compiling distributed system models into implementations

Compiling Distributed System Models into Implementations with PGo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Compiling Distributed System Models into Implementations with PGo Finn Hackett, Ivan Beschastnikh Renato Costa, Matthew Do PGo Go Modular PlusCal GoLang Execution PGo PGo TLC PCal Model PlusCal TLA+ Checking Translator 1 Motivation

  1. Compiling Distributed System Models into Implementations with PGo Finn Hackett, Ivan Beschastnikh Renato Costa, Matthew Do PGo Go Modular PlusCal GoLang Execution PGo PGo TLC PCal Model PlusCal TLA+ Checking Translator 1

  2. Motivation ➔ Distributed systems are widely deployed ➔ Despite this fact, writing correct distributed systems is hard Asynchronous network ◆ Crashes ◆ Network delays, partial failures... ◆ ➔ Systems deployed in production often have bugs 2

  3. Motivation ➔ Distributed systems are widely deployed ➔ Despite this fact, writing correct distributed systems is hard Asynchronous network ◆ Crashes ◆ Network delays, partial failures... ◆ ➔ Systems deployed in production often have bugs 3

  4. Bugs in Distributed Systems Degraded Performance Service Outage Data loss [1] Mark Cavage. 2013. There's Just No Getting around It: You're Building a Distributed System. Queue 11, 4, Pages 30 (April 2013) [2] Fletcher Babb. Amazon’s AWS DynamoDB Experiences Outage, Affecting Netflix, Reddit, Medium, and More. en-US. Sept. 2015 4 [3] Shannon Vavra. Amazon outage cost S&P 500 companies $150M., Mar 3, 2017

  5. Protocol Descriptions Are Not Enough ➔ Distributed protocols typically have edge cases Many of which may lack a precise definition of expected behavior ◆ ➔ Difficult to correspond final implementation with high-level protocol description, making protocol changes harder ➔ Production implementations resort to ad-hoc error handling [PODC’07, OSDI’14, SoCC’16, SOSP’19] 5

  6. One key problem for distributed systems 6

  7. Related Work ➔ Using proof assistants to prove system properties Verdi [PLDI’15], IronFleet [SOSP’15] ◆ Require a lot of developer effort and expertise ◆ ➔ Model checking implementations FlyMC [EuroSys’19], CMC [OSDI’02], MaceMC [NSDI’07], MODIST ◆ [NSDI’09] State-space explosion : many states irrelevant to high-level properties ◆ ➔ Systematic testing , tracing , and debugging P# [FAST’16], D 3 S [NSDI’08], Friday [NSDI’07], Dapper [TR’10] ◆ Incomplete ; requires runtime detection or extensive test harness ◆ 7

  8. Model Checking ➔ Verifies a model with respect to a correctness specification ➔ Specification can define safety and liveness requirements ➔ Produces a counterexample when a property is violated ✔ Model Model Checker Specification + trace 8

  9. Model Checking a Bank Transfer Initial state : both accounts have positive balance Transfer Amount between accounts Property : transfer should preserve positive balances 9

  10. Visualizing an Error Trace Error : our model does not check if Alice has sufficient funds! 10

  11. Overview of PGo and Modular PlusCal 11

  12. PGo compiler toolchain ➔ PGo is a compiler from models in PlusCal/Modular PlusCal to implementations in Go ➔ Capable of generating concurrent and distributed systems from PlusCal specifications PGo Go Modular PlusCal GoLang Execution PGo PGo PCal TLC PlusCal TLA+ Model Checking Translator 12

  13. PGo workflow 13

  14. PGo trade-offs ➔ Advantages Compatible with existing PlusCal/TLA+/TLC eco-system ◆ Mechanize the implementation = less dev work ◆ Maintain one definitive version of the system ◆ ➔ Limitations No free lunch: concrete details have to be provided somehow ◆ ● Environment is abstract: developer must edit generated source Bugs can be introduced in this process ● Software evolution : unclear how to reapply the changes to model? ◆ 14

  15. In today’s talk ➔ Focus on explaining ModularPlusCal (MPCal) ➔ Examples and demo ➔ Omit PGo compiler details: 15

  16. How would you naively implement PlusCal code? PlusCal variables network = <<>>; ... This algorithm is not readMessage: \* blocking read from the network abstract enough await Len(network[self]) > 0; msg := Head(network[self]); network := [network EXCEPT ![self] = Tail(network[self])]; Almost all this code readMessage: // blocking read from the network is for the model env.Lock(“network”) checker network := env.Get(“network”) if !(Len(network.Get(self)) > 0) { We model a Not a env.Unlock(“network”) network read, but blocking goto readMessage this implementation network } does not do that read msg = Head(network.Get(self)) env.Set(“network”, network.Update(self, Tail(network.Get(self)))) Go env.Unlock(“network”) 16

