cosadie s data center census preliminary results gabriel

CoSADIE's Data Center Census Preliminary results Gabriel Stckle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CoSADIE's Data Center Census Preliminary results Gabriel Stckle CosADIE DC Forum Heidelberg June 10, 2013 0 Montag, 10. Juni 13 We want to find out About the Landscape of European Data Centers, adoption of

  1. CoSADIE's Data Center Census Preliminary results Gabriel Stöckle CosADIE DC Forum Heidelberg June 10, 2013 0 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  2. We want to find out • About the Landscape of European Data Centers, adoption of VO standards, etc. • What are the requirements of the different Data Centers for future VO activity 1 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  3. The Former surveys Analogous efforts 2008 (EuroVO-DCA ) and 2010 (EuroVO-AIDA) with 69 participants Approach: 5 Groups with Questions - Introduction and Identification of the DC, 1 7 - Observational Archives and Data Products, 29 - Services / Tools / Software Suites, 17 - Theoretical Archives, 28 - Theory Services, 14 questions Result: about 120(!) classes of DCs, very wide census, only scratching the surface 2 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  4. A new approach - Iterating our knowledge Complex, multi-part questionnaires are a starter, but - mismatches between what clients wanted to say and what was asked - quality of responses difficult to derive We try/tried: • Allow Data Center and Ressource Description as free text • Fields are pre-filled from old answers to ease answering process • Answers are curated and eventually iterated with the respondent 3 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  5. We let Data Centers describe themselves Showcase: „Data Center Description „give whatever additional information you deem useful for describing your data center... “ • Aims, thematic/scientific focus, wavebands covered. • What is your target audience? Can you estimate what percentage of it is aware of your services? • Do you offer dedicated user support facilities? “ 4 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  6. We let them describe their resources For each resource , we would be interested in aspects like: Description When did you establish your data collection? Do you have expectations on its lifetime? Kind of archived data (images, spectra, catalogues, time series, etc). How was the data generated? ... 5 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  7. Its not that easy! We collected DCs by web search DCs in our own research networks DCs known from the former Surveys contacted All known DCs directly by email New DCs by mail plus phone asked National EuroVO representatives personally Now, we have 96 DCs, including you? 6 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  8. Its not that easy! We collected DCs by web search DCs in our own research networks DCs known from the former Surveys contacted All known DCs directly by email New DCs by mail plus phone asked National EuroVO representatives personally Now, we have 96 DCs, including you? 6 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  9. Participation : Spain visible at DC Forum UK more visible in survey 15 % 6 % 3 % 28 % 10 % 20 % 40 % 3 % 7 % 3 % 18 % 7 % 14 % 11 % 14 % FR DE Forum Participants Dc's in survey IT UK ES NL per country per country Others unknown/EU ESO/ FR ES DE IT UK others Total ESA 14 7 5 5 1 2 1 35 FR DE IT UK ES NL Others unknown/ Total EU 27 16 11 7 7 3 10 14 96 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  10. The answers are of different quality We received 61 answers from 96 DCs from all fields of astrophysics Most didnt change their description or only in some details Only 22 Data Centers changed their description Satisfied with the answers we created? DCs annoyed by the questionnaire? • Answering takes time • people dont see what‘s the reason for a different survey on the same topic? We need to intensify the communication. 8 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  11. What is a Data Center after all? Wikipedia: ... house computer systems, associated components, ... ... assigned to institutions with requirement in large data handling (finance, research) Google Data Center, The Dalles In the VO: DCs are (slightly different) ... data publishers, metadata and service providers. .. providers of physical storage and computational ressources. 10 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  12. Trying to classifify data centers Specialists : are science driven, associated to scientific projects or observatories. are research specific or observatory related. Generalists have overall concepts/technologies or resources for data handling. are without a specific scientific focus. International Organizations (ESO, ESA) run large European data centers. 12 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  13. The Landscape: Example: Germany DCs in the questionnaire: 16 Generalists: 2 AIP, ZAH International Organization: 1 ESO Science Archive (Munich) Observatory/project related: 6 HES, Euclid, eROSITA, Sonneberg, SUMER, ROSAT Research Specific: 6 e.g. CDMS, Cologne Database of molecular spectra e.g. PHOENIX, Stellar atmosphere code e.g. GRBGEN, catalog of gamma ray bursts 1 entry is probably no DC but has some data and wants to share it via VO standards 13 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  14. Example: Spain DCs in the questionnaire: 7 Generalists: 1 LAEFF International Organization: 1 ESA-ESAC Observatory/project related: 2 AXIS XMM Int. Survey, DC of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Research Specific: 2 AMIGA, Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies, Radio Data Model for the VO PVOL-SVO, Planetary Virtual Observatory Laboratory, Observations of Giant Planety 14 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  15. Anyway, here are some results: The VO concept is widely known • Services that are well established: Webservices, TAP, SAMP • Less known/accepted: ADQL Technical support is necessary in setting up VO services/own archives Some scientific community‘s needs are not all solved by VO approaches Some DCs don‘t care about VO for different reasons, mainly data policy or missing manpower 9 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  16. Different needs Generalists/International Institutions care about • interoperability • reaching project related DCs with their standards • overall technical expertise • spreading general standards/approaches Observatory/project related DCs care about • expertise in their scientific field • practical technical solutions for their scientific community • Dont care about politics Both care about: Citations and users doing research with their data or tools 15 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  17. Next Steps We have to • Identify DCs requirements much clearer • Communication has to intensify • DC‘s answers are a starter for a discussion This forum: place to dicuss your needs! Lets find out what is helping you to reach your goals. 16 Montag, 10. Juni 13

  18. Next Steps We have to • Identify DCs requirements much clearer • Communication has to intensify • DC‘s answers are a starter for a discussion This forum: place to dicuss your needs! Lets find out what is helping you to reach your goals. P .S.: Please send your slides to 16 Montag, 10. Juni 13

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