contextual advertising contextual advertising semantic

Contextual Advertising: Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Contextual Advertising: Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Biehl Overview: Overview: based on * A. Broder et al.: A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising . SIGIR Conference, 2007

  1. Contextual Advertising: Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Biehl

  2. Overview: Overview: based on * A. Broder et al.: A Semantic Approach to Contextual Advertising . SIGIR Conference, 2007  Motivation: bit of history on Web monetization Motivation: bit of history on Web monetization  Contextual advertising Contextual advertising Organisation ► Organisation ► Types ► Types ►  Semantic Approach Semantic Approach Classification ► Classification ► Matching ► Matching ► Searching ► Searching ► Evaluation ► Evaluation ►  Conclusion Conclusion Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 2 /22

  3. WEB WEB Advertising Advertising  Banner ads  Pop-up ads  => software to eliminate from PCs  Sponsored search-ads driven by originating query  Contextual advertising (context match) Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 3 /22

  4. Contextual Ads: Contextual Ads: Definition Definition  Context Match refers to the placement of commercial textual advertisements within the content of a generic web page  A contextual ad is the advertisement that dynamically appears on a Web site Ads of sport-related companies: - sport equipment - ticket sellers Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 4 /22

  5. Advertising: Advertising: Organisation Organisation Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 5 /22

  6. TYPES TYPES of Contextual Ads of Contextual Ads  Search-based : Google’s AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network  Channel-based: Kanoodle, Valueclick  Behaviorally-based: Tacoda,Blue Lithium  In-line Advertising: Vibrant Media Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 6 /22

  7. Contextual Ads: Contextual Ads: Searching Formula Searching Formula p = given page; a =given ad Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 7 /22

  8. Syntactic vs. Syntactic vs. Semantic Approach Semantic Approach  Syntactic approach: estimates the ad relevance based on co-occurrence of the same words or phrases within an ad and a page the Chevy Tahoe Truck => Lake Tahoe vacations  Semantic approach: combines a semantic phrase (classification of ads and pages into a taxonomy of topics) with traditional keyword matching the Chevy Tahoe Truck => automobile domain => Car/Truck ads Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 8 /22

  9. Taxonomy Taxonomy  6000 nodes  Each node: collection of around 100 exemplary bid phrases that correspond to the node concept  Idea: find page-ad pairs being topically close: classify pages and ads into the same taxonomy Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 9 /22

  10. Classification: Classification: Training data Training data  page training set: generate the top 10 results of the Web search index for each class in the taxonomy  ad taining set: select ads with a bid-phrase assigned to the class  Use SVM and a log-regression classifiers  => not good performance Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 10 /22

  11. Classification Classification Method: Method:  Rocchio's nearest-neighbor classifier:  Each taxonomy node: a single meta-document (concatenation of all the example queries), represented as  a centroid for the class (sum of the tf-idf values of each term)  The classification is based on the cosine of the angle between the document and the centroid Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 11 /22

  12. Semantic-syntactic Semantic-syntactic Matching Matching  Convex combination of the keyword (syntactic) and classification (semantic) score:  determines the relative weight of the taxonomy score and the keyword score Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 12 /22

  13. KeywordScore KeywordScore  Pages and ads: vectors in n-dimensional space(one dimension for each term)  The magnitude of each dimension: tf х idf score  KeywordScore: the cosine of the angle between the page and the ad vectors Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 13 /22

  14. TaxonomyScore TaxonomyScore  Function:  Topical match between a page and an ad  Generalization within a taxonomy  Efficient search of the ad space  match stronger ads and pages from the same node and weaker as the distance gets larger  Challenge: winter sport-> skiing, snowboarding hobby->sailing, knitting Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 14 /22

  15. Generalization Generalization Number of documents classified into the child node Number of documents classified into the child node Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 15 /22

  16. Searching: Searching: Inverted Index Inverted Index  The ads are parsed into terms  Each term has a weight based on a section where it appears Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 16 /22

  17. Searching: Searching: Inverted Index Inverted Index  Challenge: how to preserve class information in the index  Simple solution: unique meta-term for a class  => loss of the generalization  Instead: annotate each ad with one meta-term for each ancestor of the assigned class, weights of the meta-terms: the value of idist() function Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 17 /22

  18. Querying: Querying: Weak AND Algorithm Weak AND Algorithm WAND is a document-at-a-time algorithm based on a two level approach:  at the first level, it iterates in parallel over query term postings and identifies  candidate documents using an approximate evaluation taking into account only partial information on term occurrences and no query independent factors; at the second level, promising candidates are fully evaluated and their exact scores are computed. Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 18 /22

  19. Evaluation Evaluation Percision vs. Recall of syntactic match vs. syntactic-semantic match Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 19 /22

  20. Evaluation, cont. Evaluation, cont. Impact of Alpha on percision for different levels of recall Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 20 /22

  21. Conclusion Conclusion  Contextual Advertising: placement of commercial textual advertisements within the content of a generic web page  Approaches:  Purely syntactic: keyword based  Classification into a taxonomy  Combination of keyword scores and semantic phrases (taxonomy scores) Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 21 /22

  22. Thank you! Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 22 /22

  23. Rocchio's Rocchio's Classifier Classifier Uses centroid vectors to represent a category  Centroid vector is the average vector of all document vectors of a category  Centroid vectors are calculated in the training phase  To classify a new document, just calculate its distance to the centroid vector  of each category Use cosine similarity as distance  measure Advantages: fast training phase,  fast classification Disadvantage: precision drops with  increasing number of categories Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Contextual Advertising: Semantic Approach Ekaterina Biehl Ekaterina Bieh 23 /22


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