computing the unexpected

Computing the unexpected and Unpredicted and Deceptive and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computing the unexpected and Unpredicted and Deceptive and Interesting Reflections Fifty year prediction about home computers Computing the unexpected and Unpredicted and Deceptive and Interesting Reflections

  1. Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections

  2. Fifty year prediction about home computers Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Attributed to Popular Mechanics , 1954

  3. Fifty year prediction about home computers Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Attributed to Popular Mechanics , 1954 On display at the Smithsonian, Washington, 2000

  4. Fifty year prediction about home computers Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Attributed to Popular Mechanics , 1954 On display at the Smithsonian, Washington, 2000 A full-scale mock-up of a submarine control room

  5. Unexpected and surprisingly Deceptive Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Macknik et al , 2011 Foster & Keane, 2015 Kuhn, 2019

  6. Unexpected and surprisingly Deceptive Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Ortony & Partridge, 1987 Tognazzini, 2010 Figure from: Smith, Dignum & Sonenberg, 2016

  7. Unexpected and Interesting Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Data mining for useful rules of the form A → B Many possible measures of interestingness Figure from Kirchgessner, 2016 See also Kuo, Lonie, Pearce & Sonenberg, 2014

  8. Unexpected and Interesting Computing the unexpected — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting Reflections Generating interesting behaviours of synthetic characters Images from Lim & Reeves, 2010 Macedo et al , 2019

  9. Computing the unexpected Reflections — and Unpredicted — and Deceptive — and Interesting On Computing the Unexpected Reflections

  10. References Adriaens et al (2019) Discovering Interesting Cycles in Directed Graphs. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management , pp 1191-1200 Computing the Foster & Keane (2015) Why some surprises are more surprising than others: Surprise as a unexpected metacognitive sense of explanatory difficulty. Cognitive Psychology , 81, pp 74-116 — and Unpredicted Kirchgessner et al (2016) Testing Interestingness Measures in Practice: A Large-Scale Analysis — and Deceptive of Buying Patterns. IEEE Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics , pp 547-556 — and Interesting Kuhn (2019) Experiencing the Impossible . MIT Press, 292 pp Reflections Kuo, Lonie, Pearce & Sonenberg (2014) Mining Surprising Patterns and their Explanations in Clinical Data. Applied Artificial Intelligence 28, pp 111-138 Lim & Reeves (2010) Computer agents versus avatars. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 68, pp 57-68 Macedo et al (2019) A Contrast-Based Computational Model of Surprise and Its Applications. Topics in Cognitive Science 11, pp 88-102 Macknik, Martinez-Conde & Blakeslee (2011) Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals about Our Everyday Deceptions , 291 pp Ortony & Partridge (1987) Surprisingness and Expectation Failure: What’s the Difference? IJCAI , pp 106-108 Reisenzein et al (2017) The cognitive-evolutionary model of surprise: A review of the evidence. Topics in Cognitive Science 11, pp 50-74 Smith, Dignum & Sonenberg (2016) The Construction of Impossibility: A Logic-Based Analysis of Conjuring Tricks. Frontiers in Psychology doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00748 Tognazzini (1993) Principles, Techniques, and Ethics of Stage Magic and Their Application to Human Interface Design. INTERCHI 93 pp 355-362


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