computation of point sets on the sphere with good

Computation of point sets on the sphere with good separation, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computation of point sets on the sphere with good separation, covering or polarization Rob Womersley, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales Good sets of 400 points for packing, covering S 2

  1. Computation of point sets on the sphere with good separation, covering or polarization Rob Womersley, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales Good sets of 400 points for packing, covering S 2 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 1 / 24

  2. Outline Polarization Spheres and point sets 1 Parametrizations Spheres and point sets Best packing 2 Separation/Packing Best covering Covering/Mesh norm 3 Riesz s -energy Best polarization 4 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 2 / 24

  3. Spheres and point sets Spheres and point sets Unit sphere Unit sphere S d = � x ∈ R d +1 : | x | = 1 � Sets of distinct points X N = { x 1 , . . . , x N } ⊂ S d d +1 | x | 2 = x · x � x · y = x i y i , i =1 Distance: : x , y ∈ S d | x − y | 2 = 2(1 − x · y ) Euclidean distance Geodesic distance: dist ( x , y ) = arccos( x · y ) | x − y | = 2 sin( dist ( x , y ) / 2) Spherical cap centre z ∈ S d , radius α x ∈ S d : dist ( x , z ) ≤ α � � C ( z ; α ) = (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 3 / 24

  4. Spheres and point sets Separation/Packing Packing/Separation Separation: δ ( X N ) := min i � = j dist ( x i , x j ) Packing radius = δ ( X N ) / 2 X N ⊂ S d δ ( X N ) ∼ c sep d N − 1 /d Best packing: δ N := max (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 4 / 24

  5. Spheres and point sets Covering/Mesh norm Mesh norm/Covering radius/Fill radius Covering radius: h ( X N ) := max j =1 ,...,N dist ( x , x j ) min x ∈ S d ρ ( X N ) := 2 h ( X N ) Mesh ratio: δ ( X N ) ≥ 1 X N ⊂ S d h ( X N ) ∼ c cov d N − 1 /d Best covering: h N := min (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 5 / 24

  6. Spheres and point sets Riesz s -energy Riesz energy and sums of distances  N N 1  � � if s � = 0;   | x i − x j | s    i =1 j =1   j � = i E ( s ; X N ) = N N 1  � � log | x i − x j | , if s = 0 .      i =1  j =1  j � = i  X N ⊂ S d E ( s ; X N ) min s > 0;  E s,N = X N ⊂ S d E ( s ; X N ) max s ≤ 0 .  Asymptotics ( N → ∞ ) for s = 0 (Log), 0 < s < d , s = d , s > d s > d uniformly distributed As s → ∞ get best packing (separation) Borodachov, Hardin & Saff monograph (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 6 / 24

  7. Spheres and point sets Polarization Polarization Function N 1 � U s ( x , X N ) := sign ( s ) | x − x j | s . j =1 Polarization U ∗ s ( X N ) = min x ∈ S d U s ( x , X N ) Optimal set of N points X ∗ N satisfy X N ⊂ S d U ∗ M s,N := max s ( X N ) = max X N ⊂ S d min x ∈ S d U s ( x , X N ) . M s,N ≥ E s,N N − 1 As s → ∞ get best covering Erd´ elyi and Saff (2013), ..., Borodachov, Hardin & Saff monograph (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 7 / 24

  8. Spheres and point sets Polarization Polarization N = 12, d = 2, s = 3 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 8 / 24

  9. Spheres and point sets Parametrizations Parametrizations Criteria invariant under rotation of point set permutation of points Criteria depend only on distance/angle/inner product between points, or distance/angle/inner product with another point on S d Aim: always feasible X N ⊂ S d Spherical parametrization For S 2 : polar angle θ ∈ [0 , π ] , azimuthal angle φ ∈ [0 , 2 π ) Derivative discontinuities at poles Rotation to fix first point at north pole ( θ = 0 ) second point on prime meridian ( φ = 0 ) Issues if using gradient differences to estimate second order information Minimax = ⇒ derivative discontinuities/generalized gradients eg. | x | = max( x, − x ) = min v s.t. v ≥ x, v ≥ − x (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 9 / 24

  10. Spheres and point sets Parametrizations Inner products Matrix of distinct points X = [ x 1 · · · x N ] ∈ R d +1 × N |A ( X N ) | ≤ N ( N − 1) Set A ( X N ) = { z = x i · x j ∈ [ − 1 , 1) , j > i } , 2 Best packing: X N ⊂ S d max min i � = j x i · x j Matrix of inner products Z = X T X ∈ R N × N Z is symmetric, positive semi-definite X � 0 = ⇒ SDP diag ( Z ) = e where e = (1 , . . . , 1) T ∈ R d +1 rank ( Z ) = d + 1 = ⇒ fixed (low) rank correlation matrix PK points, N = 400, maximum inner product = 0.98296 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 4 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 10 / 24

