comprehensive immigration reform

Comprehensive Immigration Reform The Senates Comprehensive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comprehensive Immigration Reform The Senates Comprehensive Immigration Reform Proposal (S. 744): Outlook for Counties and the Outlook for Counties WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties

  1. Comprehensive Immigration Reform The Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Proposal (S. 744): Outlook for Counties and the Outlook for Counties WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013

  2. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Presentation Overview About NACo Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Immigration Reform in Context Outlook for Legislation in the House and Senate Key Provisions of the Senate Bill (S. 744) WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 1

  3. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties About NACo The National Association of Counties (NACo) assists America's counties in pursuing excellence in public service by advancing sound public policies, promoting county solutions and innovations, fostering intergovernmental and public-private collaboration, and providing value-added services to save counties and taxpayers money Founded in 1935, NACo provides the elected and appointed leaders from the nation's 3,069 counties with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to provide fiscally-responsible, quality-driven, and results-oriented policies and services for healthy, vibrant, safe and resilient counties WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 2

  4. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Why Counties Matter WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 3

  5. NACo recently produced Why Counties Matter to show how COUNTY GOVERNMENTS PLAY A KEY ROLE IN AMERICA’S SYSTEM OF FEDERALISM AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COLLABORATION Download the video from the NACo website and show it to community groups, in schools and to business leaders. Use the video to talk about the national role of counties, plus discuss the specific roles and services of your county. Take this opportunity and spread the word and show Why Counties Matter!  WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 4

  6. Why Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Matters to Counties Counties are often the health care providers of last resort for the uninsured and underinsured  There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S., roughly seven million of whom have no health insurance Counties provide for the public safety of all individuals, including undocumented immigrants  Border counties are often involved in the apprehension and detention of undocumented immigrants Counties provide free elementary and secondary education without regard to immigration status  Immigration reform would increase demand for adult education, at a time when states have reduced funding for such programs WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 5

  7. NACo Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Task Force Co-Chairs J. Walter Tejada Mary Rose Wilcox Supervisor, Chair Supervisor Arlington County (VA) Maricopa County (AZ) Vice Chair Angel G. Estrada Freeholder Union County (NJ) Members Elizabeth Archuleta Lindora Baker Kimbrough L. Ballard Richard Bengtsson Supervisor, Chair Commissioner Chairman and Probate Judge Director, Human Services Coconino County (AZ) Caddo Parish (LA) Dallas County (AL) El Paso County (CO) Salud Carbajal Efren Carrillo Toni Carter Kenneth A. Dahlstedt Supervisor, Chair Supervisor Commissioner Commissioner, Chair Santa Barbara County (CA) Sonoma County (CA) Ramsey County (MN) Skagit County (WA) Audrey Edmonson Elba Garcia Terry Edward Garrison Gregg Goslin Commissioner, Vice Chair Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Miami-Dade County (FL) Dallas County (TX) Vance County (NC) Cook County (IL) Paul Gutierrez G. Riki Hokama Chester E. Pintarelli Paula Prentice Executive Director Council Member Administrator, Medical Care Council Member New Mexico Association of Counties Maui County (HI) Iron County (MI) Summit County (OH) Dave Roberts Manuel Ruiz William J. Ryan L. Arnoldo Saenz Supervisor Supervisor County Legislator County Judge San Diego County (CA) Santa Cruz County (AZ) Westchester County (NY) Jim Wells County (TX) Sue Tuffin Director, Workforce Center Mesa County (CO) WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 6

  8. Why Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Matters to Counties Healthcare Education Public Safety Counties must provide Counties must provide Counties provide for the emergency health care to all, elementary and secondary public safety of all including undocumented education to all, including individuals, including immigrants undocumented immigrants undocumented immigrants Some counties provide health Counties spend more than 2,865 of the nation’s 3,069 care to immigrants who are $60 billion per year on the counties own jails or not yet eligible for federal provision of education to participate in the operation of means-tested benefits residents regional jails Counties operate 964 Counties will be affected by Counties rely on the State hospitals nationwide, and increased demand for Criminal Alien Assistance spend roughly $68 billion English language classes as Program for reimbursements annually on health care undocumented immigrants related to the incarceration of services for the public integrate into society undocumented immigrants WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 7

  9. Why Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Matters to Counties Immigrants are Eligible for Some Means-Tested Programs under Current Law Lawful Permanent Lawful Permanent Lawful Permanent Refugees, Lawfully Present Unauthorized Individuals Residents (aged 18+)* Residents Residents Asylees, Individuals*** (including children and (under 18)* (pregnant Victims of pregnant women) women)* Trafficking, Others** Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Not Eligible Affordable Care Act (also not eligible for full- subsidies, premium priced health insurance under tax credits and cost- the exchanges) sharing reductions Supplemental Not eligible until after 5 year Eligible Not eligible until Eligible Not eligible Not eligible Nutrition Assistance waiting period or credit for 40 after 5 year waiting quarters of work period or credit 40 Program (SNAP) quarters of work Medicaid Not eligible State option State option Eligible State option Eligible only for emergency until after 5 year waiting to provide without 5 to provide without 5 for children under 21 Medicaid period year waiting period ^ year waiting period and pregnant women Not eligible State option State option Eligible State option Children’s Health Not eligible until after 5 year waiting to provide without 5 to provide without 5 for children under 21 Insurance Program period year waiting period year waiting period and pregnant women (CHIP) Temporary Not eligible Not eligible Not eligible Eligible Not eligible Not eligible Assistance for Needy until after 5 year waiting until after 5 year waiting until after 5 year Families (TANF) period period waiting period Social Security’s Not eligible until after 5 year Not eligible until after 5 Not eligible until Only eligible Not eligible Not eligible Supplemental waiting period and have credit year waiting period and after 5 year waiting during first 7 Security Income for 40 quarters of work or have credit for 40 period and have years after Program (SSI) meet another exception ^^ quarters of work or credit for 40 status is meet another exception quarters of work granted Chart Notes * If the individual entered the ** Includes individuals *** Includes groups ^ Eligible regardless ^^ A quarter of work is U.S. on or after 8/22/1996 granted withholding of granted Temporary of state option if equivalent to three months deportation or removal Protected Status receiving federal foster care of employment Source: National Immigration Law Center WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 8

  10. Why Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Matters to Counties Some States Extend Medicaid/CHIP to New Immigrant Children & Pregnant Women Source: Urban Institute WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 9

  11. Why Immigration Reform Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Matters to Counties Share of Undocumented Adults Age 19 and Older Without Health Insurance, by State of Residence, 2011 Note: states that are not shaded had samples that were too small to support reliable insurance coverage estimates. Source: Migration Policy Institute, May 2013 WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 10

  12. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Immigration Reform in Context WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 11

  13. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Immigration Reform in Context The Foreign Born Population in the United States Continues to Increase Source: Congressional Budget Office WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 12

  14. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Immigration Reform in Context Share of States’ Population that is Foreign-Born, 2012 20% and Higher 14% to 20% 9% to 14% Less than 9% Source: Congressional Budget Office WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 13

  15. Why Immigration Reform Matters to Counties Immigration Reform in Context States with the Highest Concentration of Foreign-Born Populations Number of Immigrants and Percentage of State Population New York 4.3 Million California New Jersey 22.2% 10.2 Million 1.9 Million 27.1% 21.3% Florida 3.7 Million 19.4% Texas 4.2 Million 16.5% Source: Pew Hispanic Center WWW.NACO.ORG | JUNE 2013 14


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