container construction myths and realities myth 1

Container Construction Myths and Realities Myth 1: Containers are - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Container Construction Myths and Realities Myth 1: Containers are Cheap ICC Membership approved a code change that would allow ISO shipping containers to be used in commercial construction.will now be part of the 2021 International building

  1. Container Construction Myths and Realities

  2. Myth 1: Containers are Cheap

  3. ICC Membership approved a code change that would allow ISO shipping containers to be used in commercial construction….will now be part of the 2021 International building code.

  4. Site Built vs Modular Construction Timeline 4-8 wks 2-3 wks 10 – 14 wks 1-3 wks = 16 – 18 weeks to delivery of containers 2018 Permanent Modular Construction Report

  5. Myth 2: Containers are Ideal for Low Cost Housing

  6. Myth 3: Containers are Cool

  7. Architectural Record, October 2018

  8. Martha Trela


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