conejo valley unified school district 2020 21 budget

Conejo Valley Unified School District 2020-21 Budget Public - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Conejo Valley Unified School District 2020-21 Budget Public Hearing held on June 16, 2020 Presented for Adoption on June 30,2020 Purpose of the Presentation To present the CVUSD proposed budget based on the State of California Proposed

  1. Conejo Valley Unified School District 2020-21 Budget Public Hearing held on June 16, 2020 Presented for Adoption on June 30,2020

  2. Purpose of the Presentation To present the CVUSD proposed budget based on the • State of California Proposed Budget and estimated Prop 98 funding proposal. To provide an overview of the Districts’ multi-year • financial outlook and the assumptions used in those projections. Note: It is highly likely that this budget will change as • more information is known 2

  3. 2020-21 Pending Budget Proposal No COLA for LCFF or categorical programs, but no major programmatic reductions. • Up to $11.1 billion in K-12 payment deferrals. Total deferrals would be reduced if • the state receives additional federal funding. Total of $5.3 billion ($4.8 billion in federal funding and $540 million Proposition 98 • General Fund) for learning loss mitigation funding. $545 million increase in special education funding to increase SELPA base rates to • no less than $625 per student and $100 million to increase funding for students with low-incidence disabilities. State will use 2019-20 ADA for purpose of calculating 2020-21 funding. LEAs can • meet instructional minute and day requirements through distance learning if they comply with certain requirements. Prohibition of layoffs for teachers and classified employees that work in nutrition, • transportation, or custodial services. In lieu of an LCAP, LEAs must adopt Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans by • September 30, 2020. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is to develop a template for these plans by August 1, 2020. 3

  4. Assumptions for Proposed Budget 2020-21 Budget Assumptions LCFF Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) 0% One-time Funds SPED (ESSER) $3.76m One-time Funds LCFF (ESSER) $2.55m One-time Funds UPP (ESSER) $3.74m Estimated additional interest expense in response to deferrals $350k Enrollment Projection (not for funding) 18,050 17,634 P-2 Funded ADA estimate (hold harmless 20-21 funding level based on 19-20) 27% Unduplicated Pupil Percent 16.15% CalSTRS Employer Rate (includes proposed buy down) 20.7% CalPERS Employer Rate (includes proposed buy down) Pending Salary changes (Agreement to delay 2% for ‘21 & ‘22) 25 Anticipated Retirements K-3 - 21.5:1 Class size staffing ratios 4-12 - 30:1 4

  5. 2020-21 Proposed Budget Revenue Revenue Source Estimate LCFF Base + Grade Span Adjustments + Add-Ons $155,493,547 LCFF Supplemental $8,371,939 Federal (including stimulus) $16,104,081 State $6,622,639 Local $2,903,286 Incoming Transfers $10,348,152 TotalRevenue $199,843,644 5

  6. Budget Changes Reflected in Proposed Budget Item Allocation Rationale Delayed implementation of negotiated Negotiated 2% for 2021 and 2% for 2022 to be discussed when -$2.1m raises economic conditions improve Admin mileage stipends and reduced Monthly stipend for Principals and Assistant Principals reverts to -$100k district issued cell phones submission for actual miles traveled Master schedule efficiency N/A Maintain for flexibility in scheduling related to C19 M&O expenses moved to Def. Maint. -$500k Utilize Deferred Maintenance fund for maintenance related expenses General supply budgets -$443k Reduced 10% general and 2% school sites Reduce new equipment purchases -$100k Delay purchase of vehicles, equipment over $10k Raise property tax deductible -$177k Move from $10k to $50k – District assumes greater risk Reduce substitute costs N/A Maintain for flexibility in scheduling related to C19 Reduce Personnel Comm. budget -$6k Reduction in overall expenses Reduce travel and conference -$235k Leaves $104k Reduce memberships -$24k No ACSA membership Estimated based on potential deferrals and respective borrowing Interest expense (not including regular TRANs) +$350k costs Athletic transportation fees -$200k Increased collection of existing transportation costs Textbooks -$1m Explore alternative curriculum materials 6

