copa cogeca promote the european agriculture

Copa-Cogeca: Promote the european agriculture Copa-Cogeca | The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Copa-Cogeca: Promote the european agriculture Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 1 I - What are COPA-COGECA ? II main challenges of european agriculture !!! III CAP post 2013 IV CAP pst 2020

  1. Copa-Cogeca: Promote the european agriculture Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 1

  2. I - What are COPA-COGECA ? II – main challenges of european agriculture !!! III –CAP post 2013 IV – CAP pst 2020 Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 2

  3. I – What are COPA-COGECA ? 
 Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 3

  4. I – What are COPA-COGECA ? 
 Copa – European Farmers together 60 farmers organisations Cogeca –European agri-Coopératives together 35 national platform of agri cooperatives Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 4

  5. I – What are COPA-COGECA ? 
 Facts and figures • Copa-Cogeca together 71 full member organisations and 29 partners organisations; • 38 members coming from Eastern and center of EU; • 35 working group following 21 EU production; • more than 200 meetings / year. Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 5

  6. I – What are COPA-COGECA ? 
 Consumers Agriculture Animal welfare Food industry Copa-Cogeca Trade Unions Environnent Trade Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 6

  7. II – Main challenges of the EU agriculture Agriculture Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire Environnement Commerce Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 7

  8. World growth food demand 
 Les Prix alimentaires: - forte évolution du type de consommation Agriculture Cereals Meat 1,450 400 1,243 Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire 300 1,036 Developping countries 252 million tonnes 829 1,185 1,007 184 200 621 788 131 414 100 80 OECD countries 72 Environnement 63 207 156 160 164 Commerce 40 41 38 European Union 64 60 57 0 0 2000/02 2015 2030 2000/02 2015 2030 Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 8

  9. World population aginig … next relevant market Africa Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 9

  10. EU well integrated in the world market 
 - Net importing position: Agriculture - beef meat (in average 300 00 T); - sheap meat (20% of the consumption); - Corn (feed) ( 7 to 9 M. de tonnes); Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire - vegetable proteins: 32 Mio. tonnes of soymeal - 80% of UE need - fruits and vegetable: 10 to 13 millions de T. Environnement -World leader on wheat export; Commerce -40% of raw material processed in EU are non-EU origin Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 10

  11. Top ¡20 ¡of ¡wheat ¡producers Blé - Moyenne 2007- 2 0 0 9 average ¡2007-­‑2009 ¡ Rendement en t/ha 7 France Egypte 6 226 ¡M ¡Ha ¡ UE 27 In ¡the ¡world Chine 5 Ouzbékistan World ¡yield ¡ 4 2,95 ¡t/ha Ukraine 3 Canada Argentine U S Inde Pakistan Afrique 2 Brésil Turquie Iran Russie ~ ¡120 ¡MHa ¡ Australie Maroc 1 Kazakhstan 10 ¡ 20 ¡ 30 ¡ Surface 0 en Mha 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 14 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 8 3 0 30.03.2013 | La productivité du blé | 11

  12. Top 20 of corn producers Average ¡2007-­‑2009 ¡ 161 ¡M ¡Ha ¡ In ¡the ¡world ~ ¡80 ¡MHa ¡ 30 ¡ 5 10 ¡ 15 ¡ 20 ¡ 25 ¡ 35 ¡ 30.03.2013 | La productivité du blé | 12

  13. UE still need 35 million ha to feed 500 millions of consummers 
 Arable'land'exported Arable'land'imported 50 50 Agriculture Wheat Corn 40 40 Coarse5Grains Rice Bien-être des animaux Soya Chaîne alimentaire 30 30 Palm Other5Oilseeds 20 20 10 10 Environnement 0 0 Commerce 1999/2000 2007/2008 1999/2000 2007/2008 t n s e a s s Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 13

  14. Economic power of EU in the world Rang% 1990% 2010% 2030% mondial% 1% US# US# Chine# 2% Japon# Chine# US# 3% Allemagne% Japon# Japon# 4% France% Allemagne% Inde# 5% Italie% France% Russie# 6% GB% GB% Brésil# 7% Russie# Brésil# GB% # Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 14

  15. Productivity still a big challenge in EU !!! Productivity for wheat en T/ha Source: Own figure based on FAO (2011C).

  16. Trade and insecurity 16

  17. World market volatility and price risk management !!! $/T Wheat cotation in Chicago Agriculture 500 360 Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire 220 80 Environnement Commerce Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 17

  18. Profitability of of the EU farms: a common challenge Sources: Eurostat et FADN

  19. Support of the CAP by EU citizens Agriculture Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire Environnement Commerce Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 19

  20. Strong support of the society on direct payments Agriculture Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire Environnement Commerce Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 20

  21. III. CAP post 2013 Agriculture Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 21

  22. A CAP more orientated toward society concerns ! Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 22

  23. EU budget declining ….. Ceilings of MFF in payments 1.20 1.00 % GNI 0.80 0.60 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 23

  24. ….and CAP support declinning too !!!! Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 24

  25. Share of the EU direct payment within teh EU Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 25

  26. Common policy but great national flexibility Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 7

  27. Greening measure: a European tool • Crops Diversification ✓ 10-30 ha of arable land: minimum 2 crops and the maoin one less than 75% of the arable land ✓ >30 ha of arable land: minimum 3 crops, the main one less than 75% and the third one minimum 5% • Keeping minimum of 95% of permanente pasture ( classified all already in 2007 as permanent or used as a pasture for more than 5 years as from 2013); • Ecological focus Area: on 5% of the arable land and for farm >15ha • Equivalentes Measures ✓ Mesures Agri-environment-climat, seulement sur les terres éligibles au DPU ✓ National/regional certification Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 8

  28. CAP and and market orientation • Public intervention at minimum (101 euros/tonnes for cereals and 21 cts/liter of milk) • Crises fond : 300 millions euros per year and financed by direct payment; . Possible collective negociations for various sectors; • End of export refund in practice as financed by direct payment !!! Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 9

  29. CAP post 2020 : Trade … Trade and Trade !!! Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 29

  30. CAP post 2020 • Trade negociation development : the third pilar of the CAP - TTIP : progress on Non tariff Barrier Agriculture - WTO : balance on market access and public support • Bien-être des animaux Political debate on the financing of the EU budget Chaîne alimentaire -Own ressources – tole of the EIB ; -Development of new policies (research, climate change …); • How to develop tool to cope with volatility ? -Develop price risk managemnt tool; Environnement -Collective contractualisation – P.Os; Commerce -Logistics Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 30

  31. CAP post 2020 - Modern agriculture – precision farming and big data : how to ensure a put forward innovation to the farmgate ? Agriculture - Bio-economy: new outlets …. New income ? Bien-être des animaux Chaîne alimentaire - Need for actions to improve the situation on inputs sector: • Increase competition within the fertilizer market; • Seed new breeding technics; Environnement • Commerce Keep a comprehensive tool box to protect plant health. Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 31

  32. Thanks! @COPACOGECA Copa-Cogeca | The voice of European farmers and their cooperatives | 32


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