cost evaluation of the integration of ip mpls and wdm

Cost evaluation of the integration of IP/MPLS and WDM elements R. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cost evaluation of the integration of IP/MPLS and WDM elements R. Duque, V. Lpez, A. Gonzlez, O. Gonzlez de Dios, J.P. Fernndez-Palacios 0 Telefnica Servicios Audiovisuales S.A. / Telefnica Espaa S.A. TELEFNICA I+D Ttulo de

  1. Cost evaluation of the integration of IP/MPLS and WDM elements R. Duque, V. López, A. González, O. González de Dios, J.P. Fernández-Palacios 0 Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales S.A. / Telefónica España S.A. TELEFÓNICA I+D Título de la ponencia / Otros datos de interés / 26-01-2010 Telefónica I+D 0

  2. Cost evaluation of the integration of IP/MPLS and WDM elements R. Duque, V. López, A. González, O. González de Dios, J.P. Fernández-Palacios 1 Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales S.A. / Telefónica España S.A. TELEFÓNICA I+D Título de la ponencia / Otros datos de interés / 26-01-2010 Telefónica I+D 1

  3. Outline 01 Introduction and motivation 02 Scenario Definition 03 Methodology 04 Results 05 Conclusions Telefónica I+D 2

  4. 01 Introduction and motivation Telefónica I+D Telefónica I+D 3

  5. Motivation § Some vendors are proposing the integration of coloured transponders in the IP cards reducing the cost of current separate solution.  Grey Interface Colored interface ROADM 3rd window 2nd window IP Router Transponder (O/E/O conversion) (a) Independent  Colored interface ROADM 3rd window 3rd window IP Router with integrated transponder (b) Integrated § This situation can lead to a single vendor scenario, which is not convenient for an operator. § This study assesses the CAPEX savings due to this integration. Telefónica I+D 4

  6. 02 Scenario definition Telefónica I+D Telefónica I+D 5

  7. Assumptions § Spanish backbone network has A14 20 ML nodes and 10 ROADMs. A4 B28 § A17 C12 Initial total traffic matrix of 1.4 B22 A9 C17 Tbps obtained from internal B16 C8 C6 A28 A23 Telefónica data. C24 B9 B4 § C29 B3 Traffic growth of 50% per year E5 D4 D6 has been assumed. E15 E8 D14 D16 E17 D20 E20 D30 E28 Telefónica I+D 6

  8. Node Models Separate model Integrated model IP/MPLS Router Chassis Tx Rx IP/MPLS Line Cards Transceiver SR Tx Rx IP/MPLS Router Chassis Line Cards Tx Rx Transponders IP/MPLS Termninals Transceiver Transceiver SR Tx Rx Rx Tx LR WDM Tx Rx λ 1 λ 1 WDM Transponder λ 1 λ 1 OXC OXC Telefónica I+D 7

  9. Cost model Includes FW card § Based on STRONGEST model: and transceivers costs Table 1. Relative cost of the components [5] IP/MPLS Router Line Cards Chassis Slots/ Relative Tx Rx (including FW card) Ports Cost IP/MPLS line cards 40GbE 10 35.98 Transceiver SR IP/MPLS line cards 100GbE 4 40 Tx Rx IP/MPLS line cards 400GbE 1 37.48 IP single chassis 16 53.79 IP multi-chassis 32 285.92 Termninals Transceiver SR Rx Tx WDM Transponder 40Gbps 1 6.4 WDM WDM Transponder 100Gbps 1 16 WDM Transponder Tx Rx WDM Transponder 400Gbps 1 20.2 λ 1 λ 1 WDM terminal (chassis) 40 3.4 WSS 1x20 - TS 20 6 Photonic Switch. WSS WSS WSS 9x9 - OC 9 48 WSS 1x9 - LS 9 4 Amplification (Amp) 0.8 OXC OXC cost mainly depends OXC cost = N · (2 · WSS 1x9 + 2 · Amp) + on number of WSSs 2 · N · AD(20) · WSS 1x20 + 2 · WSS 9x9 Telefónica I+D 8

