna Stifter – in to cover Sara’s leave  Melissa – out for part-time, remote from Alaska early April through September  Rio Hybert-Zack – in as intern focused on outreach and the Weed Smackdown through Summer

  6. 2019 Funding Updates  Salmon Safe/Kelly Dam:  Resources Legacy Fund $75k phase II  Sandy-Salmon Reconnection  Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Restoration and Enhancement $67,000 (resubmitted)  Clackamas SWCD – Implementation request TBD  Delta Restoration  National Forest Foundation $30k approved ($46,222 submitted)  OWEB not funded  Metro pre-application not invited

  7. MHCC Retrofit Updates  Landscaping completed  Initial Monitoring results promising  Legislature considering paving funds; Salmon Safe recognition

  8. MHCC Alma Memorial Garden Update  Alma Memorial Garden received National Garden Club funding - Plant America Grant awarded through Powell Valley Garden Club  University of Utah alternative spring break completed site prep weeding and mulching

  9. Sandy-Salmon Floodplain Reconnection  350 Clackamas County donated logs so far but: WE NEED ROOTWAD LOGS!  60% designs completed  Permits submitted  Pre-RFP tour end of Feb. with 7 interested firms in attendance

  10. Sandy-Salmon Media

  11. Outreach Activities to Date Sara tours MHCC Watershed Class at the Stark St. Culvert 2019 2018 Timberline Cleanup Volunteers 864 379 Events 13 24 Melissa tabling at the MHCC Club Fair

  12. Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) update  Staff attended ~3 days of training since Dec.  Alongside other organizations such as SOLVE, Salmon Watch, MESD Outdoor School, Bark, and more.  Assessment > Vision > Plan  JEDI committee  Help Council establish and review JEDI goals for board, staff, programs and organizational participation  Diverse Organizations perform better, people of color care as much or more about the environment, & funders are prioritizing it.

  13. JEDI - Funder Metrics

  14. JEDI - Program Metrics Gresham Demographics

  15. JEDI – Program Metrics OR Department of Education Data on Participating Schools US census data for demographics by zip code SRWC Event Volunteers September 2017 – May 2018

  16. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Cultural Summit • SRWC participated in invited staff dialog in 2017 • Spirit Mountain Community Fund is funder of Phase I Salmon Safe Retrofits • CTGR staff participated in 2018 Connect Conference lamprey workshop • Tribal Natural Resources staff interested in Delta wapato, Kelly Creek Dam

  17. Sandy City Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan  Attended info session  Met with Mayor Pulliam  Policy committee developed recommendations:  Stormwater plan  Green infrastructure, conservation-based strategies  Potential re-use, wetland treatment for effluent

  18. Upcoming Events Beneficial Insects Workshop Thursday March 21st, 6pm – 8:30PM Mt Hood Community College Bilingual Planting in the Salmon River Watershed with Vive NW Saturday April 6th 9:00AM – 1:30PM meet in ZigZag Ranger Dist. Parking Lot Clean up the Creek on Earth day! Friday April 19th 10:00AM – 2:00PM meet at the Fisheries building on campus . ‘Equity And…’ Strategy Retreat Friday April 19 – Saturday April 20, Camp Collins Beaver Creek Brunch Saturday May 4th, 10:30AM-12:30PM Skyland Pub, Troutdale Sandy River Delta Eco-Blitz Saturday May 18th, Sandy River Delta Park Troutdale First session from 9:00-11:30AM, second session from 12:00-2:30PM, birders meet at 7:00AM

  19. Other Business  Public Comment  Upcoming Council Meetings/Events  April 19- 20 ‘Equity and…’ strategy retreat  May 20 – Council meeting (moved up 1 week for Memorial Day)  Summer Picnic -- TBD


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