Continuum of Care: Population Management Presented by: Angelica Starkey RN, MSN and Steve Williams OUI 2015
The Continuum of Care… What does it mean? The Continuum of Care as defined by HIMSS: Continuum of Care is a concept involving a system that guides and tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels and intensity of care. The Continuum of Care covers the delivery of healthcare over a period of time, and may refer to care provided from birth to end of life. Healthcare services are provided for all levels and stages of care. ◦ umber=30272 2
The Continuum of Care… We (OTTR) discuss this concept in various presentations ◦ Longitudinal Care ◦ Taking Care of Patients Through the Transplant Process Complex Overlapping How does OTTR meet the requirements for the continuum of care… 1. System that Guides 2. Tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels and intensity of care 3. Delivery of healthcare over a period of time 4. May refer to care provided from birth to end of life 5. Healthcare services are provided for all levels and stages of care 3
A Syst stem m Tha hat t Guides des Online referrals automatically insert ◦ Go directly into the work queue Referrals ◦ Have additional tabs for intake sheets ◦ Referral Plans = Order Set Guide for users to meet center procedures Evaluations ◦ Include all of the “items” that are considered part of the evaluation Standard items – default checked Template for Selection Committee documentation Listings ◦ Action Macros = Order Set Includes all of the standard checklist items Verify that each item in the list is complete Forces accountability Transplant ◦ Action Macros = Order Set Field Annotations * * 4
Tra rack cks s Pat atients ients Ove ver r Time me Tracks patients over time through a comprehensive array of health services spanning all levels and intensity of care Transplant Listed Referral Evaluation Post – TX Inpatient • Status 7 Early Outpatient Complications • • • • ICU, PICU, • Status 1 Events Adverse Late Inpatient • • • • Special Care 5
Deli live very ry of Healt lthcar are e Over A Pe Perio iod of Time Listed Post – TX Transplant Referral Evaluation Age 45 5 35 20 40 30 50 10 15 25 6
May y Refer to to Care Provi ovided ded From m Birth h to End of Life fe 7
Healthcare thcare Servi vices ces Are Provided d For All Leve vels And Stage ges of Care Transplant Chronic Care ◦ Kidney ◦ Renal Disease ◦ Liver ◦ Liver Failure ◦ Pancreas ◦ Hepatobiliary ◦ Heart ◦ Hepatology ◦ Lung ◦ Heart Failure ◦ Intestine ◦ Cardiology ◦ Islet ◦ Lung Failure ◦ BMT ◦ Intestinal Rehab Specialty ◦ VAD ◦ Hemoglobinopathy ◦ Vascular Access ◦ Lung Volume Reduction ◦ Diabetes ◦ Liver Research 8
Populat pulatio ion Managem nagement nt Key OTTR Features for Population Management ◦ Tracked Lists ◦ Dashboards ◦ Repeat Actions ◦ XynManagement 9
Track acked ed Lists ts Advantages of Tracked Lists ◦ Set of recommended lists by role ◦ Manage your daily activities ◦ Monitor what needs attention 10
Dashboa shboards ds Advantages of Dashboards ◦ Set of recommended dashboards by role ◦ Visual snapshot of what you care about ◦ Configurable by user 11
Repea peat Actio ions Advantages of Repeat Actions ◦ Automatically create new action when current action is ended ◦ Site defined frequency options ◦ Default repeat frequency can be overridden when added to patient 12
XynM nManagem agemen ent Advantages of XynManagement ◦ Risk assessment at both patient and center level ◦ Ensures proper risk factors are identified ◦ Integration with OTTR for patient risk assessment 13
XynM nManagem agemen ent Center Level Reporting 14
Questio stions ns ? Thank You 15
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