convergence rate of probabilistic bisection in stochastic

Convergence Rate of Probabilistic Bisection in Stochastic Root - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Convergence Rate of Probabilistic Bisection in Stochastic Root Finding Shane G. Henderson Operations Research & Information Engineering Cornell University, Ithaca, NY June 1, 2015 Banff, Canada Joint work with Peter I. Frazier and Rolf

  1. Convergence Rate of Probabilistic Bisection in Stochastic Root Finding Shane G. Henderson Operations Research & Information Engineering Cornell University, Ithaca, NY June 1, 2015 Banff, Canada Joint work with Peter I. Frazier and Rolf Waeber Research supported by AFOSR YIP FA9550-11-1-0083, NSF CMMI 1200315

  2. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Stochastic Root Finding • Suppose g : [0 , 1] → R is decreasing, has unique root. • g ( x ) is observed with noise, Y ( x ) = g ( x ) + ǫ ( x ) • Goal: Locate the root • Instead of stochastic approximation, use probabilistic bisection • Assumes oracle indicates direction of root from any x and is correct with probability p > 1 / 2 (independent of x ) 1/6

  3. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding The Probabilistic Bisection Algorithm Horstein 63 • Input: Z n ( X n ) := sign( Y n ( X n )). • Assume a prior density f 0 on [0 , 1]. n = 0, X n = 0.5, Z n (X n ) = −1 X* 2 f n (x) 1 0 0 1 X n 2/6

  4. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding The Probabilistic Bisection Algorithm Horstein 63 • Input: Z n ( X n ) := sign( Y n ( X n )). • Assume a prior density f 0 on [0 , 1]. n = 0, X n = 0.5, Z n (X n ) = −1 n = 1, X n = 0.38462, Z n (X n ) = −1 X* X* 2 2 f n (x) f n (x) 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 X n X n 2/6

  5. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding The Probabilistic Bisection Algorithm Horstein 63 • Input: Z n ( X n ) := sign( Y n ( X n )). • Assume a prior density f 0 on [0 , 1]. n = 0, X n = 0.5, Z n (X n ) = −1 n = 1, X n = 0.38462, Z n (X n ) = −1 X* X* 2 2 f n (x) f n (x) 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 X n X n n = 2, X n = 0.29586, Z n (X n ) = 1 X* 2 f n (x) 1 0 0 1 X n 2/6

  6. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding The Probabilistic Bisection Algorithm Horstein 63 • Input: Z n ( X n ) := sign( Y n ( X n )). • Assume a prior density f 0 on [0 , 1]. n = 0, X n = 0.5, Z n (X n ) = −1 n = 1, X n = 0.38462, Z n (X n ) = −1 X* X* 2 2 f n (x) f n (x) 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 X n X n n = 2, X n = 0.29586, Z n (X n ) = 1 n = 3, X n = 0.36413, Z n (X n ) = 1 X* X* 2 2 f n (x) f n (x) 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 X n X n 2/6

  7. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Stochastic Root-Finding Revisited X* g(x) 0 0 1 � sign ( g ( X n )) with probability p ( X n ) , Z n ( X n ) = − sign ( g ( X n )) with probability 1 − p ( X n ) . 3/6

  8. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Stochastic Root-Finding Revisited 1 X* p(x) X* g(x) 0 0.5 0 0 1 0 1 � sign ( g ( X n )) with probability p ( X n ) , Z n ( X n ) = − sign ( g ( X n )) with probability 1 − p ( X n ) . 3/6

  9. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Stochastic Root-Finding Revisited 1 X* p(x) X* g(x) p 0 0.5 0 0 1 0 1 � sign ( g ( X n )) with probability p ( X n ) , Z n ( X n ) = − sign ( g ( X n )) with probability 1 − p ( X n ) . 3/6

  10. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Sequential Tests • Generate a new signal Z ′ ( x ) using a sequential test of power one • For x � = x ∗ , test halts in finite time and is correct with user-specifed probability at least p c > 1 / 2 • Use PBA with such a p c • Exponential convergence in n ... • At x , expected running time θ − 2 | ln | ln θ || , θ = p ( x ) − 1 / 2 • Slows down as x → x ∗ 4/6

  11. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Performance Bisection, p = 0.75, ε n ~ N(0,1) 0.5 X* − X n 0 −0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 T n 5/6

  12. Probabilistic Bisection Search for Stochastic Root Finding Convergence For any fixed ǫ ∈ (0 , 1 / 2), T 1 / 2 − ǫ n +1 ( ˆ X n − x ∗ ) ⇒ 0 as n → ∞ , where n 1 N 1 / 2 − ǫ ˆ � X n = X i . i i =0 N 1 / 2 − ǫ � n i =0 i What about the more natural (and empirically better) n − 1 1 � N i X i ? T n i =0 6/6


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