conne c te d and autonomous ve hic le s moving f or war d

Conne c te d and Autonomous Ve hic le s Moving F or war d along - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

I-95 Corridor Coalition Conne c te d and Autonomous Ve hic le s Moving F or war d along the E ast Coast June 13, 2018 I-95 Corridor Coalition What is the I- 95 Cor r idor Coalition Multi-Jurisdictional

  1. I-95 Corridor Coalition Conne c te d and Autonomous Ve hic le s – Moving F or war d along the E ast Coast June 13, 2018

  2. I-95 Corridor Coalition What is the I- 95 Cor r idor Coalition • Multi-Jurisdictional • 16 States and the District of Columbia • Associate members include 2 Canadian Provinces (Quebec, New Brunswick) • Multi-Modal • All Modes – Rail, Marine, Air, Highway – with a focus on passenger travel and freight movement • Multi-Disciplinary • 100+ Transportation Agencies (federal, state, MPO, local), Toll Authorities, DMV’s, Port Authorities, Transit Agencies, Railroads, Trucking, Public Safety/Law Enforcement 2 June 13, 2018

  3. I-95 Corridor Coalition Why Ne e d for Dialogue on CAV • I-95 Corridor has: • 21% of Nation’s Road Miles • 35% of Nation’s Vehicle Mile Traveled • High Volume of trips daily that cross state/regional boundaries • 565 million+ Passenger and Freight Trips > 100 miles annually • 5.3 billion tons of freight moves through corridor annually • Unique Characteristics of Corridor • Close geographic proximity of states • 10% of land mass – 37% of national population • Large urban areas in proximity to “mega-regions” • Coalition states have rural areas to serve also • “Interoperability” across borders is critical 3 June 13, 2018

  4. I-95 Corridor Coalition State L e ve l of E ngage me nt in Conne c te d/ Automate d/ Autonomous Ve hic le s In Cor r idor : E ngage d and Gr owing Leader • Coalition States were surveyed in December, Early Adopter 2018: “How engaged are you Actively in Connected and Engaged Automated Vehicle Positively Activities”? Engaged 4 June 13, 2018

  5. Conne nnected a and Aut nd Autono nomous us V Vehi hicles Workshop S Summa mmary “Wha t Ag e nc ie s Ne e d to Do fo r the Co nne c te d a nd Auto no mo us Ve hic le s o f T o mo rro w” De c e mb e r 11-12, 2017

  6. I-95 Corridor Coalition Building on Me mbe r State Ac tivitie s Over 40 practitioners attended from: 15 State DOTs, District of Columbia • Several Transportation Authorities • FHWA Office of Operations also represented • 6 June 13, 2018

  7. I-95 Corridor Coalition Wor kshop Goals (3) Define (1) Share CAV- (2) Identify implementation related activities challenges and steps for member potential agencies and the solutions Coalition 7 June 13, 2018

  8. I-95 Corridor Coalition Age nc y Pr e se ntations and Br e akout Se ssions • Infrastructure and Asset Management • Systems, Data, Communications/Networks • Policies, Legislation and Planning • Education/Outreach and Key Stakeholders 8 June 13, 2018

  9. I-95 Corridor Coalition Ide ntify bar r ie r s and pote ntial solutions (e xample ) Create central Consider using research repository “expression of that can be put into interest” like MDOT “action” Start small, Make stay nimble procurement processes less rigid/lengthy Hold webinars to highlight Consider university progress partnerships to fill skill needs 9 June 13, 2018

  10. I-95 Corridor Coalition Imple me ntation Ste ps Infrastructure and Asset Management: • Signage and Striping, Signaling, Communication and • Management, Funding, Multi-modal inclusion System, Data, Communications/Networks • Infrastructure, Data Exchange, Data Management/Validation • Education/Outreach and Key Stakeholders • Public Outreach, Partnerships • Policies, Legislation and Planning • Strategic and Long Range Planning • 10 June 13, 2018

  11. I-95 Corridor Coalition “T he Way F or war d” For member agencies Identify a leader • Create a strategic vision focused on the “why”: safety, • congestion relief, emergency response, economic development Start a multi-disciplinary stakeholder group with • members from inside and outside agency Engage in testing and pilot projects (SPaT) • 11 June 13, 2018

  12. I-95 Corridor Coalition “T he Way F or war d”: Re gion/ Cor r idor Generate educational and outreach materials/toolkits to maintain consistent message • for full corridor connectivity. Bring diverse stakeholders together across region: including freight, law • enforcement… Explore rural highway examples • Investigate what is happening at ports • Explore multi-state demo (e.g. truck platooning) • Identify potential projects even if funding not available • 12 June 13, 2018

  13. I-95 Corridor Coalition Coa lition CAV F ina l Re port Ava ila ble a t: www.i95c oa For Additional Information, please contact: Marygrace Parker Director, Freight and Innovation in Transportation I-95 Corridor Coalition 518-852-4083 13 June 13, 2018


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