  10. 03 Methodology Telefónica I+D Telefónica I+D 9

  11. Methodology Topology IP IP chassis equipment Demand IP cost IP Routing evaluation IP cards Cost model IP/WSON adaptation Interlayer connections Optical demand Transponders chassis Transport equipment Transport cost WDM transponders WSON RWA evaluation OXC = f(WSS) Telefónica I+D 10

  12. Traffic routing § The traffic matrix is created based on the aggregation of the traffic in regional networks. § The traffic is routed over an already established IP topology. To request for lightpaths three algorithms are proposed: • Same capacity (sameC): assigns the required capacity with the same granularity for all transport connections (40Gbps or 100Gbps). • Max capacity (maxC): maximizes the lightpaths utilization in terms of capacity. If there are two traffic rates that maximize the lightpath utilization, this technique uses the highest bitrate to minimize the number of requested lambdas. • Min lambdas (minL): minimizes the total number of connections in order to obtain a transport demand as lower as possible. § As an example, for a 130 Gbps (assuming 10G, 40G and 100G interfaces): • SameC algorithm uses 4 lightpaths of 40Gbps or 2 lightpaths of 100Gbps • MaxC assigns 1 lambda of 100Gbps and 3 lambdas of 10Gbps • MinL reserves one lambda of 100Gbps and one of 40Gbps. Telefónica I+D 11

  13. 04 Results Telefónica I+D Telefónica I+D 12

  14. Cost relation § As the cost of an integrated card is uncertain a sweep is done to check the impact of this evolution. • CR=1 is assumed when two SR interfaces and a WDM transponder in the separate node to the cost of an IP/MPLS card in the integrated model. • Let us remark that this starting point is a lower cost threshold, because we are considering that integration would lead from the cost of an IP/MPLS card, • In order to find a less optimistic scenario, a cost relation of 1.15 and 1.3 (i.e. a cost increment of 15% and 30%, respectively, with respect to CR=1) for the integrated cards are assumed. Telefónica I+D 13

  15. Relative network cost § Figure shows CapEx investment in the core transport network for the two node models (relative units). § The separate node (dashed lines) is more expensive than the integrated node (solid lines). § The algorithm that achieves the lowest investment in network elements is the sameC 40-Gbit/s algorithm. § The reason is that the price per Gbit/s is cheaper in the 40-Gbit/s technology than in the 100-Gbit/s or 400-Gbit/s technology. § The cost of the network with minL and maxC algorithms lie within the envelope of the sameC 40-Gbit/s and 400-Gbit/s curves. Telefónica I+D 14

  16. CAPEX savings § Algorithms which achieve the greatest savings are sameC Cost relation = 1 Cost relation = 1.15 35 30 100-Gbit/s and sameC 40- CapEx savings [%] 30 CapEx savings [%] 25 Gbit/s algorithms. 25 20 § 20 However, sameC 100-Gbit/s is 15 15 more expensive than sameC 10 10 40-Gbit/s 5 5 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Traffic [Tbps] Traffic [Tbps] Cost relation = 1.3 30 CapEx savings [%] 25 sameC 40G sameC 100G 20 sameC 400G maxC 15 minL 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 Traffic [Tbps] Telefónica I+D 15

  17. Incremental cost analysis § The sameC 40-Gbit/s algorithm is used since it achieves the best results. § The proposed integration could lead to cost savings around 40% for CR=1 and 35% for CR=1.3 for a traffic matrix of 16.2 Tbps (i.e. year 7 in our analysis). SEP. SEP. SEP. SEP. SEP. INT. SEP. INT. INT. SEP. SEP. INT. INT. INT. SEP. SEP. INT. INT. INT. INT. Telefónica I+D 16

  18. 05 Conclusions Telefónica I+D Telefónica I+D 17

  19. Conclusions § The integration of colored transponders in the IP cards could lead to CapEx reduction up to 40% if such integrated transponders have a similar price (or, at most, a 30% increase) than separated components. § This study does not consider other cost related to the integration, such as organizational changes or multi-layer control plane coordination which are mandatory for this evolution. § Finally, let us remark that these integrated transponders must be interoperable at the optical domain in multi-vendor scenario to motivate its deployment. Telefónica I+D 18

  20. Telefónica I+D


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