  11. Best packing Best packing Best packing X N ⊂ S d max min x i · x j i � = j Finite minimax problem: convert to Minimize v X N ⊂ S d Subject to v ≥ x i · x j , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N Number of variables n = Nd − d ( d +1) 2 Vertex solution/strongly unique local minimum n + 1 active constraints/inner products achieving max Positive Lagrange multipliers for active constraints/0 in interior of generalized gradient Fewer active constraints = ⇒ curvature critical More active constraints = ⇒ degeneracy (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 11 / 24

  12. Best packing Largest inner products PK points on S 2 , N = 400 , Number of variables n = 797 Number active inner products: x i · x j > v − ǫ ǫ = 10 − 15 = ⇒ 792 , ǫ = 10 − 6 = ⇒ 798 , ǫ = 10 − 5 = ⇒ 801 400 PK points, v - x i x j 10 0 10 -5 10 -10 10 -15 10 -20 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 12 / 24

  13. Best packing Nearest neighbour distances PK points on S 2 , N = 400 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 13 / 24

  14. Best packing Good separation for N = 4 , ..., 1050 PK points: Good packing ME points: Low Riesz s = 1 (Coulomb) energy (Kuijlaars, Saff, Sun, 2007) CV points: Good covering Euclidean separation distance on S 2 Euclidean limit 3.8093 N -1/2 10 0 PK points 3.58 N -1/2 ME points 3.42 N -1/2 CV points 3.07 N -1/2 10 -1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Number of points N (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 14 / 24

  15. Best covering Best covering Best covering X N ⊂ S d min max j =1 ,...,N x · x j max x ∈ S d Continuous maximin problem: convert to finite problem Facets F ( X N ) of convex hull of X N Facet F ∈ F ( X N ) = ⇒ set of d + 1 elements of { 1 , . . . , N } 2 N − 4 Delaunay triangles for X N ⊂ S 2 Circumcentres c ( F ) of facet F ∈ F ( X N ) c ( F ) equidistant from d + 1 vertices determining facet F e = (1 , . . . , 1) T ∈ R d +1 B = [ x T Solve B u = e , i , i ∈ F ] , = ⇒ z ( F ) = 1 / � u � 2 , c ( F ) = z ( F ) u Best covering: Finite maximin problem max F ∈F ( X N ) z ( F ) min X N ⊂ S d where z ( F ) = c ( F ) · x j for each j ∈ F small changes in X N can change set of facets F ( X N ) (eg. square) (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 15 / 24

  16. Best covering Circumcentres CV points on S 2 , N = 400 2 N − 4 = 796 facets F (Delaunay triangles) 604 facets within 10 − 6 of minimum inner product CV points, N = 400, 796 facet inner products 0.9952 0.995 0.9948 0.9946 0.9944 0.9942 0.994 0.9938 0.9936 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 16 / 24

  17. Best covering Good Covering for N = 4 , ..., 1050 PK points: Good packing ME points: Low Riesz s = 1 (Coulomb) energy (Damelin, Maymeskul, 2005) CV points: Good covering Euclidean covering radius on S 2 PK points 2.79 N -1/2 10 0 ME points 2.42 N -1/2 CV points 2.26 N -1/2 Euclidean bound 2.0 N -0.5 10 -1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Number of points N (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 17 / 24

  18. Best covering Consistency checks Separation/Packing If you remove one of the points achieving the minimum separation, the separation cannot get worse δ N − 1 ≥ δ N Covering/Mesh norm If you add a point at the circumcentre of one of the facets achieving the maximum distance (deep hole) then covering radius cannot get worse h N +1 ≤ h N Only (good) local optima; no guarantee of global optimality Try a variety of starting point sets Try starting from a point set obtained by deleting/adding a point Try starting from local perturbations of a point set Points sets with special structure (symmetry) hard to find ... (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 18 / 24

  19. Best polarization Best polarization Optimal polarization, parameter s > 0 N 1 � X N ⊂ S d min max | x − x j | s x ∈ S d j =1 Continuous maximin problem: convert to finite problem Find all local minimizers x achieving (close to) global minimum s ( X N ) of U s ( x , X N ) := � N U ∗ 1 j =1 | x − x j | s Assumption: Local minimizers achieving global minimum satisfy second order sufficient conditions, so are isolated Finite set M s ( X N ) = { x ∗ ∈ S d : U s ( x ∗ , X N ) = U ∗ s ( X N ) } Finite maximin problem Maximize v X N ⊂ S d for x ∗ ∈ M s ( X N ) v ≤ U s ( x ∗ , X N ) Subject to (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 19 / 24

  20. Best polarization PE points, local minima PE points: Good polarization, N = 400 (ICERM sp-18) Separation, Covering, Polarization April 2018 20 / 24


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