conformal random growth models lecture 2 scaling limits

Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits Frankie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits Frankie Higgs and George Liddle Lancaster University LMS PiNE Lectures, September 2020 Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  1. Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits Frankie Higgs and George Liddle Lancaster University LMS PiNE Lectures, September 2020 Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  2. Hastings-Levitov model Let θ 1 , θ 2 , · · · be i.i.d. uniformly distributed on [0 , 2 π ). For a particle map f : ∆ → ∆ \ P as defined previously with f ( z ) = e c z + O (1) near ∞ , define the rotated map f n ( w ) = e i θ n f ( e − i θ n w ) . Let Φ n = f 1 ◦ · · · ◦ f n , then C \ Φ n (∆) =: K n is the Hastings-Levitov cluster with n particles, each of capacity c . Figure: A simulation of the HL(0) process, taken from Norris and Turner 2012 . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  3. An example of a particle map One particle we may attach is a slit of length d . We have an explicit formula for f ( w ) here, but for simplicity let’s look at the half-plane version. f : H → H \ (0 , 2 c 1 / 2 i ] , � z 2 − 4 c . f ( w ) = 2 c 1 / 2 i f − 2 c 1 / 2 2 c 1 / 2 0 0 Frankie Higgs Figure: Not included yet: an illustration of this map. Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  4. “Small particle limit” - in what space do we converge? To get a scaling limit, we allow the logarithmic capacity c of our particle to tend to zero. One reasonable question: when we say “limit”, what space does this limit live in, and in what sense can we converge to it? Definition Let ( D n ) n ∈ N be a sequence of domains in C ∞ \ { 0 } whose intersection contains a neighbourhood of ∞ . The kernel of the sequence is the largest domain D containing ∞ such that every compact subset of D is a subset of all but finitely many of the D n s. If every subsequence of ( D n ) n ∈ N has the same kernel D , then we say that D n → D as n → ∞ . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  5. “Small particle limit” - in what space do we converge? To get a scaling limit, we allow the logarithmic capacity c of our particle to tend to zero. One reasonable question: when we say “limit”, what space does this limit live in, and in what sense can we converge to it? Definition Let ( D n ) n ∈ N be a sequence of domains in C ∞ \ { 0 } whose intersection contains a neighbourhood of ∞ . The kernel of the sequence is the largest domain D containing ∞ such that every compact subset of D is a subset of all but finitely many of the D n s. If every subsequence of ( D n ) n ∈ N has the same kernel D , then we say that D n → D as n → ∞ . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  6. An example of Carath´ eodory convergence 2 π/ n n → ∞ Figure: A diagram of a sequence of sets converging in the Carath´ eodory sense. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  7. HL(0) scaling limit Theorem (Norris and Turner, 2012) Let K n be the Hastings-Levitov cluster with n particles each of capacity c . In the limit c → 0 with n c → t, the cluster K n eodory) to a disc of radius e t . converges (in the sense of Carath´ This theorem looks daunting to prove. It would be nice if we had something more explicit to work with than the Carath´ eodory topology. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  8. The Carath´ eodory convergence theorem Let S be the set of all conformal maps ϕ : D → D for simply connected domains D � C with 0 ∈ D such that ϕ (0) = 0, ϕ ′ (0) ∈ R > 0 . Note that ϕ uniquely determines D , and vice versa. Theorem (Carath´ eodory, 1912) Let ϕ, ϕ n ∈ S for n ≥ 1 , and D , D n the corresponding domains. Then D n → D as before if and only if ϕ n → ϕ uniformly on compact subsets of ∆ . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  9. The Carath´ eodory convergence theorem Let S be the set of all conformal maps ϕ : D → D for simply connected domains D � C with 0 ∈ D such that ϕ (0) = 0, ϕ ′ (0) ∈ R > 0 . Note that ϕ uniquely determines D , and vice versa. Theorem (Carath´ eodory, 1912) Let ϕ, ϕ n ∈ S for n ≥ 1 , and D , D n the corresponding domains. Then D n → D as before if and only if ϕ n → ϕ uniformly on compact subsets of ∆ . