
Corporation Planning Committee 24 th January 2018 Reference: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Planning Committee 24 th January 2018 Reference: EDC/17/0110 Site Address: Former Croxton and Garry Site adjacent to London Road and Tiltman Avenue, Swanscombe. Proposal: Outline application for up to 220

  1. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Planning Committee 24 th January 2018

  2. Reference: EDC/17/0110 Site Address: Former Croxton and Garry Site adjacent to London Road and Tiltman Avenue, Swanscombe. Proposal: Outline application for up to 220 residential dwellings, including new vehicular access to Tiltman Avenue, creation of a development platform and associated works. Applicant: Swanscombe Development LLP Application Description

  3. EDC Major Development Sites

  4. Site Context

  5. Red Line Boundary

  6. DBC Core Strategy - Thames Waterfront Priority Area

  7. EDC Implementation Framework

  8. Site Access Plan

  9. Development Framework Plan

  10. Proposed Cut and Fill

  11. - 54no. one bedroom apartments - 101no. two bedroom apartments - 65no. three bedroom townhouses - 393no. parking spaces Illustrative Masterplan

  12. Illustrative Cross Sections

  13. - 54no. one bedroom apartments - 101no. two bedroom apartments - 65no. three bedroom townhouses - 393no. parking spaces Illustrative Masterplan

  14. EDC/17/0110 - RECOMMENDATION: Grant outline planning permission, subject to the following: (i) Imposition of the planning conditions and informatives as set out in Appendix 1 of this report with delegated authority to the Chief Planning Officer to make minor changes to the wording; and (ii) Subject to the resolution of item (iii), completion of an Agreement under s.106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in substantial accordance with the draft schedule of Heads of Terms included in Appendix 2 of this report within 3 months of the date of the EDC planning committee resolution. (iii) Agreement of a financial contribution to fund kerb re-alignment and relocation of traffic signal equipment at the London Road/Manor Way road junction to be secured as part of the Agreement under item (ii) to the satisfaction of the EDC’s Chief Planning Officer . EDC Officer Recommendation

  15. EDC/17/0123 Application for the variation of conditions 4, 5 and 19 attached to outline planning permission reference EDC/17/0022, for development of brownfield land to provide up to 21,500 sqm (231,000 sqft) of employment floorspace, comprising use classes B1, B2, B8 and A3, A4, A5 and associated site vehicular access, to amend the Building Heights Parameter Plan to allow the maximum height of buildings on part of the northern parcel to increase from 12 metres to 13.5 metres and to relocate the proposed pedestrian central refuge island crossing on Crete Hall Road. EDC/17/0122 Application for the approval of Reserved Matters pursuant to outline planning permission EDC/17/0123 for the development of a manufacturing facility for the production of modular housing with ancillary 2 storey office block and provision of a gate house, car parking, cycle storage, modular storage and dispatch bays and landscaping, comprising details of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping. EDC/17/0124 Construction of a new vehicular and pedestrian access from Crete Hall Road. Application Descriptions

  16. EDC Major Development Sites

  17. Northfleet Embankment East

  18. Aerial Photograph of Northfleet Embankment East

  19. Residential and Employment Land Split

  20. Outline Permission Site - Employment

  21. Revised Building Heights Parameter Plan

  22. Approved Proposed Proposed Central Refuge Relocation

  23. Red Line Boundary Plan – RM Application

  24. Proposed Site Layout Plan

  25. Site Layout - Comparison

  26. Site Logistics Plan

  27. Modular Manufacturing Process

  28. Proposed Landscaping

  29. Proposed Site Layout Plan

  30. Proposed Landscaping – Cross Sections

  31. Proposed Landscaping – Sections and Images

  32. Proposed Building Elevations

  33. Proposed Office Floor Plans

  34. 3D Illustrations

  35. 3D Illustrations

  36. Operational Images

  37. Existing Carriageway Alignment Proposed Carriageway Alignment Proposed Access Junction

  38. EDC/17/0123 Approve the proposed s.73 variations to the outline planning permission, subject to: (i) planning conditions (including corrections set out in the supplementary report); and (ii) the applicant entering into a Deed of Variation. EDC/17/0122 Approval of Reserved Matters, subject to: (i) approval of s.73 application reference EDC/17/0123; and (ii) imposition of planning conditions. EDC/17/0124 Permission, subject to conditions. EDC Officer Recommendations


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