concerned citizens of ulysses


CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS We, the undersigned, believe that the slickwater horizontal hydrofracking gas extraction technique threatens our water and air. We


  2. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS We, the undersigned, believe that the slickwater horizontal hydrofracking gas extraction technique threatens our water and air. We believe that allowing this practice in our community will significantly endanger our health and well being. Hydrofracking is a heavily industrialized process that in surrounding states has severely snarled traffic and damaged local agriculture, hunting, fishing, tourism, roads, and community economies. We urge the Town of Ulysses to ban slickwater horizontal hydrofracking.

  3. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Results of survey indicate: • Broad based support in the Town of Ulysses • Support not limited to any particular: - Region within the Town of Ulysses - Political Party - Age - Gender

  4. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Signers include: • Doctors • Lawyers • Dentists • Chiropractors • Small Business Owners • Cornell and Ithaca College Faculty and Staff • Ithaca & Trumansburg primary & secondary school teachers • Current and former employees of Oil and Gas Companies • Farmers who have leased their land • Farmers who have not leased their land • Retirees • Artists • Musicians

  5. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS The list of signers was entered into a database for analysis of the demographics (Michael Dineen). Only residents of the Town of Ulysses and those paying property taxes to the Town were included. 1047 signatures 3400 registered voters (2007 county voting records) 5017 residents (2009 census) • Not all roads in Ulysses were canvassed • Of those covered, only one pass was made in most cases • Only 25-35% of people were home • Majority have not yet been asked to sign • Of those asked, approximately 80% have signed

  6. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Of the approximately 20% that did not sign: • Most said they did not know enough about the issue to sign • Some had a policy of never signing a petition • A small fraction were explicitly in favor of drilling Of those people who had leases: • Many signed the petition • Some bought the property with a preexisting lease • Some signed before HVSWHF was the method of choice • Some felt the economic necessity and now regret it (one farmer with 900 acres received $65 per acre: enough to buy fertilizer for one season; regrets decision to lease) • Some signed for a low per-acre fee and now regret it

  7. HOUSEHOLDS SUPPORTING A BAN ON HYDROFRACKING IN ULYSSES 684 households signed of 1653 total households in Ulysses


  9. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Ulysses Signers vs. Total Registered Voters: Village Residents Trumansburg Trumansburg Village, 26% Village, 25% Town, not Town, not Village, 74% Village, 75% Total Registered Voters Ulysses Signers

  10. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Ulysses Signers vs. Total Registered Voters: Party A ffi liation Male, 46% Male, 42% Female, 54% Female, 58% Total Registered Voters Ulysses Signers

  11. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Ulysses Signers vs. Total Registered Voters: Age Total Registered Voters Ulysses Signers Age of signers ranged from 18 to 99

  12. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Ulysses Signers vs. Total Registered Voters: Gender Male, 46% Male, 42% Female, 54% Female, 58% Total Registered Voters Ulysses Signers

  13. CONCERNED CITIZENS OF ULYSSES SURVEY OF ULYSSES HOUSEHOLDS Results of survey indicate: • Broad based support in the Town of Ulysses • Support not limited to any particular: - Region within the Town of Ulysses - Political Party - Age - Gender

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