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  10. Convergence of the HL(0) maps Proposition (Norris and Turner, 2012) Let K n be the HL(0) cluster with n particles of capacity c , and Φ n : ∆ → C ∞ \ K n the corresponding map. Again send c → 0 with n c → t, then for any compact subset C ⊂ ∆ , | Φ n ( w ) − e t w | → 0 sup w ∈ C in probability. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  11. Two neat tricks Definition (Logarithmic coordinates) D = { z ∈ C : e z ∈ D } , and � For (∆ f → D ) ∈ S , let � f : � ∆ → � D the unique conformal map with lim ℜ ( w ) → + ∞ ( � f ( w ) − w ) = c (where c is the logarithmic capacity of D c ). We can also characterise � f by f ◦ exp = exp ◦ � f , and so if f 1 , · · · , f n are the first n particle maps for HL(0) then � Φ n = � f 1 ◦ · · · ◦ � f n . Definition (The inverse functions) We write g n = f − 1 and Γ n = Φ − 1 n . n This is very useful, because for all z ∈ K c N the stochastic process (Γ n ( z ) : 0 ≤ n ≤ N ) is Markovian . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  12. Logarithmic coordinates Figure: A drawing of a particle in the usual (left) and logarithmic (right) coordinates. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  13. Convergence of maps Consider a particular event Ω( m , ε ) for m ∈ N and small ε defined by two conditions: For all n ≤ m , � � � � �� Φ n ( w ) − ( w + n c ) � < ε whenever ℜ ( w ) ≥ 5 ε . � � � � z ∈ � �� D n and Γ n ( z ) − ( z − n c ) � < ε whenever ℜ ( z ) ≥ n c + 4 ε . We claim that on this event (if ε → 0 and m → ∞ at appropriate speeds) the cluster converges to a disc of radius e t . If e w = z then | Φ n ( z ) − e n c z | = | exp( � Φ n ( w )) − exp( w + n c ) | < ε e 6 ε + n c . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  14. Convergence of maps Consider a particular event Ω( m , ε ) for m ∈ N and small ε defined by two conditions: For all n ≤ m , � � � � �� Φ n ( w ) − ( w + n c ) � < ε whenever ℜ ( w ) ≥ 5 ε . � � � � z ∈ � �� D n and Γ n ( z ) − ( z − n c ) � < ε whenever ℜ ( z ) ≥ n c + 4 ε . We claim that on this event (if ε → 0 and m → ∞ at appropriate speeds) the cluster converges to a disc of radius e t . If e w = z then | Φ n ( z ) − e n c z | = | exp( � Φ n ( w )) − exp( w + n c ) | < ε e 6 ε + n c . Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  15. The good event is likely Proposition (Norris and Turner, 2012) We use a particle P satisfying, for δ ≤ 1 / 3 , P ⊆ { z ∈ ∆ : | z − 1 | ≤ δ } , 1 + δ ∈ P , z ∈ P ⇐ ⇒ z ∈ P . There is a constant A such that for all 2 δ ≤ ε ≤ 1 and m ≥ 1 we have � � − ε 3 P (Ω( m , ε ) c ) ≤ A ( m + ε − 2 ) exp A c for a constant A. If ε → 0 slowly enough as c → 0, then P (Ω( m , ε )) → 1, and so we get our convergence result. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  16. Proof: outline Our plan for bounding the probability of the bad event has several steps: Write the event Ω( m , ε ) (which talks about all w in a half-plane) as the intersection of events Ω R depending on vertical lines ℓ R = { ζ ∈ C : ℜ ( ζ ) = R } . Work only with the Markovian � Γ n , and deduce the result for Φ n from the result for � � Γ n . � � � � �� On each event, express the difference Γ n ( z ) − ( z − n c ) � as a martingale in n , and bound its size. Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

  17. Proof: simpler events Let R = 2( k + 1) ε for some k ∈ N . Let N be the maximal integer such that R ≥ 2 ε + c N . Consider the stopping time T R = inf { n ≥ 0 : for some z ∈ ℓ R , z ∈ � K n or ℜ ( � Γ n ( z )) ≤ R − n c − ε }∧ N , and define the event � � | � Ω R = sup Γ n ( z ) − ( z − n c ) | < ε . n ≤ T R , z ∈ ℓ R ⌈ m c / 2 ε ⌉ � We claim that Ω( m , ε ) ⊇ Ω 2( k +1) ε (this is easy thanks to k =1 the magic of holomorphicity). Frankie Higgs Conformal random growth models Lecture 2: Scaling limits

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