  17. Use macros? variables network = <<>>; Semantics still rely ... on global variables readMessage: NetworkRead(msg, self); PlusCal The macro body could Network semantics be replaced by a All processes will share the become a one-liner real-world same view of and access to implementation the environment readMessage: msg := ReadNetwork(self) Assumes one Go canonical network 17

  18. Invent a new kind of macro: archetype Processes are archetype AServer( ref network, ...) parameterised by an ... abstraction over the readMessage: environment msg := network[self]; MPCal Complex network Any number of model checker and semantics can become a implementation behaviors can be defined variable read or write elsewhere, since the environment is abstract readMessage: msg := network.Read(self) 18

  19. Modular PlusCal: System vs Environment ➔ Goal : isolate system definition from abstractions of its execution environment ➔ Semantics of new primitives: Archetypes can only interact with arguments passed to them ◆ Archetype arguments encapsulate their environment and are called ◆ resources Each resource can be mapped to an abstraction for model checking when ◆ archetypes are instantiated 19

  20. The Modular PlusCal Language Archetypes : define API to be used to interact with the concrete system ◆ Mapping Macros : allow definition of abstractions ◆ Instances : Configures abstract environment for model checking ◆ MPCal variables network = <<>>; mapping macro TCPChannel{ read { await Len($variable) > 0; process (Server = 0) == with (msg = Head($variable)) { instance AServer( ref network, ...) $variable := Tail($variable); MPCal mapping network[_] via TCPChannel yield msg; }; } archetype AServer( ref network, ...) write { await Len($variable) < BUFFER_SIZE; ... yield Append($variable, $value); readMessage: } msg := network[self]; 20 MPCal MPCal }

  21. Web server example filesystem AServer [ to: client_id client_id -> \* return address path -> \* resource requested "data..." ] network 21

  22. Abstract Server with Buffered Network (PlusCal) variables network = <<>>; Abstract environment : network as sequences process (Server = 0) variable msg; { readMessage: await Len(network[self]) > 0; Abstractly represents msg := Head(network[self]); reading a message from network := [network EXCEPT ![self] = Tail(network[self])]; the network sendPage: await Len(network[msg.client_id]) < BUFFER_SIZE; network := [network EXCEPT ![msg.client_id] = Append(network[msg.client_id], WEB_PAGE)]; goto readMessage; Model checking PlusCal } Model website data as a concern: only send constant called messages if the buffer WEB_PAGE has space 22

  23. Abstract Server with Buffered Network (MPCal) archetype AServer( ref network, file_system) Archetype has access to: a network , a variable msg; filesystem { readMessage: Interacting with the msg := network[self]; network becomes straightforward sendPage: network[msg.client_id] := file_system[msg.path]; goto readMessage; } Reading from the filesystem becomes clear, unlike just passing around a WEB_PAGE placeholder MPCal 23

  24. Environment Abstractions: Buffered Network mapping macro TCPChannel{ read { What happens await Len($variable) > 0; when a variable is with (msg = Head($variable)) { read, transform the Abstract blocking $variable := Tail($variable); underlying value network read $variable and yield msg; semantics yield the result. }; } What happens write { Abstract buffered when a variable is await Len($variable) < BUFFER_SIZE; network write written, apply the yield Append($variable, $value); semantics new $value to } the underlying MPCal $variable and } yield the new 24 underlying value.

  25. Environment Abstractions: Filesystem Read mapping macro WebPages { read { Reading modeled yield WEB_PAGE; lossily by returning a } constant write { assert( FALSE ); Writing not modeled , yield $value; so represented by failure } MPCal } 25

  26. Putting it All Together: Instances Same model checking abstractions variables network = <<>>; process (Server = 0) == instance AServer( ref network, filesystem) mapping network[_] via TCPChannel mapping filesystem[_] via WebPages; MPCal Server is an instance Function-mapping of AServer, with all the syntax mapping macros and parameters expanded Mappings without the [_] also exist: mapping pipe via ... ; 26

  27. Reviewing Source Languages PlusCal Modular PlusCal Abstract environment; require Abstractions are isolated : not manual edits in the generated included in archetypes. Behavior implementation that can can be preserved if abstractions introduce bugs have implementations with matching semantics Protocol updates are difficult ; Protocol updates can be applied developer needs to reapply any time ; generated code is manual changes isolated from execution environment 27


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