comparing parallel and sequential selfish routing in the

Comparing parallel and sequential Selfish Routing in the Atomic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outline Comparing parallel and sequential Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting Pattarawit Polpinit Department of Computer Science University of Warwick 22nd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science Pattarawit Polpinit

  1. Outline Comparing parallel and sequential Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting Pattarawit Polpinit Department of Computer Science University of Warwick 22nd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  2. Outline Outline Introduction 1 The Price of Anarchy Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes The model 2 Parallel setting Sequential setting Some results Conclusions and Future works Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  3. Outline Outline Introduction 1 The Price of Anarchy Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes The model 2 Parallel setting Sequential setting Some results Conclusions and Future works Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  4. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Introduction Fundamental problem : Efficient routing in large traffic and communication networks. Problems: Many independent agents. Load dependant latency. Solution: Selfish routing Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  5. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Selfish routing Each user chooses a strategy to minimize his own cost, given the other players’ strategies. Expect the routes chosen by users to form a Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium : a strategies profile such that no user has incentive to change unilaterally his own strategy. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  6. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the selfish routing? Equilibria of noncooperative game are typically inefficient. Prisoner’s dilemma Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  7. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the selfish routing? Equilibria of noncooperative game are typically inefficient. Prisoner’s dilemma Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  8. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the selfish routing? Equilibria of noncooperative game are typically inefficient. Prisoner’s dilemma Prisoner 2 Deny Confess Deny -1, -1 -9, 0 Prisoner 1 0, -9 -6, -6 Confess Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  9. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the selfish routing? Equilibria of noncooperative game are typically inefficient. Prisoner’s dilemma Prisoner 2 Deny Confess Deny -1, -1 -9, 0 Prisoner 1 0, -9 -6, -6 Confess Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  10. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the selfish routing? Equilibria of noncooperative game are typically inefficient. Prisoner’s dilemma Prisoner 2 Deny Confess Deny -1, -1 -9, 0 Prisoner 1 0, -9 -6, -6 Confess Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  11. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Example : Route a one unit flow from s to t ℓ ( x ) = 1 s t ℓ ( x ) = x Question : what will selfish network users do? assume that every user wants to have a smallest-possible delay. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  12. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Example : Route a one unit flow from s to t ℓ ( x ) = 1 s t ℓ ( x ) = x Question : what will selfish network users do? assume that every user wants to have a smallest-possible delay. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  13. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Solution : all flows will take the bottom link. ℓ ( x ) = 1 Flow = ǫ s t Flow = 1- ǫ ℓ ( x ) = x Because : If ǫ > 0, the delay experienced by the flow on the bottom link is < 1. If ǫ = 0, no one has incentive to move. All flows experience a delay of 1. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  14. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Solution : all flows will take the bottom link. ℓ ( x ) = 1 Flow = ǫ s t Flow = 1- ǫ ℓ ( x ) = x Because : If ǫ > 0, the delay experienced by the flow on the bottom link is < 1. If ǫ = 0, no one has incentive to move. All flows experience a delay of 1. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  15. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Is that the optimal solution? Solution : the flow is splitted equally. Delay : The top half has 1 unit of delay. The bottom half has 0.5 unit of delay ⇐ = improvement. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  16. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Is that the optimal solution? Solution : the flow is splitted equally. Delay : The top half has 1 unit of delay. The bottom half has 0.5 unit of delay ⇐ = improvement. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  17. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes How efficient is the Selfish Routing? (Cont.) Is that the optimal solution? Solution : the flow is splitted equally. ℓ ( x ) = 1 Flow = 0.5 s t Flow = 0.5 ℓ ( x ) = x Delay : The top half has 1 unit of delay. The bottom half has 0.5 unit of delay ⇐ = improvement. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  18. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes The Price of Anarchy Price of anarchy [Papadimitriou 2001] – “competitive analysis for noncooperative games” Definition : POA = Worst case Nash equilibrium Optimal solution Price of anarchy measures the “price” of not having central coordination in system. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  19. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes General latency function Latency functions are assumed only to be continuous and nondecreasing. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  20. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes General latency function Latency functions are assumed only to be continuous and nondecreasing. POA is unbounded. ℓ ( x ) = x d (d large) s t ℓ ( x ) = 1 Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  21. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes General latency function Latency functions are assumed only to be continuous and nondecreasing. POA is unbounded. ℓ ( x ) = x d (d large) 1 1 − ǫ s t 0 ǫ ℓ ( x ) = 1 Social cost : Nash: 1 · 1 d + 0 · 1 = 1 Optimal: ǫ · 1 + ( 1 − ǫ ) · ǫ d → 0 when ǫ close to 0 Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  22. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes General latency function(cont.) Different approach : Bicriteria Results[Roughgarden/Tardos 2000] : for every network, the cost of Nash flow of traffic rate r ≤ the cost of minimum flow of traffic rate 2 r . Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  23. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Linear latency function Theorem [Roughgarden/Tardos 2000] : If latency function is of the form : ℓ e ( x ) = a e x + b e where a e and b e ≥ 0, the cost of a Nash flow is at most 4/3 times that of the minimum-latency flow. Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  24. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Intuitively, less players = ⇒ smaller social cost does not hold in general Numerical example[Catoni/Pallottino 1991] : Route a flow of 630 from s 1 to t 1 and another 630 from s 2 to t 2 . Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  25. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Intuitively, less players = ⇒ smaller social cost does not hold in general Numerical example[Catoni/Pallottino 1991] : Route a flow of 630 from s 1 to t 1 and another 630 from s 2 to t 2 . Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

  26. Introduction The Price of Anarchy The model Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Traffic Equilibrium Paradoxes Intuitively, less players = ⇒ smaller social cost does not hold in general Numerical example[Catoni/Pallottino 1991] : Route a flow of 630 from s 1 to t 1 and another 630 from s 2 to t 2 . 1 s 1 t 1 ℓ 1 = f 1 + 30 ; 2 3 ℓ 4 = f 4 + 60 ; 4 A B ℓ 7 = f 7 6 5 ℓ 2 = ℓ 3 = ℓ 5 = ℓ 6 = 0 s 2 7 t 2 Pattarawit Polpinit Selfish Routing in the Atomic Players setting

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