  7. Budget Changes Reflected in Proposed Budget Item Allocation Rationale HR Tech -$70k Vacant – redistribute responsibilities Paraeducators -$265k Reduced from 34 to 15 (ongoing vacancies) Lead Behaviorist -$30k Instead of Lead, fill with Behaviorist General fund salary allocation moved to TUPE Reassign to Grant -$100k grant (vacancy) Groundskeeper -$70k Vacant – redistribute responsibilities PL TOSA -$45k Part-time position (retiree) Reassign to teaching position pending Outdoor Outdoor School Coordinator -$130k School feasibility Induction & EL TOSA -$231k Both vacant Remote and distance learning affects viability of NGSS Mentor Program -$151k program 7

  8. Budget Changes Reflected in Proposed Budget Programs Allocation Rationale Outdoor N/A Pending future feasibility. Refer discussion to Budget/LCAP Committee School Discussed at BOE work session 12/17/19 from Budget/LCAP Committee: “Fulcrum: Much Stand Proud -$150k conversation was had about the Fulcrum or “Stand Proud” program. There were members on both sides of the conversations. Most favored the activities and lessons of the program; however, the value of the return was questioned as well as the inclusion issues for students with disabilities. “Can we do something similar on campus or nearby, or something that doesn’t require transportation, and a program that can include all students?” were questions asked. The committee recommends exploring an alternative program…” Discussed at BOE work session 12/17/19 from Budget/LCAP Committee: “Conversation included age Focus on -$28k appropriateness of the materials and the effective value and time requirements of the program. The the Arts committee recommends eliminating the program as a requirement for schools and allow schools that want to run the program to cover it from their budgets or with PTA or other support(s).” Discussed at BOE work session 12/17/19 from Budget/LCAP Committee: We the People is a highly We the -$21k popular program. There was conversation on the need to have it at California Lutheran University due People to the expense, as well as the transportation expense. One memorable comment from our student representative was that he remembered the program and liked it; however, he did not highlight the significance of the setting. He commented that where it happens is not as important as partaking in the event. The committee recommends exploring more local options, possibly at each school site to reduce the transportation and other expense costs. “…some of those funds could be used for other expenses related to alternate locations of the programs.” Discussed at BOE work session 12/17/19 from Budget/LCAP Committee: Explore an alternative way Summer -300k to deliver the remedial program to our students. The committee is aware of other Districts (Simi School Valley for example) that contract with a charter school to offer Summer classes to students. The charter would offset its costs through collection of ADA funding. Based on information gathered, this type of arrangement would still likely employ CVUSD teachers to teach the classes. The committee estimates this would reduce the cost of delivering Summer school by approximately $300,000 without elimination of the program” 8

  9. Budget Changes Reflected in Proposed Budget Stimulus Funds Allocation Rationale (subject to change based on needs) Based on SPED $3.7m Additional days for staff for IEP and other related work, professional learning, summer or other programs related to Staffing $1.7m learning loss, IEP meetings, mental health services and supports, etc. Transportation, mental health services and supports, and other Contract Services $1.8m services related to learning loss and reopening of schools Supplies $200k PPE and other supplies Based on UPP $3.7m Additional days for staff, professional learning, intervention, Staffing $1.7m other programs related to learning loss Transportation, mental health services and supports, and other Contract Services $1.8m services related to learning loss and reopening of schools Supplies $200k PPE and other supplies Based on LCFF $2.5m Supplies $500k PPE, cleaning supplies, related costs for dealing with C-19 Technology $2m Chromebooks for students, laptops and docks for staff (6-12) Pending additional information and receipt of funds. Early Total $10m indicators note these funds must be spent by December 2020 9

  10. 2020-21 Proposed Budget Expenses Expense Category Unrestricted Restricted Combined Certificated Salaries $81,367,520 $15,495,475 $96,862,995 Classified Salaries $18,536,761 $8,474,788 $27,011,549 Benefits $38,113,617 $9,794,789 $47,908,406 Books/Supplies $6,878,616 $2,587,337 $9,465,953 Contracted Svcs/OperExp $15,364,352 $6,706,714 $22,071,066 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Other Outgo -$253,300 $2,511,174 $2,257,874 TotalExpenses $160,007,566 $45,570,277 $205,577,843 10

  11. Fiscal Year 2020-21 General Fund Expenses Revenue Local Incoming 2% Transfers Other 5% State 1% 3% Books & Supplies Operating 5% Expenses 18% Federal 11% 8% Certificated 61% Staff 6% 47% Benefits LCFF 23% 4% 82% 3% 1% 7% Classified Staff 13% 83% of expenses are related to staffing 11


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